• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 AOS Only

I have one question for all of you. I'll appreciate any sugestion.
In my interview letter they ask that my sponsor gives me an original letter of employment on company letter head.
My sponsor is self employed how that letter has to look like? Anyone has idea about that form of letter?

I found sample:

Date: <January 01, 2008>

Re: Employment verification for <petitioner's full name>

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is <petitioner's full name>. I reside at: <petitioner's address>

I make the following statement under penalty of perjury that: I have been self-employed since <October 1st, 2007> and working as a <type of work or role in business>. My annual salary is $00,000.00 for year <current year>.

Additionally, I pledge that [wife/husband/fiancee/friend] <beneficiary's full name> will not be any public charge.

Please feel free to contact me if your office should require further information.

Thank you very much for your kindness and your attention to this letter.


<petitioners signature>
<petitioners full name>
<petitioners designation>
Phone: <petitioners phone>

So what do you think? Is it ok???

Hi new one, looks good to me. My employer also mentioned a bit of what i do there and how valuable I am to the company. Last, he kindly asked the immigration to assist me to get the green card so I can work for him/them as along as possible without any limitations.
Best of luck to you.
Hi folks,

It is true as of May 11, 2010 USCIS Redesigned the Green Cards.
Actually along with a lot of other features they are making the cards
in green color. The people who are still in the process hopefully will get
brand new "GREEN" cards!!!


USCIS To Issue Redesigned Green Card

So close....so close to getting the new card :) Of course they redesign them a month after I get it ;) For what it's worth, mine has a green stripe in it, too ;)
Hi new one,

Instead of writing "my annual salary is" you should write: "my annual income was"
Also you should add copy of his/her passport or green card and additional financial information
like tax return transcripts bank statements etc. For tax return transcript you still have time...


I have one question for all of you. I'll appreciate any sugestion.
In my interview letter they ask that my sponsor gives me an original letter of employment on company letter head.
My sponsor is self employed how that letter has to look like? Anyone has idea about that form of letter?

I found sample:

Date: <January 01, 2008>

Re: Employment verification for <petitioner's full name>

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is <petitioner's full name>. I reside at: <petitioner's address>

I make the following statement under penalty of perjury that: I have been self-employed since <October 1st, 2007> and working as a <type of work or role in business>. My annual salary is $00,000.00 for year <current year>.

Additionally, I pledge that [wife/husband/fiancee/friend] <beneficiary's full name> will not be any public charge.

Please feel free to contact me if your office should require further information.

Thank you very much for your kindness and your attention to this letter.


<petitioners signature>
<petitioners full name>
<petitioners designation>
Phone: <petitioners phone>

So what do you think? Is it ok???
Thank you i2009, Norkira and capeolive!

He already gave me copy of his passport, and statements.
But also I have to take statements for last three months that he didn't give me.
I am concern about his tax return. He claimed a loss last year so he didn't pay them.
So do you know maybe witch proof for that I have to bring.

I found in instructions for I-864 this:

If you checked box 22(b) (self-employed), you should have
completed one of the following forms with your Federal
income tax return: Schedule C (Profit or Loss from Business),
Schedule D (Capital Gains), Schedule E (Supplemental
Income or Loss) or Schedule F (Profit or Loss from Farming).
You must include each and every Form 1040 Schedule, if any,
that you filed with your Federal tax return.
If you were required to file a Federal income tax return during
any of the previous three tax years but did not do so, you must
file any and all late returns with IRS and attach an IRS-
generated tax return transcript documenting your late filing
before submitting the I-864 Affidavit of Support. If you were
not required to file a Federal income tax return under U.S. tax
law because your income was too low, attach a written
explanation. If you were not required to file a Federal income
tax return under U.S. tax law for any other reason, attach a
written explanation including evidence of the exemption and
how you are subject to it.

So should he just write explanation as they said???
I'm not familiar with taxes so they usually make me confuse........
Thank you i2009, Norkira and capeolive!

He already gave me copy of his passport, and statements.

hi new one,
maybe i can help shed some light on this. i am also a business owner, so hopefully my experience with taxes can help a little bit.

if your employer owns the company as a sole proprietor or partnership then the forms he will need to report his income are the 1065 and schedule E and C. he will also have to file his 1040 to report his personal income (which is derived from his business). the rest of the forms like F are for farming. i am sure he has already filed his taxes ... so he should have his 1040, sch E or C. as a self employed these are the tax forms we file with the IRS.
hope that helps and i guess that's what they need to see.

good luck.
Dear Seniors,

I was filling out the 765 forms for me (PA) and my spouse, I remember reading your discussions on this thread about it but I can't find it, nor can I remember for sure, and I wanted to be sure.

I have had 2 EADs (on F1) and my hubby has had 1 EAD (on F1) before. How should I answer this on 765:

1. Under, "I am applying for: a) permission to accept employment, b) Replacement (of lost EAD), c) Renewal of my permission to accept employment (attach previous EADs). What did you guys do?
2. Question 16: Eligibility Category is (c) (9), right?

Same answer applies to both me and my spouse, right?

