• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 AOS Only

Congratulations new one, I am so happy for you. You are right, it feels great to have that new status, it is like a heavy weight has been lifted from our shoulders.

Yeap! you are ready to start working in the US. Congratulations!!!!!

PS: Your visa stamp is as good as the actual card with the only restriction that is valid for one year

Hi i2009,

thaaaank you!!!
It's amazing.
Cannot wait to use my new status for a first time :D.
I hope my card will arrived soon, so my stamp will just
be there to remind me how lucky I was :D.
Hi i2009,

One of my friends did CP recently and the document he was
sent from the embassy stated the following:


Medical examinations classified as "Class B (TB)" are valid for 3 months from the date the doctor signed the report. All other medical examinations classified as "No apparent decease or defect" are valid for 6 months after the doctor’s signature date. If your case is subject to further administrative processing, your medical report may expire during the process. In that case, you are required to renew your examination and submit an updated medical report to our office when you come here to receive your immigrant visa. Your visa validity will be limited with the validity of your medical report. If you plan to travel at a later date, you are advised to renew your medical report and get a visa with a longer validity.

It may vary from country to country but this is how its practiced in a certain country.

As for my family's process. I will post my "adventures" in the future.
I do not want to piss off anybody at this point. But I can say that they
work in "mysterious ways".

Thanks for that information capeolive. I didn't know that the time restriction was affected by the medicals. Interesting.

Now, please share!!!! I am very curious about what's going on with your family's process and I am pretty sure that I can talk for all the members here that we want to support you, at least emotionally. Don't tell me that KCC is giving you another hard time....
Hi new one,

I think it is a great idea. I believe in transitional changes.
Also, it is better to find a better alternative before doing
any changes. Also it will be wise to have a long term plan,
like doing masters etc.

You have my best wishes for your free days. Exercise
your freedom responsibly. You have my prayers as well...

Hi capeolive,

No, I won't do any BIG changes befor I get my green card.
But I want to work some part time job in my free time.

Thank you for advice.
Hi i2009,

As I said I don't want to make anyone upset.
I should tell this much carefully:

All the files were gathered in some field office.
That file needs to be transferred to the Visa
Issuing Post (US Embassy) for further processing.

They told me that the file left the office. When I asked
"where did you send it"? They said that they don't have
that information.

I know that it has not reached the destination yet,
of course if it's where they sent it.

I am trying to be careful not to break any hearts. I am
trying to get the info through different channels.

I can express myself but for now I am trying to be diplomatic.
But I can tell you it is not easy.

I tried to be careful but if I broke anybody's heart, I am terribly sorry...

Thanks for that information capeolive. I didn't know that the time restriction was affected by the medicals. Interesting.

Now, please share!!!! I am very curious about what's going on with your family's process and I am pretty sure that I can talk for all the members here that we want to support you, at least emotionally. Don't tell me that KCC is giving you another hard time....
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For AOS then, when will be a good time to get your MEs done? I know it says on the USCIS website that it is valid for 12 months. But I don't know if the same rule (for CP MEs) for test results apply to AOS MEs?
Hi Izzy120,

If you are referring to what I posted it was for CP.

For AOS ME (I-693) is valid for one year. It would be wise
to get it done about a month prior to sending your application...

For AOS then, when will be a good time to get your MEs done? I know it says on the USCIS website that it is valid for 12 months. But I don't know if the same rule (for CP MEs) for test results apply to AOS MEs?
Hi Izzy120,

If you are referring to what I posted it was for CP.

For AOS ME (I-693) is valid for one year. It would be wise
to get it done about a month prior to sending your application...

Yes, I was referring to your post about CP ME (sorry I didn't quote it). I was thinking of getting the MEs done as soon as I see my case no. current on VB. Maybe I should wait another month...Thanks for your advice.
Hi Izzy120,

Take into consideration that you cannot file
any application before FY2011 starts.

Early filing does not apply to people whose numbers are
current in October. In other words, in practice:

If your number is current in October the earliest you can file is on October 1. (No advantage)
(you'll see the number around August 10)

If your number is current in November the earliest you can file is on October 1. (30 days advantage)
(you'll see the number around September 10)

If your number is current in December the earliest you can file is around October 10. (50 days advantage)
(you'll see the number around October 10)

In other words: All filing must be done within the fiscal year...

