• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2008 CP Interview Experiences

If I were you I would ask this question by email related US consular office..

thanx guys. i thought i could find an answers fo my questions here. but seems its not working..

Place of Residence: Egypt
NL received : April 9th 2007
Forms Sent Back to KCC:june10th 2007
waitting for second letter----------------------------
I've received the 2nd package. My interview is in Jan.
Couple of question:
1. Do I need to send the originals of "police and birth certificate" to Consular?
2. If I'm already working in US, is it sufficient to send the copy of my pay checks?
Are they supposed to be certified??
Thank you,

You dont need to send anything before the interview. Just bring the original birth certificate (they will keep it) and a certified copy of your birth certificate to the interview.

If you already working in the US, show them your contract and for saftey some pay checks/bank statement. Never read that the need to be certified.
Successful CP in La Paz Bolivia I

I have gained so much form this forum that I would like to contribute with my experience. Maybe some one will find it helpful.
-Case #: 2008SA000006##
-I am from Bolivia
-I live in the USA with F1 visa (finishing PhD) married to another Bolivian (on H1B), we have a son (born in the USA)
-I applied to lottery 1 day before the deadline in 2006
-Received NL in March 2007 (I was the winner)
-Immediately completed the forms and sent them back to KCC asking for AOS
-After finding this great forum and reading some horror stories about AOS I got worried and started considering CP.
-When USCIS raised the fees and I found out how much medicals cost in the US, The decision was easy. I switched to CP by sending a letter to KCC and filling a new DSP-122 requesting CP in La Paz Bolivia.
-Number became current in November 2007 and I got second letter by mid October.
-Interview date nov 2#
-Arrived in Bolivia with my wife a week before the interview and immediately requested police certificates and went to medicals. We had everything ready in 72 hours and spent 150 U$ for both of us (including vaccinations!).

continues below....
Successful CP in La Paz Bolivia II

Arrived to embassy at 8:30, showed letter and got to waiting room with everyone (immigrant and non immigrant visas)
9:15 My name was called to window 5 to submit all documents. The man looked at them briefly and sent me to pay the fees and come back to the same window. Then wait..
At 11:00 My name was called again to have fingerprints taken. Then wait again..
At 11:30 my name was called again and a lady gave me all our financial info back. She said they don´t need it for not but advised to bring it to the interview (We did not have a sponsor but we had our W2s for the previous 3 years and a copy of our savings account statement with about 30.000 US.) She said our interview was scheduled for 2:00 pm
At 2:30 our name was called to window 3. a nice gentleman was holding our papers. He asked us to sign the original forms we sent to KCC and proceeded to cancel our current visas (F1 and H1B) . Then he said everything looked fine and congratulations. That was it!! He never asked about our financial info or anything!
2:35 we were called to window 5 again and another man said we could pick up our passports that afternoon at 5 PM.
As we walked out of the embassy with our passports, we though what a great choice it was to switch from AOS to CP.
We were extremely lucky I guess. If something had gone wrong I would have been stuck in Bolivia and not be able to defend my dissertation in February. But thankfully it was a breeze. In retrospect I think dealing with small embassy is a lot better than dealing with USCIS. If you have not been living illegally in the US, I would recommend CP for all Bolivian winners.
Good luck to everyone and thanks you SOOO MUCH for making this a great forum!!!
Hello nice people of this forum,

I am desperate, this is been the longest waiting of my life. I was notified as a winner of the DV-2008 back in April, I received the first letter around the 10th, the letter was marked as written March 12.
But, as today, December 5th I haven;t received the second letter yet and I am beggining to loose hope. I've read in this forum that lots of people have received the second letter in September and October and already have had interviews, so, is it over for me?
I contacted my embassy, sent them an e-mail to an information address than they have about inmigration issues and they told me that do not have my file or any archive with my name. I am afraid of contacting the KCC because they make clear in the letter, do not contact us, we will contact you, etc.
My Case Number is 2008SA0000.... am i supposed to write it all down? is it safe???
Can anyone help me??? give me some valuable info, I do not know who to ask,
Thank you so much!

Congrats Nacho to you and your wife.......