Thanking you in advance for your kind reply!
Thank you leongsce,

I'm gonna ask him about 1065 and Schedule E and C.
He does his personal taxes together with business.
That what I know. But I will speak with him and see what we can do.
Anyway maybe they will not ask me about I-134, because I will bring letter from my employer and my tax return transcript.
But it's better to have one.
Dear Seniors,

I was filling out the 765 forms for me (PA) and my spouse, I remember reading your discussions on this thread about it but I can't find it, nor can I remember for sure, and I wanted to be sure.

I have had 2 EADs (on F1) and my hubby has had 1 EAD (on F1) before. How should I answer this on 765:

1. Under, "I am applying for: a) permission to accept employment, b) Replacement (of lost EAD), c) Renewal of my permission to accept employment (attach previous EADs). What did you guys do?
2. Question 16: Eligibility Category is (c) (9), right?

Same answer applies to both me and my spouse, right?

Thanking you in advance for your kind reply!

Hi Izzy120,

I'm not sure, but I think if you already have EAD that is valid than you don't need new one.
I didn't have any so I put a).
Thank you for your response, newone...

Both my EADs and my husband's EAD have expired, I am on H4 now...so I was a bit confused, I will need to attach copies of the old EADs anyway, and I thought (a) was the right answer as well...others, any thoughts?

Izzy120, yes I think you should put a), too.
If you read instructions, definitions of replacement and renewal, than a) should be your answer.
But attach copies of all EADs.
Thank you for your response, newone...

Both my EADs and my husband's EAD have expired, I am on H4 now...so I was a bit confused, I will need to attach copies of the old EADs anyway, and I thought (a) was the right answer as well...others, any thoughts?


Hi Izzy,

You should select (a) because you are applying under a different category not F1
Hi new one,

As far as I know your sponsor has to have enough income
in order to be able to give you an affidavit of support. USCIS
takes "federal poverty guidelines" into consideration when
deciding whether the person has "sufficient income" Also the
affidavit of support that is used for DV applicants is form I-134.

If you need more information I can try to gather it for you...

Thank you i2009, Norkira and capeolive!

He already gave me copy of his passport, and statements.
But also I have to take statements for last three months that he didn't give me.
I am concern about his tax return. He claimed a loss last year so he didn't pay them.
So do you know maybe witch proof for that I have to bring.

I found in instructions for I-864 this:

If you checked box 22(b) (self-employed), you should have
completed one of the following forms with your Federal
income tax return: Schedule C (Profit or Loss from Business),
Schedule D (Capital Gains), Schedule E (Supplemental
Income or Loss) or Schedule F (Profit or Loss from Farming).
You must include each and every Form 1040 Schedule, if any,
that you filed with your Federal tax return.
If you were required to file a Federal income tax return during
any of the previous three tax years but did not do so, you must
file any and all late returns with IRS and attach an IRS-
generated tax return transcript documenting your late filing
before submitting the I-864 Affidavit of Support. If you were
not required to file a Federal income tax return under U.S. tax
law because your income was too low, attach a written
explanation. If you were not required to file a Federal income
tax return under U.S. tax law for any other reason, attach a
written explanation including evidence of the exemption and
how you are subject to it.

So should he just write explanation as they said???
I'm not familiar with taxes so they usually make me confuse........
A.1 You should mark "permission to accept employment"
A.2 Your eligibility category is: (c) (9) ( )

Dear Seniors,

I was filling out the 765 forms for me (PA) and my spouse, I remember reading your discussions on this thread about it but I can't find it, nor can I remember for sure, and I wanted to be sure.

I have had 2 EADs (on F1) and my hubby has had 1 EAD (on F1) before. How should I answer this on 765:

1. Under, "I am applying for: a) permission to accept employment, b) Replacement (of lost EAD), c) Renewal of my permission to accept employment (attach previous EADs). What did you guys do?
2. Question 16: Eligibility Category is (c) (9), right?

Same answer applies to both me and my spouse, right?

Thanking you in advance for your kind reply!
Thank you leongsce,

I'm gonna ask him about 1065 and Schedule E and C.
He does his personal taxes together with business.
That what I know. But I will speak with him and see what we can do.
Anyway maybe they will not ask me about I-134, because I will bring letter from my employer and my tax return transcript.
But it's better to have one.

you're welcome.
in these bad economic times majority of businesses are going thru difficulties. if your employer is not doing too well ... i suggest he also write and sign a note to state that business has not been good. the fact that he is still in business only goes to show that he is well established and has the holding power to survive in these bad times, which is good.

and i concur with capeolive that if you are submitting i134, there are poverty guidelines to adhere to. so if your employer's 1040 does not meet the guidelines then it will be of not much use.
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still alive

Dear guys,
I couldn't check the forum for some time. I still haven't got my green card. I guess it will be really green in color when it arrives, as I just over looked the forum. I have my best wishes and prayers for all of us. capeolive hang in there. i was curious about your case. i hope the very best for you soon.

Thanks capeolive and leongsce.
My sponsor is very complicate so I'm thinking of looking for another one.
So I'll see in couple next days and make decision.

Thanks again :D
Dear guys,
I couldn't check the forum for some time. I still haven't got my green card. I guess it will be really green in color when it arrives, as I just over looked the forum. I have my best wishes and prayers for all of us. capeolive hang in there. i was curious about your case. i hope the very best for you soon.


I'm sure that your card is on the way.
If you heard, they changed them so that's probably reason that still didn't arrive.
Good luck and stay positive couple days more, and it will be whole green :D