Yes, I was referring to your post about CP ME (sorry I didn't quote it). I was thinking of getting the MEs done as soon as I see my case no. current on VB. Maybe I should wait another month...Thanks for your advice.
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Hi i2009,

As I said I don't want to make anyone upset.
I should tell this much carefully:

All the files were gathered in some field office.
That file needs to be transferred to the Visa
Issuing Post (US Embassy) for further processing.

They told me that the file left the office. When I asked
"where did you send it"? They said that they don't have
that information.

I know that it has not reached the destination yet,
of course if it's where they sent it.

I am trying to be careful not to break any hearts. I am
trying to get the info through different channels.

I can express myself but for now I am trying to be diplomatic.
But I can tell you it is not easy.

I tried to be careful but if I broke anybody's heart, I am terribly sorry...

Thanks for sharing capeolive, I hope that the files get to their destination soon and that you and your family can reunite in no time. I think that you have the right attitude because you are patient, diplomatic, and you have the needed knowledge.

Best of luck!
Hi Izzy120,

Take into consideration that you cannot file
any application before FY2011 starts.

Early filing does not apply to people whose numbers are
current in October. In other words, in practice:

If your number is current in October the earliest you can file is on October 1. (No advantage)
(you'll see the number around August 10)

If your number is current in November the earliest you can file is on October 1. (20 days advantage)
(you'll see the number around September 10)

If your number is current in December the earliest you can file is around October 10. (50 days advantage)
(you'll see the number around September 10)

In other words: All filing must be done within the fiscal year...

Yes, I am aware of the rule, thanks for the heads up!

I just wanted to get the MEs done as soon as I can so I can submit my AOS package within the prescribed filing time.
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hey guys,
i did some importnat things yesterday.
1. I went to SSA office and applied for the new social seurity card (same number though) without the DHS resriction.
2. Applied for the replacement of drivers license. So, I won't have that 'temporary visitor' tag on my license.
3. And a sad thing. I went to my school with a hope I would be able to update my residency status. But the lady in the admission told me the green card need to be a year old to make any change. I have been living in the state for more than a year, but she told me it won't count coz I just got my green card. And according to her I will be an international student for a year. She didn't even agreed to take out the restriction ( there is a restriction for international students in my school, they can't register for classes online). According to her I need to maintain valid international student status for a year, and need to pay the same amount of fees I used to pay. Do any of you guys had the same problem.

On your third say I will suggest you to try one more time but with other admission officer based on my past experiance it vary person to person. Give it a shot.
Hey everyone,

Is it normal that a week after my biometrics the online status still shows "acceptance"?

05/ 11 2009: Winning Package received (Charleston South Carolina)
05/12 2009: sent out AOS and DSO I and II (375)
05/14/2009 AOS was delivered in Missouri
05/15 2009 DSOI & II delivered in Williamsburg KY
06/03/2009 Received second letter from Kentucky stating USCIS will handle case
06/05/2009 Received receipt DV receipt fee
04/09/2010 Current in June
05/11/2010 Medical done (160)
05/10/2010 Sent package to Chicago Lockbox (930 + 80)
05/13/2010 Package delivered
05/21/2010 Received I-797C NOA
06/07/2010 Received Biometric appointment letter for 06/23
06/23/2010 Biometrics done
Hi LeTigreNoire,

If the date was updated it shows everything
looks alright. You should have a LUD of the bio
date or the day after. So, if the Last Update is
showing 6/23 or 6/24 or a later date it means
bio was processed and your file is moving.

There are cases that people get their cards
without any change on case status but they
are rare...

Hey everyone,

Is it normal that a week after my biometrics the online status still shows "acceptance"?

05/ 11 2009: Winning Package received (Charleston South Carolina)
05/12 2009: sent out AOS and DSO I and II (375)
05/14/2009 AOS was delivered in Missouri
05/15 2009 DSOI & II delivered in Williamsburg KY
06/03/2009 Received second letter from Kentucky stating USCIS will handle case
06/05/2009 Received receipt DV receipt fee
04/09/2010 Current in June
05/11/2010 Medical done (160)
05/10/2010 Sent package to Chicago Lockbox (930 + 80)
05/13/2010 Package delivered
05/21/2010 Received I-797C NOA
06/07/2010 Received Biometric appointment letter for 06/23
06/23/2010 Biometrics done
Update: Requested for change from AOS to CP

Hi All. Thanks to Capeolive,i2009,NuvF,Nokira, Sumeet and ALL.

