I have some questions ! Can I get housing loan and school fee loan as the US permanent resident ??? Can I apply credit card ? I really want to know about that ! I also want to know that do I need to join the US army for the compulsory military service ?
I know that I can't get the US government job if I'm not US citizen.What kind of jobs are high paid except IT,engineering,medicine ?
Good question. One of the key element for living in the U.S is Credit Score. Almost very aspect of living in the U.S revolve in your credit score, from getting a credit card, getting a rent for apartment, getting a phone and cell phone, getting utilities (electricity, water, etc), car loan, house loan, school loan, etc.
Every time you are going to open one of these account, they will do a credit check. They will ask your Social Security number and check it with the credit agency to determine if you are qualified. If your credit seems ok, they will approve it, but if not, get ready for a bit of a hard time.
If you don't have a credit yet, the option for loans, etc will be difficult. The options that they will give you if you don't have credit are: show your monthly pay check, show your income tax return, pay certain amount of deposit, or have a cosigner.
Credit is important in the U.S because it is the way companies and banks can check if you can make the appropriate payments. In other word, it shows your financial behavior.
Building credit in the U.S and maintaining a good credit will give you a lot of benefit in the future. The way you can build credit is by getting a credit card and start making monthly payment, paying bills regularly (phone bills, electricity, etc). After a while, your credit will build up and you can start making big purchases like car loans, house loans, etc. Don't expect to get a house loan as soon as you get to the U.S, no one will give it to you. Start small, like car loan. After couple of years, then start thinking of getting a house loan.
Applying credit card without credit score will also be tricky. Just get ready for rejection letter from the credit card companies saying that your credit is unclear. Take your time and search carefully, there are many credit cards companies in the U.S, eventually one of them will bound to give approve you one. The best option for first timer is the Credit Card for Students, almost all credit card companies like American Express, Citi, Chase, Capital One, have one. They offer these credit card for younger adults who just starting to build credits. They will almost approve it even if someone don't have enough credit. Once you get one credit card and start using it, the rest are easy, credit card companies will send you tons of offers to get their credit card because you have shown to have one. Very weird..
Compulsory military in the U.S? They don't do this in the U.S. Military in the U.S is by choice or volunteer. If you want to serve in the U.S military, you just contact your local military recruiter where you live and they will sign you up for training. I can't recall there is a time in the U.S history where their citizen is required to join the military. Even during WWI and WWII, military service is voluntarily. I don't know if you ever seen the sign with Uncle Sam saying "I want you." It is how they attract people back in WWII to join the military.
High paying job in the U.S...besides IT, medicine, and engineering. Law, accounting, finance, etc. A lot of job can be a high paying job, it will all depends what is your position and how good you are. The field of IT, medicine, and engineering is high paid because those jobs are currently in high demand in the U.S. My advice, don't study something because of the money, study because you like what you are studying and love doing it. If you like what you are doing, you are more likely to be the best at that field and make a lot of money from it.