Consular Processing (New Delhi)

About 3 to 5 months

It takes about 3-4 months in regular CP case. In case of AC-140, it might take about 4 to 5 months(my guess).

rseth123 said:
CPDelhi : Thanks for the detailed response. As you said that name check and other things are done at US Consulate New Delhi ...any wild guess that in AC-140 case ..after how much an individual is scheduled for an 2? 3? 4? months..

Truly appreciate your help and responses.
just received email from the consulate and have appt for 8.2.04. am trying to get things in order. will post my experience if successful!


Congratulations for receving a confirmatory e-mail about your interview on August.

Good Luck. Everything will be fine.


tenzing said:
just received email from the consulate and have appt for 8.2.04. am trying to get things in order. will post my experience if successful!
hotels in delhi

I am wondering if anybody has suggestions for
hotels in Delhi.
I knew there were some posts about this but I am not able to locate them

Can one do consular processing for removal of temporary GC status?

Is it possible to apply for removal of conditional status on my GC from Delhi US consulate? Will they interview me there if I do that. My temp GC ( thro marriage to US citizen) expires March 05 and I am a student in India. My wife lives in US.
no Packet 4

I seem to face a peculiar situation..My attorney was told that my interview is on July XY but my NWD no. was not per the attorney that is not very unusual and he still wants me to go ahead and go on the date..Have not received packet 4..embassy has not replied to my emails yet ..but is that a necessity or has some other special thinks the communication from the embassy will be proof enough..any thoughts...ideas...suggestions...
Contact US Embassy

Please try to contact the US Embassy yourself by phone, e-mail and also try to send one of your relatives to the US Embassy, NWD and get the confirmation letter (packet 4).

Thanks and Good Luck.

elector said:
I seem to face a peculiar situation..My attorney was told that my interview is on July XY but my NWD no. was not per the attorney that is not very unusual and he still wants me to go ahead and go on the date..Have not received packet 4..embassy has not replied to my emails yet ..but is that a necessity or has some other special thinks the communication from the embassy will be proof enough..any thoughts...ideas...suggestions...

I am doing AC-140 from New Delhi consulate(Going for AC-140 is a different story). My lawyer is kind of confusing me that I dont fall under New Delhi consulate.

Here is my situation:
My passport was issued in 1996 from Bangalore but last year I sent my passport to Indian Embassy, Washington for "Change of Address" and my new address is of Lucknow (which falls under New Delhi consulate).

Last December I got my wife's H4 from New Delhi consulate. I have address on my passport, Indian drivers licence and Ration card from Lucknow. Also my birth certificate from New Delhi consulate region area.

Do you guys think that on the basis of these proof New Delhi will accept my case or do I need to do something else?

Don't repeat the same question in different thread, the answer will be same..

Your question is answered in different thread

Cp Experience I

CP Interview on 7/7/04 Experience

I reached Delhi on 1 July 04, by Air India from JFK. Uneventful flight except that before the aircraft began its final descent to Delhi some passengers took out their luggage from the overhead compartments and put it on the aisle in anticipation of deplaning. So when the aircraft came in to land we had luggage rolling all over the place. A very comical situation. Checked into the Samrat Hotel at Chankyapuri because of its proximity to the US Embassy. The lobby of the hotel was OK, but the room was a total disappointment, it was very dirty, there were mosquitoes and bed bugs, the bedsheets had not been replaced for some time, etc. The next day checked into the Ashoka which is next door to Samrat. This was marginally better but the corridors stank and the bathroom was dirty. Also, the attitude of the staff was not good, as they were sarkari karmacharis, they did not seem to care about the guests. I had to wait for about 45 minutes for the bell boy to come and take my luggage (5suitcases and 3carryons) to my room, and this was only after three visits to the reception and a good scolding in pure and chaste Bhojpuri. Also, one staff member (in suit and tie) actually snatched a glass from my hand at the breakfast buffet because according to him i should have used a smaller glass for the orange juice. Also, all the sarkari karmacharis seemed to be staying at the hotel and there were some suspicious women moving around the corridors at odd hours.
After two days I moved to the Taj Palace located next to Maurya Sheraton. I got a delux superior room, this came with a complementary (kingsize) breakfast, and at Rs.6100 per day was 400 cheaper than the Ashoka. The Taj Palace is a world class hotel and is the best among the hotels I have stayed anywhere in the world. The complementary breakfast buffet is so sumptuous that it obviates the need for lunch. However, the air conditioning could be better. Also, the fitness center is a bit small for such a hotel though it has a hot tub and a steam room. On the plus side, while exercising in the US i always felt puny in comparison to others, while at the Taj i felt as if I was a body builder. I would strongly recommend the Taj Palace to any CPer, especially (like me) if you have a family and children.

