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DV 2010 AOS Only

Guys just waiting for my NOA now...my heart is beating faster , as the month is flying by...

Sumeet take it easy. You have passed big hurdle so now its time to get the fruit. I know your anxiety...see..I am not even current and processing to change from AOS to CP. Have faith.
Hi Summet,

If you sent a personal check, find out
if it was cashed. In most of the cases
you will be able to see it next business
day with previous business day's date.
It will most likely be cashed by JP Morgan

Check the signatures you will see it usually takes
some more time. Just little more patience. Try to
keep yourself busy with some good things. Do
some praying as well.

Guys just waiting for my NOA now...my heart is beating faster , as the month is flying by...
Thanks for your nice words, thats what I am doing right now, its just that fear. I am being more impatient. I hope things goes all right with my case and at the same time I am praying for you. Hope u will see your number current for sept and that way u can get things going..
Sumeet take it easy. You have passed big hurdle so now its time to get the fruit. I know your anxiety...see..I am not even current and processing to change from AOS to CP. Have faith.
That is what I was thinking because last time i send the cashier's check and the NOA was send to be with in 4 days of my application arrived in Chicago. This time I just wanted to keep track of all my process so sent them a personal check. I think thats the reason its taking a while. Just have my fingers crossed, hope to get them things together. And I sure am keeping myself busy with this summer class but you know the feeling. ANd i am praying for myself and all others who are trying to get green.
Hi Summet,

If you sent a personal check, find out
if it was cashed. In most of the cases
you will be able to see it next business
day with previous business day's date.
It will most likely be cashed by JP Morgan

Check the signatures you will see it usually takes
some more time. Just little more patience. Try to
keep yourself busy with some good things. Do
some praying as well.
hey capeolive,
I know its stupid and dumb to be asking the same question again and again, but all the time one thing just strike in the mind, will I be called again for the biometrics????
Hi Summet,

I am not sure what they are going to do for
your biometrics. We know that your information
is in the system, they might just reuse it, and
do not do biometrics. But it can also be the other
way around.

But first thing is your bank account gotta come
down $1,010, then everything is going to roll.

Just take it easy. You got plenty of time left.
Dallas has been a great place for AOS so far.
At the end of the process you'll have plenty of
time to crack jokes about your experience,
may be write a book about lawyers.

Don't forget if God has decided that you are
going to get your green card, you will get it
no matter what. Keep the faith...

hey capeolive,
I know its stupid and dumb to be asking the same question again and again, but all the time one thing just strike in the mind, will I be called again for the biometrics????
thanks a lot for such an encouraging words, The thing that I am being nervous about is that, its been almost a week today that they have received the package and still the money is in my bank, I am checking my account almost 20 times a day to see if anything had happened but havent seen anything going on there, and like u said, no one knows how they gonna process my case, I am the only one of the kind,
Hi Summet,

I am not sure what they are going to do for
your biometrics. We know that your information
is in the system, they might just reuse it, and
do not do biometrics. But it can also be the other
way around.

But first thing is your bank account gotta come
down $1,010, then everything is going to roll.

Just take it easy. You got plenty of time left.
Dallas has been a great place for AOS so far.
At the end of the process you'll have plenty of
time to crack jokes about your experience,
may be write a book about lawyers.

Don't forget if God has decided that you are
going to get your green card, you will get it
no matter what. Keep the faith...
Dear Summet, I can feel you, I know nothing can stop you from thinking about this process. However, Capeolive just used the golden words:” Don’t forget if God has decided that you are going to get your green card, you will get it no matter what”. GOD is with us!!!!!!
I know mechta, I do believe in god. its just once in a lifetime opportunity so cannot stop thinking about it....
Dear Summet, I can feel you, I know nothing can stop you from thinking about this process. However, Capeolive just used the golden words:” Don’t forget if God has decided that you are going to get your green card, you will get it no matter what”. GOD is with us!!!!!!
I know mechta, I do believe in god. its just once in a lifetime opportunity so cannot stop thinking about it....
O yes, Summet. I have been waiting for this opportunity more than 9 years…. And here you are… My DV-2011 Entrant Status Check shows: the Entry HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED….WHAT????????????!!!!!
… My DV-2011 Entrant Status Check shows: the Entry HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED….WHAT????????????!!!!!

