• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2014 european winers here

by the way ,
Sloner said , that foreign language he had studied in the school was Deutsch , and he hasn't any other education in English, however he found this forum interesting and he tried his best to communicate with people here, despite it was very hard to him.
But finally he got bored of sneers and complaints he received and he decided to stop that discomfort he brought to users here by troubling them with his "slonish language"
i think everybody should be more patient here , at least ignore him , but why to disappoint ?

Man that makes me heart sore :(
Personally I would rather have input from anyone regardless of the language they use. Sure, it helps if people will post in English, but if people need help, or want to make a point, I am happy to hear it in whatever language they like - and I will either answer in English or I can choose to ignore it...
Personally I would rather have input from anyone regardless of the language they use. Sure, it helps if people will post in English, but if people need help, or want to make a point, I am happy to hear it in whatever language they like - and I will either answer in English or I can choose to ignore it...
yes , this is perhaps most right attitude
do not worry vladek
hw will be back i think ...
just need to explain him and show him , that accusations of illiteracy are just private opinion , and he is mostly welcomed here (if its so)

Hell yeah he's welcome here! My self I don't speak very well inglish,since its one of the 7 languages
That I speak ! People must never mind other about the way they speak especially if its
Not their mother tongue. I've sent a p.m to sloner too and I asked him to do not drop us :)
Thanks rocky
Hell yeah he's welcome here! My self I don't speak very well inglish,since its one of the 7 languages
That I speak ! People must never mind other about the way they speak especially if its
Not their mother tongue. I've sent a p.m to sloner too and I asked him to do not drop us :)
Thanks rocky
you are familiar with 7 languages ? thats sounds great
i can't estimate your english because mine is much poor , what else languages you were studying ?
Just back off with the accusation, or I will get you reported and banned quicker than you joined here - it is a sad reflection on you that your SECOND ever post in this forum compares me with being a Nazi Gestapo - you crossed the line already.

I stand by my opinion that when someone here doesn't make much EFFORT to even communicate in English, then even states that he doesn't have any DESIRE to improve on their English skills and THEN even starts to post things in his RUSSIAN mother language ... then I have every right to complain about this, in a open forum.

One thing is being tolerant and the other is being foolish, childish and ignorant.

One thing that you should understand, participating in an open forum like this, is that "you" don't try to get people banned just because you don't like their posts. There are admins for that, and as far as I can tell, you are not one of them.

The second thing is that you do not have the right to tell people to stop posting on an open forum, when there are many people out there (myself included) that enjoy reading and deciphering sloanish (and only subscribe to express their thanks for his valuable input to the forum). If all you have to tell people is to stop posting here, gestapo is a well-deserved title. I would not complain if I were you.

One a side note "open forum" starts with a vowel and should be preceded by "an", not "a".
One thing that you should understand, participating in an open forum like this, is that "you" don't try to get people banned just because you don't like their posts. There are admins for that, and as far as I can tell, you are not one of them.

The second thing is that you do not have the right to tell people to stop posting on an open forum, when there are many people out there (myself included) that enjoy reading and deciphering sloanish (and only subscribe to express their thanks for his valuable input to the forum). If all you have to tell people is to stop posting here, gestapo is a well-deserved title. I would not complain if I were you.

One a side note "open forum" starts with a vowel and should be preceded by "an", not "a".

Turkman, no need to lecture me on how an open forum works. More importantly, please stop twisting words - all I have requested of Sloner was to stop posting things in a language other than the forum language, which is English. Apart from that, I urged him to put more effort into the way he explains himself as indeed other forum members have admitted that it is hard to decipher what he has been trying to express.

I guess for me, the tipping point was him posting a link to a table in Russian language only, and I am not the only one who was wondering what the purpose of the table was, even after it was translated, thanks to someone else.

Because you called me "Gestapo" for a second time, I am giving you the chance to amend your posts, or I will indeed report you.

Please don't get the wrong impression of me - I am a tolerant and usually patient person.
However, I do admit that one of my pet peeves is when someone openly admits that he has NO DESIRE (!!!) to improve on his English!

THAT is what infuriates me!

Why should I learn English. I live well in Russia. In Russia, the official language is Russian.

Sloner - I am sorry if you feel offended, that was not my intention. I hope that you can understand my side, too.

We have to respect each other and that includes making the best effort to post in ways that makes it easy for all forum members to understand. If there is anything you need help with, feel free to PM me.
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pershendetje Elona

Thank you ! I'm waiting the processing of case nr .... I have lost my hope because my case nr is hight...