I had not received the packet 4 but had asked a friend to go to the Embassy between 2 and 3 to pick it up. Waiting time 30 minutes. No problems in the pick up.
I had an appointment with Dr Davesar at 4PM on 1st of July, Friday. I reached at 4:30 and there were no patients at that time. However, by the time he was done with us there were about 3 families waiting for the CP medical. He charged us Rs.1,200 per head and extra for innoculation. We had to go to Jorbagh for the Chest Xray and had to pay Rs.200 more. The voluptuous lady at the reception at the XRay place is a flirt and if you play her game, your Xray might be done sooner. (Forewarned is forearmed). In my case i had to inform her that my wife was sitting across the room and she would get very upset if she heard us. This sobered her a bit. The blood test was done at Dr. Lal's (i think this was the name) residence, actually the garage, in Greenpark Extension. All the tests were done promptly and did not take much time and the medical staff was professional and was accustomed to doing this. You require three photos, frontal shot, for the medical at Dr. Davesar's. One for Dr Davesar, one for the Xray and one for blood test. There is a photo lab next to Dr Davesar and they can give you copies in about 30 minutes. Also, I would recommend that you either rent a car with driver or have a friend drive you around. The entire medical tests and check up took about 2hours for the three of us.
I was told to collect the report on Monday. Anyone with the payment receipt can collect the reports. I phoned before going and the advantage of calling is that if you ask if all was OK you will get a Yes or a No answer. If you go to the clinic and ask the person if all is OK, she will simply nod her head, whcih could mean anything.

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Cp Experience II

On the interview date 7/7/04, i rented a chaffeured car from the hotel. Rs1200 for 8 hours and 80 kms. I did this just in case i needed to run to a photo studio, or Dr Davesar for corrections or to my hotel room for some additional documents.
We reached the embassy at 7:50AM and had to stand on the opposite side of the road, across from the outside embassy consular wing. There was a Delhi police cop helping the embassy guards, and i am sure that by his rudeness and vulgarity he must be the envy of his fellow Delhi cops. At about 7:55 the guards signalled for all applicants to come to the entrance and form a queue. There was a rush and soon there was a long queue. We too stood somewhere towards the end of the line. However, the guards soon came and weeded out all the non immigrant applicants and the line was significantly shortened. At this time keep your appointment letter out as every official Ram, Shyam and Ghanshyam who passes will want to take a look at it. First, there was a security check outside the embassy and then we had to wait outside to be ushered into the embassy. It was terribly hot and sweaty weather and though there were four or five good sized fans the guards had forgotten to turn them on except for the one they were under. I had assumed they were not working but was proved wrong when some other gentleman asked the guards to switch them on.
Now, from what i had read on this and related forum i had assumed that no bags were allowed inside the embassy. So had hand carried all documents. I felt like an idiot because there were folks who had small carry on suitcases with documents and they were allowed inside. However, electronic goods, cell phones, and sealed packets other than medical reports are not allowed inside the embassy premises. These have to be deposited at the entrance at the time of the second security check which takes place inside the enclosed premises of the embassy. This check is more thorough and involves, passing through a metal detector, manual frisking as well a baggage X ray machine. Once inside a guard collected my appointment letter and we were told to seat ourselves. The time now was 8:40AM. The waiting hall was soon full. The non immigrant visa folks had been let in and were made to stand in four queues two for business and visitor visas, one for student visas and one for non english speaking folks. Windows no. 9 to 13 were for non immigrant visas and i could watch and hear the proceedings in window 9. There was one case of elderly folks who wanted to visit their son in the US, and on being asked by the visa officer the visa status of their son they replied that he was illegal. Of course, they were denied.
I was called to window no 18 around 9:35AM. Now, windows 18 to 20 are not visible and they are inside another room. I had to ask the guard for no 18 and he looked surprised that i had been called to that window. Anyways, i went in and there was a consular officer seated in the lobby instructing US citizens what to do about a lost passport. I went to No. 18 and a local officer collected my documents, and those for my family. He asked for the passport, DS I and II forms, photos, birth certificate, marriage certificate and notarized employment letter. Surprisingly , i was not asked for the W-2 or tax transcripts. He merely glanced at the originals and returned them to me. He seemed to be impressed that i had put the three immigrant photos in very small ziploc bags and stapled the ziploc to a sheet of paper with my name and case number. That was the only comment he made. He then told me that the consular officer would see me very soon and told me to wait in the main lobby and not wander away.
I was called to window 17 in about 10minutes, however, it was to sign a letter stating that that i would not leave my employer on my return to the US. Then I was again told to wait in the main lobby.
My turn finally came after about one and a half hours.

