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DV 2010 AOS Only

Hi maila,

I hope your decision serves you the best.
CP is preferred for the late applicants.
They even give visas to many people
who are coming to the US for the first time,
or to people who have no or very little ties
to the US. There are no guarantees in life
but I think you made the right choice.

As far as I know you will receive further instructions
for CP and an interview appointment in advance.

You had to make a decision and you made it.
You have my best wishes and prayers.

Hi All. Thanks to Capeolive,i2009,NuvF,Nokira, Sumeet and ALL.

Finally,after mind boggling for 2 days we have decided to request today for the change of adjustment of status from USCIS to CP. KCC officer said we need to do it by today if we want to make changes so we did it. I did weigh in pros and cons of doing CP and thought a lot about the consequences and NuvF's opinion. But we realized we both have maintained our status well and we did not have any difficulty getting our Visa two years before back home. So, I don't see any reason to be denied. And We both have helped everyone in need so we think our karma is good :):) so we will be fine. So for now, we need to stay put and pray for our number to be current first. Do you guys know what happens now after we requested for change of AOS to CP? I spoke with my friends who got DV last year and previous and they said that the interview process back home was smooth;only people with fraudulent documents had trouble. Please share your experience, opinion and suggestion.

Again, thank you guys...you all have been such a great support.
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Hi LeTigreNoire,

Was your number current in June or in May?
I thought your number was current in June
if this is the case they cannot transfer the file
before the number becomes current.

Just, clarify it please.

Hey Capeolive,

No it's still showing the same thing it always showed before the biometrics with an earlier date. I know from calling the KCC that my case was transferred to USCIS at the end of May... I don't know if there is much I can do except be patient!
Thanks again and I hope you are enjoying your new status a PR!
Hi mechta,

A1. F1 Student seems ok.
A2. No police record is required for AOS cases unless you have a criminal record.
A3. File number, None
A4. Yes, in connection with....

Take into consideration that you cannot send your application in before October 1st.

Hello, guys!!!! If you don’t mind I have more questions:
I-485 : Current occupation – If I am a student – should it be F-1 student?
I am wondering if I have to include in my package a police record from my native country.
G-325A: File number – just to make sure, if I don’t have A#, I write down NONE, correct?
The form is submitted in connection with application for – Status as Permanent Resident. Is it correct?

Thanks in advence!!!!
Hi maila,

I hope your decision serves you the best.
CP is preferred for the late applicants.
They even give visas to the many people
who are coming to the US for the first time,
or to people who have no or very little ties
to the US. There are no guarantees in life
but I think you made the right choice.

As far as I know you will receive further instructions
for CP and an interview appointment in advance.

You had to make a decision and you made it.
You have my best wishes and prayers.

Hi Capeolive:
This is what I thought. There is no guarantee in life..I really liked it. I am sure we will be fine and of course we have prayers and moral support from you all guys. I believe we will be fine. Do you think they are going to send letter saying that we were changed from AOS to CP? If I understand correctly, they will send our documents to US embassy back home after our number becomes current and then try to get an appointment with that embassy? I don't know how it works..Pls fill in.
Hi maila,

it's good you decided.
I believe you'll have smooth interview.
Don't worry. You have all papers, and
everything ready, so they don't
have a reason to reject you.
I'll pray for you........

Thank you new one. We certainly need prayers. Appreciate it.
Hi maila,

Did you just did the switch on the phone.
If that is the case I would advise you to also
send an email if you see it fit a letter via FedEx
as well. These are just extra cautions can be taken.
When corresponding with KCC make sure to include
Name, case number and date of birth.

They should send you some confirmation. Later they are going to
confirm the numbers around July 10, 2010. In my friends case
he was able to confirm the interview date about 45 days in advance.
Probably you will have to go to your country about a week ago to do
medicals and to prepare the required documents. Good luck to you guys...

Hi Capeolive:
This is what I thought. There is no guarantee in life..I really liked it. I am sure we will be fine and of course we have prayers and moral support from you all guys. I believe we will be fine. Do you think they are going to send letter saying that we were changed from AOS to CP? If I understand correctly, they will send our documents to US embassy back home after our number becomes current and then try to get an appointment with that embassy? I don't know how it works..Pls fill in.
Provided your # become current in Aug., you will be able to send in i-485 in June and a very good chance of success before Sept. 30th. But as you know, the anxiety will be immense and all for you to bear!! However 2 basic things will be in play how 'complicated' the journey would get, 1st one only you know...which is your 'case background'.....like documents, your own status now in US etc. etc., The 2nd is 'how complicated' your local office is, and that some in this forum will be able to help if you tell what city is it?

And then your Q about AoS to CP.........who said it takes 2 mos? Generally it is not that complicated.
If you decide before your number become current in visa bulletin (June) KCC will send the file direct to embassy. KCC will give info what you need to do to request the change. Basically you need to send a signed request with your photos again to them.

If you decide to change after the file is sent to field office (it happen only if your number is current in the VB and you have paid DoS fee of $375), then you have to coordinate with, KCC/embassy and field office to get your file transferred to embassy. And still it can be done in a short while. I had the transfer initiated and successful CP intvw. done within 21 days last year (Aug. 1st-21st !!), but with exceptional and very professional support from the local US embassy (not a busy DV post anyway). Actual transfer took within only 11 days, additional 10 was for my option due to travel, medicals at home etc.

If you come to this stage, transfer will depend how busy your local embassy and how quickly the transfer will be handled by field office. Do not let it go to this stage if your local office and embassy are generally in the 'busy and complicated' category.....act fast...now!