I'll be in the same embassy soon couple of weeks, so your experience is very usefull, got back from La Paz today wanted to do my medicals with enough time ahead....

Hope you have a better life in the US now.....
Hello nice people of this forum,

I am desperate, this is been the longest waiting of my life. I was notified as a winner of the DV-2008 back in April, I received the first letter around the 10th, the letter was marked as written March 12.
But, as today, December 5th I haven;t received the second letter yet and I am beggining to loose hope. I've read in this forum that lots of people have received the second letter in September and October and already have had interviews, so, is it over for me?
I contacted my embassy, sent them an e-mail to an information address than they have about inmigration issues and they told me that do not have my file or any archive with my name. I am afraid of contacting the KCC because they make clear in the letter, do not contact us, we will contact you, etc.
My Case Number is 2008SA0000.... am i supposed to write it all down? is it safe???
Can anyone help me??? give me some valuable info, I do not know who to ask,
Thank you so much!

In order to help you we need more information. For example, look at the signatures others have created and quote your case number in a similar manner. You case number will determine when you are likely to receive your 2nd package.

Thanks everyone for the help and the best wishes

Hi Zenit
a W2 is a paper that every employer fills stating how much you made in the year. you use the W2 to fill your taxes.

Fiestoca, I am in cochabamba, if you have any questions you can call me at 79739393.

Good luck!

I just got the a email from KCC that my (wife's) interview is december 6, 2007

NL recieved :May 10, 2007
send back: June 6, 2007
email notification for second letter december , 6 2007

nallbani88, could you inform us how was your interview.
HI all
Well my dear friends, on December 6,2006 we had an interview in Skopje, Macedonia, they saw and collect our documents.
They took all documents from my wife (she was the winner), and from me the took only birth certificate, job certificate (verification), police records and investigattion verification documents. Than they took our fingerprints (funny they dint aks to sware!!?)
Then the interview started as followr:
Consular: Good morning
Wife....bla bla
Consular: Are you Happy that you won the lottery?
Wife: Yes
Consular: Where you borne?
Wife: bla bla
Consular: When you finished the high School
Wife: bla bla
Consular: What was your diploma
Wife: Geometer- Geodesy
Consular: Are you know study this section (faculty)
Wife: bla bla
Consular: Do you work as geodesiest (geometer)
Wife: No
Consular: My dear all documnets are OK, but, our officials people are going to check these docunets to the school where you had attended to proof that all documenta are originals, and we saw that you have an affidavit of support, but we need the tax form of 2006 and a pass or green card copy sending by email. Then we will arranged new appointment. You dont need to come all of you, only your husmband may come and show us the mentioned documents.

So my friends thats all....
Thank you for the reply.

I hope everything will be alright, there is plenty of time, and the documents, that they requested from you, I think you could prepare in one or two weeks.

Congratulations..! Dont' worry, it will go faster. The documents required are simple and it is easy to obtain them.

We look forward to news from final appointment.
Happy new year to all people on this forum..! I wish 2008 will bring to you happiness and prosperity.

Please keep writing here about your CP interview experiences.
Hi everyone,
I have a few questions to ask because I do not know what will really happen. I have applied for DV2009 this year.

First I would like to know if my status will be accepted because I am actually 20yrs old (21 in january) and currently studying diploma (1st of a Bsc) course. Am I too young to be successful for the lottery? Am I really required to have work experience?

What are the main things they want to know when being interviewed?

thanks in advance
For my info

Happy new year to all people on this forum..! I wish 2008 will bring to you happiness and prosperity.

Please keep writing here about your CP interview experiences.

Hi Dragonman
i am just being curious here.
why have u not yet submitted ur missing police certificate? U seem not in a hurry to get finished with your DV visa issuance.
Happy New Year!
@ Michaels: Did you even read the lottery instructions before applying?? It clearly says that you can qualify EITHER by education (at least a high school diploma or an equivalent) OR work experience. There is no minimum age.
You have only applied for the lottery but you haven't won yet. It's way to early about worrying about what will most likely never happen. But feel free to read through this forum and you will found a lot of information.

@ Dragoman: I was wondering the same as God Grace when I saw your signature.

Happy new year to you all!