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Cp Experience III

I was called to window 14 at about 11:45. The consular officer seemed to be of Indian origin and had a sacred religious thread around his left wrist. As soon as I went to the window he asked me if I was Pitambar Lal. I replied yes. Then he saw my son and asked him which grade he was in and also wheter he liked coming to India and for how long he stayed.
All this took about a minute. He then pushed forward the DS II forms for each of us to sign, told us to raise our right hands and swear that the application was true and there were no falsehoods. We did this by replying YES to whatever he said.
He then gave a short congratulatory and welcoming speech. "As of today you are GC holders, congratulations. In five years time you will be allowed to apply for US citizenship and hope you will be productive residents. I can see you are already doing well for yourself and hope you will do even better". He then asked us where we were staying and then told us that our passports and visas would be sent to our hotel. He then asked us when we were returning and on being told the 11 th of July, he said that it would be better if we collect the passports the same day at 4:30. He gave me a sticker the top of which he stuck to our application and the bottom part he gave to me. This read personal pick up. We were done by 11:58AM.

At 4:30 PM i went to the embassy and was directed to an outside window by the guard. The person told me the Immigrant visas had to be collected from inside the embassy. I went throught a security check and was allowed inside the consular building and was told to wait by a guard. There was only one other person waiting and she was waiting for a rectification in the original non immigrant visa. I was called at about 5:20 and was handed the passports and the visas. Fortunately, everything was in order.

At this time they were also changing the nonimmigrant visa signs. Post changes there were now three q's for student visas and only one queue for all other non immigrant categories.

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Cp Experience Iv

I hope i am not boring you folks. If so, just skip this post.

I flew Air India back to JFK on the 11th. At Delhi airport they check your passport and ticket at the entrance and as soon as you enter your checked in baggage goes through the scanner after which they single security tape each piece of your checked in baggage. By the way the perters are for free but i gave them a small tip. The sardarji at the Air India counter gave us four seats in four different parts of the aircraft. So if you are travelling family, check your seat numbers and not assume that common sense prevails, this will save a lot of hassles later on.

The Air India aircraft (i cannot recall the name) Boeing 747 was amazing. None of the seat controls worked, the overhead lights came on by themselves and would not go off. I silently prayed that having just got the immigrant visa i would safely make it to US shores and hoped that the more important parts of the aircraft were in good working order. Also, Air India staff would be good cattle herders as that is how they seemed to treat people. Maybe, Lalloo Yadav should have been given the Civil aviation ministry instead of the Railway ministry. The food was terrible and the toilets were dirty even before takeoff. Two of them were actually flooded. After much thought i realized this was probably because most Indians used water instead of toilet paper.

On boarding i discovered that we had four different seat assignments. I had to request fellow passengers to trade seats and most of them refused as they wanted either aisle or window. Finally, after a lot of permutation and combinations i was able to obtain four contiguous seats. However, as many of the passengers got off at London the same story repeated itself in London.

On reaching JFK i was directed to the visitors window. Not much conversation, but handed over the documents and passports and was told to go to Booth 50. There we were finger printed and made to sign twice. Then we were told "thats it". After one and a half years of being involved in the GC process I knew otherwise.

Now I am waiting for the actual Permanent Card to arrive. Will keep yall updated.

I apologize for my lenghty postings which may be incoherent as I am thoroughly jet lagged. If i have left out any important details please let me know.



i dont' know what your profession is...but I think you can be a good
playright or a screen writer.

somehow i too felt that i was right there living the experience myself

Thanks for the response.


vm1214 said:
Don't repeat the same question in different thread, the answer will be same..

Your question is answered in different thread

rseth123 said:

Thanks for the response.

{ I am sorry but just to mention because of anxiousness people post in mutiple threads expecting faster answer but its the same, I have no personal reason if you feel you need to do that for some reason you can continue doing it }

