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DV 2022 All Selectees (Consular Processing - CP)

Thank you for answering me, If I request to open the DS now it would probably be open for updates by late Oct, this will further delay its processing, right? Can I still expect to be Interviewed on time? My case number is 2022AS22###.. This got me worried now that I'd mess it all up :(
1. AS22*** will most certainly not become current in 2021 or anytime soon, so I don't see what the concern it.
2. Is it not better to be delayed than be denied for failure to disclose pertinent information? You can decide on what to do. If you're already reluctant to open the DS260 form, why ask about what to do in the first place?
Yes there is no 2 years rule for me. I am currently an active student. I have been here since 2019. Does my unauthorized work make me overstayed? because i have been in US since 2019. I'm just asking to understand and be sure.
An overstay is when you are unlawfully present beyond the expiration date of your i94.
Please pay attention to the question being asked, I honestly don't have the time or patience to spend an inordinate amount of time on a question. I asked for the expiration date. How long is it valid for? Not when the form is valid from.
I understand. I checked it now, it is saying valid may 2020 to duration of status
1. AS22*** will most certainly not become current in 2021 or anytime soon, so I don't see what the concern it.
2. Is it not better to be delayed than be denied for failure to disclose pertinent information? You can decide on what to do. If you're already reluctant to open the DS260 form, why ask about what to do in the first place?
Got your point, thank you for your time on reading and replying me, It is because I am hesitant to open the form coz it would delay the whole thing that I needed your advice. I will request to re open it now. Thank you once again.
1. AS22*** will most certainly not become current in 2021 or anytime soon, so I don't see what the concern it.
2. Is it not better to be delayed than be denied for failure to disclose pertinent information? You can decide on what to do. If you're already reluctant to open the DS260 form, why ask about what to do in the first place?
Do you think it’s possible to update/add this information at the interview date? I’m asking because I have the same issue with socials, everything else is fine in my ds260, but regarding to the previous years my CN will be current in November, and I see that opening and submiting the ds again takes 2 months, so will this unlock will affect my chances for interview in November? I mean if they need to confirm it again.
Best regards
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Do you think it’s possible to update/add this information at the interview date? I’m asking because I have the same issue with socials, everything else is fine in my ds260, but regarding to the previous years my CN will be current in November, and I see that opening and submiting the ds again takes 2 months, so will this unlock will affect my chances for interview in November? I mean if they need to confirm it again.
Best regards
If you don’t mind the possibility of being put in AP while they check out that information as part of your background check (which could have been done if the information was provided earlier on), yes you can certainly wait and update the form when you go for your interview.
I indicated on my DS 260 primary occupation not employed.
Should i need to find sponsor ?or show my bank statement is enough?
Thanks again
Hello Sm1smom, I put in social media, my facebook and linkedin accounts, but not twitter nor instagram, because I really don´t use Instagram and I began to get in twitter more offen since May 2021, to read Simon and Lottery messages. My husband did the same. I have a case number SA 10xx, and perhaps we will be current en January or February. Do you recommend me to unlock the DS 260 form for these? The unlock perhaps will happen in the first days of November. I will aprecciate your answer.
Hello Sm1smom, I put in social media, my facebook and linkedin accounts, but not twitter nor instagram, because I really don´t use Instagram and I began to get in twitter more offen since May 2021, to read Simon and Lottery messages. My husband did the same. I have a case number SA 10xx, and perhaps we will be current en January or February. Do you recommend me to unlock the DS 260 form for these? The unlock perhaps will happen in the first days of November. I will aprecciate your answer.
You've seen my response to others with similar questions. My response is the same, you'll need to decide on your own whether unlocking and updating the form is worth the effort or not - the question on the form was/is to list all social media one has (if I'm not mistaken), it wasn't asking about listing social media handles used often or a lot.
If you don’t mind the possibility of being put in AP while they check out that information as part of your background check (which could have been done if the information was provided earlier on), yes you can certainly wait and update the form when you go for your interview.
Excuse me, what is AP?
Excuse me, what is AP?
Administrative processing. It is when you get a temporary refusal because they cannot make a decision on the case based on the information they have at the time. There is no telling how long AP may last after the interview.