Finally,after mind boggling for 2 days we have decided to request today for the change of adjustment of status from USCIS to CP. KCC officer said we need to do it by today if we want to make changes so we did it. I did weigh in pros and cons of doing CP and thought a lot about the consequences and NuvF's opinion. But we realized we both have maintained our status well and we did not have any difficulty getting our Visa two years before back home. So, I don't see any reason to be denied. And We both have helped everyone in need so we think our karma is good :):) so we will be fine. So for now, we need to stay put and pray for our number to be current first. Do you guys know what happens now after we requested for change of AOS to CP? I spoke with my friends who got DV last year and previous and they said that the interview process back home was smooth;only people with fraudulent documents had trouble. Please share your experience, opinion and suggestion.

Again, thank you guys...you all have been such a great support.
Hey Capeolive,

No it's still showing the same thing it always showed before the biometrics with an earlier date. I know from calling the KCC that my case was transferred to USCIS at the end of May... I don't know if there is much I can do except be patient!
Thanks again and I hope you are enjoying your new status a PR!
Hey everyone,

Is it normal that a week after my biometrics the online status still shows "acceptance"?

05/ 11 2009: Winning Package received (Charleston South Carolina)
05/12 2009: sent out AOS and DSO I and II (375)
05/14/2009 AOS was delivered in Missouri
05/15 2009 DSOI & II delivered in Williamsburg KY
06/03/2009 Received second letter from Kentucky stating USCIS will handle case
06/05/2009 Received receipt DV receipt fee
04/09/2010 Current in June
05/11/2010 Medical done (160)
05/10/2010 Sent package to Chicago Lockbox (930 + 80)
05/13/2010 Package delivered
05/21/2010 Received I-797C NOA
06/07/2010 Received Biometric appointment letter for 06/23
06/23/2010 Biometrics done

Hi LeTigreNoire,

my status still shows "acceptance".
It's still a same like was the first time I checked.
So don't trust too much to that.
They will surprise you with the letter soon:D
Hello, guys!!!! If you don’t mind I have more questions:
I-485 : Current occupation – If I am a student – should it be F-1 student?
I am wondering if I have to include in my package a police record from my native country.
G-325A: File number – just to make sure, if I don’t have A#, I write down NONE, correct?
The form is submitted in connection with application for – Status as Permanent Resident. Is it correct?

Thanks in advence!!!!
Hello, guys!!!! If you don’t mind I have more questions:
I-485 : Current occupation – If I am a student – should it be F-1 student?
I am wondering if I have to include in my package a police record from my native country.
G-325A: File number – just to make sure, if I don’t have A#, I write down NONE, correct?
The form is submitted in connection with application for – Status as Permanent Resident. Is it correct?

Thanks in advence!!!!

Hi mechta:

1. Yes "F1 Student"
2. Police Record: I did not see if it is required.They may ask during interview. Others pls fill in.
3. a. Just leave it out. I remember leaving it out in my spouse case (when we filed DS forms) and it was fine. I guess putting "None" won't hurt.
3.b. Yes, "status as Permanent Resident".

Good luck.
Hi mechta:

1. Yes "F1 Student"
2. Police Record: I did not see if it is required.They may ask during interview. Others pls fill in.
3. a. Just leave it out. I remember leaving it out in my spouse case (when we filed DS forms) and it was fine. I guess putting "None" won't hurt.
3.b. Yes, "status as Permanent Resident".

Good luck.

Thank you Maila!!! I wish you the best with your CP!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi All. Thanks to Capeolive,i2009,NuvF,Nokira, Sumeet and ALL.

Finally,after mind boggling for 2 days we have decided to request today for the change of adjustment of status from USCIS to CP. KCC officer said we need to do it by today if we want to make changes so we did it. I did weigh in pros and cons of doing CP and thought a lot about the consequences and NuvF's opinion. But we realized we both have maintained our status well and we did not have any difficulty getting our Visa two years before back home. So, I don't see any reason to be denied. And We both have helped everyone in need so we think our karma is good :):) so we will be fine. So for now, we need to stay put and pray for our number to be current first. Do you guys know what happens now after we requested for change of AOS to CP? I spoke with my friends who got DV last year and previous and they said that the interview process back home was smooth;only people with fraudulent documents had trouble. Please share your experience, opinion and suggestion.

Again, thank you guys...you all have been such a great support.

Hi maila,

it's good you decided.
I believe you'll have smooth interview.
Don't worry. You have all papers, and
everything ready, so they don't
have a reason to reject you.
I'll pray for you........