If you have already paid $375 and you change to CP, you will have to pay it at embassy too, then come back and ask KCC for a refund.

Hope this helps.

Good Luck !
Hi NuvF,

Chooti sent me info saying that Bikash changed his AOS to CP so reading the old post. I realized you have also changed from AOS to CP. In my case, We have already paid $375x2 and We also received NL saying that our case will be transferred to USCIS. Now, I have requested for change from AOS to CP (but our CN is not current yet), do you think I need to coordinate with US embassy back home as well as with local USCIS office including KCC? Please let me know.
Thanks a lot New one that's good to know! I will find a way to be patient!
Glad you are at the end of the process.

Hi LeTigreNoire,

my status still shows "acceptance".
It's still a same like was the first time I checked.
So don't trust too much to that.
They will surprise you with the letter soon:D
Hi maila,

Did you just did the switch on the phone.
If that is the case I would advise you to also
send an email if you see it fit a letter via FedEx
as well. These are just extra cautions can be taken.
When corresponding with KCC make sure to include
Name, case number and date of birth.

They should send you some confirmation. Later they are going to
confirm the numbers around July 10, 2010. In my friends case
he was able to confirm the interview date about 45 days in advance.
Probably you will have to go to your country about a week ago to do
medicals and to prepare the required documents. Good luck to you guys...

Hi Capeolive,
When we communicated with KCC they said only email will suffice. Do you think we need to send the package as well? We spoke with two KCC officer and both said the same "email with Name,CN and DOB". We received this automated email from them:

Your inquiry or message has been received and routed to the appropriate
group. If you are looking for the latest DV Lottery instructions, they
can be found here:

This is an automated message, please do not reply.
Thank You,
The Kentucky Consular Center
I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough...the agent I talked to gave me the details. It was requested on may 31 and transferred june 1st.

Hi LeTigreNoire,

Was your number current in June or in May?
I thought your number was current in June
if this is the case they cannot transfer the file
before the number becomes current.

Just, clarify it please.
Hi maila,

Personally I would prefer to send them something
written in case of any future conflicts. Just in case.

It is not a requirement but that's how "I" would do it.

Hi Capeolive,
When we communicated with KCC they said only email will suffice. Do you think we need to send the package as well? We spoke with two KCC officer and both said the same "email with Name,CN and DOB". We received this automated email from them:

Your inquiry or message has been received and routed to the appropriate
group. If you are looking for the latest DV Lottery instructions, they
can be found here:

This is an automated message, please do not reply.
Thank You,
The Kentucky Consular Center
Hi LeTigreNoire,

Then it is normal, your file was probably transferred from
KCC to your local field office. But there is also your AOS file
needs to be transferred from NBC to your local office.

I think everything is in track for you, just little more patience...

I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough...the agent I talked to gave me the details. It was requested on may 31 and transferred june 1st.
Hi maila,

Personally I would prefer to send them something
written in case of any future conflicts. Just in case.

It is not a requirement but that's how "I" would do it.

Thanks Capeolive. May be I will send the same email printed and post it to KCC. I will call them tomorrow to verify if they have what they need. I am kind of worried about our case been transferred to USCIS because we paid AOS.
Hi Capeolive,
When we communicated with KCC they said only email will suffice. ........[/COLOR]

Last year I was required to send a letter signed by the winner, with PP size photos of each person in the case.
Letter needed to include full names, DoBs and CN.

Sent it express, clearly marked 'URGENT Action Requested' RE: DV09-Case# xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Last year I was required to send a letter signed by the winner, with PP size photos of each person in the case.
Letter needed to include full names, DoBs and CN.

Sent it express, clearly marked 'URGENT Action Requested' RE: DV09-Case# xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks NuVF. Which address should I be sending? sorry for the dumb question. Should I put this in the letter? I can send it by overnight USPS.
Hi maila,

This is the address I had been using:

Kentucky Consular Center
3505 N. Highway 25W
Williamsburg, KY 40769

Make sure to include names, DOBs and case number.

If you want to you can recheck the address, just to make sure.
Also KCC uses FedEx that's why I was sending my letters via FedEx.
But you can choose any other courier you wish...

Thanks NuVF. Which address should I be sending? sorry for the dumb question. Should I put this in the letter? I can send it by overnight USPS.
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Hi maila,

Also have you filed form DS-230. It is required for CP.
If not you can also send the DS-230's. If you want to
double check, just call and email them...

Hi maila,

This is the address I had been using:

Kentucky Consular Center
3505 N. Highway 25W
Williamsburg, KY 40769

Make sure to include names, DOBs and case number.

If you want to you can recheck the address, just to make sure.
Also KCC uses FedEx that's why I was sending my letters via FedEx.
But you can choose any other courier you wish...
Thanks NuVF. Which address should I be sending? sorry for the dumb question. Should I put this in the letter? I can send it by overnight USPS.

I cannot recall the exact address, but it was the same that we sent the initial documents. ( I just added a line , 'DV 2009 Case processing Dept.')
And BTW I notarized the signature as well, just to be on the safe side.

Sent via USPS overnight, and URGENT request was on the outside of the envelop (on the flap after closing/sealing it)

Hi maila,

Also have you filed form DS-230. It is required for CP.
If not you can also send the DS-230's. If you want to
double check, just call and email them...

Hi Capeolive. We did send both forms DS-230 and I forgot the other one when we requested for AOS. Thanks Capeolive and NuvF.