Buffalo Tracker (please add)

Need your advice

Hi guys, I need your advice:
I am planning to join school in Canada in September and I have to send my legal status to school in July.
I had applied for PR in Feb 2004 and got IA in October. I have already sent the additional documents and Medicals and waiting for FBI fingerprint records. I expect FBI figerprints to come by end of Feb as its currently taking 8 weeks.

My timeline is really tight and do you guys advice me to apply for Student Visa, and is there any thread I can get information on Student Visa. Will it affect my PR application? How long does it take to get Student Visa?

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you can go to CIC official website. Applyinh for visa should affect your any pending application. All you have to do is to tell them the truth that you have applied. Ther eis a column in the visa application form as well. Remember to let the CIC in buffalo know once you move to Canada. BTW: you still have time waite for sometime and see what happens....
How long does it take

Thanks Johar
How long does it take to get the student visa?
What kind of impact shall I expect on my immigration application?
Shall I go ahead and tell the CIC that I am admitted to the school to expedite my processing, or it will have an adverse affect on my app.
I have an intention to immigrate under skilled worker class, I don't know how my intention to study will impact the application.

Your valuable advice will be highly appreciated.

you need not to tell the CIC in buffalo right now. All you have to do is to tell the visa officer and mention in the visa application form. Once you have everything ready, student visa should not take more than a day. Even if they decided to run a background check, it is already in your immigration application and they can access that in any consulate. So if you are going to go there (walk in) it should not take long at all. also check cic official website since it could vary for people form different countries. There should be no impication on your immigrant visa just because you want to go to school in Canada. Good luck....
s_mathew said:
Hi gc_despo,

If they have requested the medicals, then you should send it within the time frame. But, in my case they didn't ask me(the checklist was not ticked) to submit it along with the other docs they requested. I don't know whether it was a mistake from their part or they might have changed the procedure later.

I am not sure whether they automatically keep the case alive if the requested doc is not submitted in time.


Thanks for your reply. How can I check if my case is still alive or considered as abandoned.
Hi Johar Ali,

I decided to abandon Canadian GC precisely because I got US GC, and forum members advised me that I cannot be permanent resident of 2 countries at the same time!

I had thought that simply doing nothing would abandon my Canadian PR case, but now after seeing SMathew's case, I am wondering whether I need to explicitly write to CIC requesting them to cancel my case. That is why I want to know how to check my case status.

Hi Laborispainful

LaborIsPainful said:
Added mine quite sometime back.
Was just wondering if anyone in this forum got their IA recently.
I have the same time line I applied in 4/4/04 AOR 6/9/04.Still waitung for IA.....
Caips Notes

Johar Ali
I followed your footsteps and ordered CAIPS NOTES today . I feel you should not have ordered CAIPS NOTES because your Medical is already done and PP request is inevitable. You will get PP request within one or two months but people like us do not really know which way the wind will blow.

Hey Guys, Can you please tell me what they can ask me in Interview. My interview is on 01/30/05 in new york.
Hi gc_despo,

Sorry for the delay in replying. Have you paid the ROLF fee? If you did, then you should write to them that you have no plans to continue with the application and request to return your ROLF. If not, simply do nothing and at some point of time, they will dump it. But, why to waste their resources?

So, in my opinion, write a letter anyway as a courtesy. That way, they can put away your case(if it is still open) and spend time on another case(who is in need!!).


gc-despo said:
Hi Johar Ali,

I decided to abandon Canadian GC precisely because I got US GC, and forum members advised me that I cannot be permanent resident of 2 countries at the same time!

I had thought that simply doing nothing would abandon my Canadian PR case, but now after seeing SMathew's case, I am wondering whether I need to explicitly write to CIC requesting them to cancel my case. That is why I want to know how to check my case status.

It's hard(or should I say impossible) to get a reply on the status from Buffalo. I have sent them many faxes but never recv'd any reply.


gc-despo said:
Thanks for your reply. How can I check if my case is still alive or considered as abandoned.
billofempire said:
Johar Ali
I followed your footsteps and ordered CAIPS NOTES today . I feel you should not have ordered CAIPS NOTES because your Medical is already done and PP request is inevitable. You will get PP request within one or two months but people like us do not really know which way the wind will blow.
I oredered caips notes because if you look at some other people with the same time line as mine they have gotten their passports stamped already.

I think they ask general questions about States , Cities of Canada , Why you chose Canada for PR etc.
These are the questions they asked one of my friend last year.
interview at nyc


I have an interview at NYC too,Can you tell me your timeline?thank you very much.

jowood said:
Hey Guys, Can you please tell me what they can ask me in Interview. My interview is on 01/30/05 in new york.
s_mathew said:
Hi gc_despo,

Sorry for the delay in replying. Have you paid the ROLF fee? If you did, then you should write to them that you have no plans to continue with the application and request to return your ROLF. If not, simply do nothing and at some point of time, they will dump it. But, why to waste their resources?

So, in my opinion, write a letter anyway as a courtesy. That way, they can put away your case(if it is still open) and spend time on another case(who is in need!!).


Thanks a lot for your replies, SMathew. I think I will write to CIC as you advice asking them to cancel my case. Its probably better than just abandoning it. Just like old bank accounts and credit cards, if not in use, I think it is best to close down a case filed with any government agency.
Landing Fee -

Got a question about landing fee.
Please post a link if a new landing fee is enforced (according to the latest conversion), because when a IA sent to me, it mentioned about 715 USD but I heard it is changed.

- Besdies, Will a US Postal Money order serve the Purpose?
- Another question for a very rare case, if for some reason CIC need to return the Landing fee, How do they return (Same Money order what I sent or they make new money order), most probably they should be making a new MO because they encash what You send immediately after reception.

Appreciate your reply.
- JRF.