Same here, who cares about the online status when we have KCC letters to confirm we won? Its not that USCIS will ask to see that confirmation page...I know, we all just wanna make sure that we actually won (as we still can't believe it!!!)...it is true my friend, we did win! :D :D :D :D
Hi Summet,

They do not always cash the checks
within a week. Check the following
examples. Just keep your cool.

The time frame between sending the
package and Checks being cashed:
Some Rather More Patient People:

nepal 12 Days
capeolive 15 Days
cool dude 19 Days
new one 21 Days

thanks a lot for such an encouraging words, The thing that I am being nervous about is that, its been almost a week today that they have received the package and still the money is in my bank, I am checking my account almost 20 times a day to see if anything had happened but havent seen anything going on there, and like u said, no one knows how they gonna process my case, I am the only one of the kind,
Same here, who cares about the online status when we have KCC letters to confirm we won? Its not that USCIS will ask to see that confirmation page...I know, we all just wanna make sure that we actually won (as we still can't believe it!!!)...it is true my friend, we did win! :D :D :D :D

Hi Izzy120!!!! YES WE WON!!!!!!! BUT, i will check it again tomorrow...:D!!!!!!!
hey capeolive,
I know its stupid and dumb to be asking the same question again and again, but all the time one thing just strike in the mind, will I be called again for the biometrics????

My bet is that you most probably will be asked to do it again!!

USCIS is not that 'efficient' to use readily avlbl info on their 'system' and make one's life easy.

You will most likely be assigned a new A#, thus they may need new bios to be associated w/that file.

I think you should be happy if they call you for it, 'cos then you know for sure that 'something' is happening for your case !!
Guys I dont know where you checked the online status, but make sure its for 2011 coz most of the time its can be for 2010. last time i tried to do it online and i did the same thing checked my status on the 2009 verification site, most of the time it takes few time before you can check your status online..
O yes, Summet. I have been waiting for this opportunity more than 9 years…. And here you are… My DV-2011 Entrant Status Check shows: the Entry HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED….WHAT????????????!!!!!
Really do appretiate that capeolive, I do owe u a treat, after I get green, I think I have to find U in PA, just to say u thank you. However, I think I should have used the casier check it could have been lot faster, I just want to be going fast...
but again thanks for ur encouraging word all the time. you guys gave me all these hopes that I can myself be succesful..
Hi Summet,

They do not always cash the checks
within a week. Check the following
examples. Just keep your cool.

The time frame between sending the
package and Checks being cashed:
Some Rather More Patient People:

nepal 12 Days
capeolive 15 Days
cool dude 19 Days
new one 21 Days
Yes Nuvf, I am hoping for the same thing, I have no problem going for the biometrics again, I just want to be sure that my process be flowing well. I wont be this impatient if it was my first time. I hope that everything goes fine such that I can have my interview date for the august or atleast first week of september. Also, according to Nepal2010, non of the applicants in dallas were asked for affidavit of support, however to be in the safer side, I am trying to have one for myself that I will show if I have to , but I know 3-4 of the guys who applied from dallas last yr, non of them told me that I will need Affidavit of support.any comments....
My bet is that you most probably will be asked to do it again!!

USCIS is not that 'efficient' to use readily avlbl info on their 'system' and make one's life easy.

You will most likely be assigned a new A#, thus they may need new bios to be associated w/that file.

I think you should be happy if they call you for it, 'cos then you know for sure that 'something' is happening for your case !!
Hi my friends!!!

I am so grateful that God made things go
easy for me at the end of my process.

I didn't believe too much what I saw on my online
status. But than I saw my status changed.
I got my CPO :):):).
Wow what a great feeling :D.
Same here, who cares about the online status when we have KCC letters to confirm we won? Its not that USCIS will ask to see that confirmation page...I know, we all just wanna make sure that we actually won (as we still can't believe it!!!)...it is true my friend, we did win! :D :D :D :D

Hello Izzy120 and mechta,

The DV Entrant Status Check does not always work; my case never showed as if I won, I was going to call KCC to fix it but then I read that there were many people in the same situation and that the important thing is the NL.

Anyway, if you think that you won and you don't get the NL, then you "MUST" contact KCC; there plenty of frauds associated with the DV program.