Hello Mom,
I had second info-pass 2 weeks ago. It was quite helpful unlike previous one, and he understood time and frequency limitation of DV, and he also promised to email to the the administrative people who look over sending interview letter. He also informed that my application is awaiting interview. But still I haven't received letter yet. I have few questions:
1) I am thinking of going for congressional inquiry, is that good to go for now or i should wait for some time?
2) I did some research on inquiry, it says there are option of house of representative and senate. Since, it suggests to go for only one which is better house of rep, or senate?
3) Officer told me that after I get interview letter, my case will be valid even if it passes fiscal year. Is that true, or I misunderstood?
(My case was current on November, I send application on second week of October, had biometric on Nov 9. My FO is Baltimore)