I think there is nothing you should be worried about. I'm (almost) in the same situation as you (married on June and my wife is the first winner). Actually I'm not worried at all because our relationship/marriage is genuine (we are together from high school, plus we started the marriage process like on March - we had the celebration in Italy and there takes a little bit longer the hole process). And your relationship/marriage looks genuine as well. No worries if you don't have pics from the "celebration of marriage day"; britsimon can not know how horrible the place/office where all takes place is in Albania and usually nobody takes pics from that moment.
But britsimon is right saying "they don't mind that a couple get married to take advantage of the win as long as that couple were a real existing couple". A friend of mine passed through the same situation last year (dv 2013), getting married with her boyfriend with whom used to be together less then a year, and i was not a problem for the U.S embassy in Tirana - they are in Florida now :)
So again, no worries about the marriage problem.
If you would like to read abut a real interview experience of this year from U.S Embassy in Tirana, search "llotaria amerikane" at "peshkupauje", the guy there had CN around 8000: lucky him :)

Aah our cn is EU29***.
Paci fat
Turkman, no need to lecture me on how an open forum works. More importantly, please stop twisting words - all I have requested of Sloner was to stop posting things in a language other than the forum language, which is English. Apart from that, I urged him to put more effort into the way he explains himself as indeed other forum members have admitted that it is hard to decipher what he has been trying to express.

I guess for me, the tipping point was him posting a link to a table in Russian language only, and I am not the only one who was wondering what the purpose of the table was, even after it was translated, thanks to someone else.

Because you called me "Gestapo" for a second time, I am giving you the chance to amend your posts, or I will indeed report you.

Please don't get the wrong impression of me - I am a tolerant and usually patient person.
However, I do admit that one of my pet peeves is when someone openly admits that he has NO DESIRE (!!!) to improve on his English!

THAT is what infuriates me!

Sloner - I am sorry if you feel offended, that was not my intention. I hope that you can understand my side, too.

We have to respect each other and that includes making the best effort to post in ways that makes it easy for all forum members to understand. If there is anything you need help with, feel free to PM me.

That the spirit man,i hope this settle the issues.
what? cutoff of 16,700.

I agree with you on the speculation part...maybe a separate thread for that.

Do you mean cutoff for March perhaps and therefore the VB Feb bulletin?
As the number for Feb (as issued in upcoming Jan bulletin) is already known to some here...EUROPE 16,700.

Oops, my bad, at the time of posting my prediction of 17,100 I didn't know that VB posted February cut-offs too. What do ya'll reckon March's gonna look like? I'd say 20,500 :D
I think there is nothing you should be worried about. I'm (almost) in the same situation as you (married on June and my wife is the first winner). Actually I'm not worried at all because our relationship/marriage is genuine (we are together from high school, plus we started the marriage process like on March - we had the celebration in Italy and there takes a little bit longer the hole process). And your relationship/marriage looks genuine as well. No worries if you don't have pics from the "celebration of marriage day"; britsimon can not know how horrible the place/office where all takes place is in Albania and usually nobody takes pics from that moment.
But britsimon is right saying "they don't mind that a couple get married to take advantage of the win as long as that couple were a real existing couple". A friend of mine passed through the same situation last year (dv 2013), getting married with her boyfriend with whom used to be together less then a year, and i was not a problem for the U.S embassy in Tirana - they are in Florida now :)
So again, no worries about the marriage problem.
If you would like to read abut a real interview experience of this year from U.S Embassy in Tirana, search "llotaria amerikane" at "peshkupauje", the guy there had CN around 8000: lucky him :)

Aah our cn is EU29***.
Paci fat
Thank you very much for your information.

Paci Fat gjithashtu!

Gjithe te mirat !
Yes of course. Some have their visas already. The cases are processed according to the case numbers - so lower numbers go first.

Thanks for your response, britsimon! Yes, I was aware of the process, but I had noticed that in past years people were much more active about discussing when they received their letters, etc. I'd personally be interested in hearing how people have gone through the process in Italy, for example. Just thought there might be some people who wanted to share their story!

Happy holidays to all!
Thanks for your response, britsimon! Yes, I was aware of the process, but I had noticed that in past years people were much more active about discussing when they received their letters, etc. I'd personally be interested in hearing how people have gone through the process in Italy, for example. Just thought there might be some people who wanted to share their story!

Happy holidays to all!

Happy holidays to you too. We haven't see many interview experience threads in EU - some good ones from AF region.
Hi, i have a question...me and my fiancee got married 14.12.2013 and we sent all required documents and marriage certificate to KCC, the question is: we have interview on february 6, did we make a mistake sending forms to KCC? will they give us hard time for waiting so long to got married?

Thx in advance
Hi, i have a question...me and my fiancee got married 14.12.2013 and we sent all required documents and marriage certificate to KCC, the question is: we have interview on february 6, did we make a mistake sending forms to KCC? will they give us hard time for waiting so long to got married?

Thx in advance

Well firstly, can you confirm that you entered as single and sent the forms in originally as single. That is most important given that you only just got married.

Now then, they will be naturally suspicious of your marriage, so you will need to prove that it is genuine. Be prepared to prove the relationship existed prior to the lottery win and that the marriage was "real". As long as the relationship can be proven the it should be fine....
Hi, i have a question...me and my fiancee got married 14.12.2013 and we sent all required documents and marriage certificate to KCC, the question is: we have interview on february 6, did we make a mistake sending forms to KCC? will they give us hard time for waiting so long to got married?

Thx in advance

Are you both listed on the interview letter you received? If you're not both listed, that's the 1st major obstacle you will need to overcome since the embassy will be expecting only one person to show up. If that is the case, you might also want to follow up with the embassy on your new marital status before the interview date.