Buffalo Tracker (please add)

Good question.
In any case, how do u certify a letter ?

Was the letter that u sent at the time of your application different from the one that I sent you ?

In some ways Candian Immigration is worse than US immigration. It's a complete black hole, there is no one u can contact, noone u can write to etc etc..
I guees I'll never get it

People who applied more than a month after already getting the approvals.

So I get they might have lost / misplaced my file.

Does it delay the processing if I send addional info like my new born, transcripts etc?

I'm giving it up with the light of addional 12+ months delay with the waiver!

- Sala :)

There is a slight correction I need to make :
Name Applied File number
Samy_2002 ---01/10/01------11/15/01---Pending.

Individuals who have applied after me got their approval letters..but I am still waiting...just like some other's on the list...

Hi IAmTiredOfThis,

I'm trying to find out about the certified letter thing. My original letter to them was very similar to what you sent me. It covered all details they had asked for.

Let's see how it goes...
General comments:

Now a days, in majority of cases CIC asks for-
1. W2, recent paystubs, FBI clearance etc.
2. wait for six months for the medical that means they also have major delay in processing for landing papers.
3. first stage of receiving file number is also taking longer than normal.
4. we have seen random order of the release of medical forms from mid-september cases.
5. So, it looks like the complete process will take double time then what we have expected.

I also see that there is a need to start a tracking for LANDING papers. So, I have added one more column in the Landing papers section. So, folks waiting for landing papers please update this tracker.

We will also plan to have two weekly updates on wednesday & friday in the tracker list to keep the tracker current and less repetations in forum.

Here's the updated tracker:
name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n) --> Landing papers recd.
=Interview and Landing Papers Tracker======================
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -------->N-->Pending
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001---->09/11/2001->06/18/2002->N->approved
ldmello------->08/2001 --->10/12/2001->05/23/2002->N->?
raj1008------->08/02/2001->10/26/2001->07/21/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?

=Medical Tracker===========================================

dhaka101-->09/25/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
t_p99------->09/29/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
samy_2002-->10/01/2001-> 11/15/2001-----> Pending
pkapur----->10/05/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> Pending
mk116----->10/16/2001-> 01/02/2002--> pending
Jalma------->10/2001----> 11/28/2001--> pending
Texas------>00/2001----> 11/2001-----> pending
shyamku--->10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> pending
afs32----->10/15/2001-> 12/06/2001--> pending
Suny------>10/26/2001-> 12/04/2001--> pending
rta2002-->10/29/2001-> 12/19/2001--> Pending
IAmTiredOfThis->10/28/1001->12/13/2001 ->Pending
McGoo------>11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
leo1973---->11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
rim---------->11/2001 -> 01/2002 ->Pending
mbari------->11/05/2001->01/05/2002--> Pending
ivaylo------->11/07/2001->01/10/2002--> Pending
sanksin77-->04/10/2002-->09/13/2002 -> Pending
gsingh72--->04/15/2002--> Pending
RahulatDC-->05/15/2002--> Pending
candie ------>06/04/2002--> Pending
h1bfate ---->06/26/02----> Pending
Good Job - tp

You have consolidated all the facts roaming around us related to Buffalo processing. But all in all the situation is not moving in good direction as everything getting slowed down drastically.

So far I have not also got anything. I got another issue. I sent info. about my change of address in August-02 but no confirmation back that it has been changed in records or not. Top of it I have changed to another place after that due to fire in apartment. Although forwarding of address are working but I dont know during tough times, this could also add more trouble or not !!!

Have added my name and dates to the list. All this does not look at all guys. Why ???????????

Here's the updated tracker:
name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n) --> Landing papers recd.
=Interview and Landing Papers Tracker======================
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -------->N-->Pending
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001---->09/11/2001->06/18/2002->N->approved
ldmello------->08/2001 --->10/12/2001->05/23/2002->N->?
raj1008------->08/02/2001->10/26/2001->07/21/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?

=Medical Tracker===========================================

dhaka101-->09/25/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
t_p99------->09/29/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
samy_2002-->10/01/2001-> 11/15/2001-----> Pending
pkapur----->10/05/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> Pending
mk116----->10/16/2001-> 01/02/2002--> pending
Jalma------->10/2001----> 11/28/2001--> pending
Texas------>00/2001----> 11/2001-----> pending
shyamku--->10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> pending
afs32----->10/15/2001-> 12/06/2001--> pending
Suny------>10/26/2001-> 12/04/2001--> pending
rta2002-->10/29/2001-> 12/19/2001--> Pending
IAmTiredOfThis->10/28/1001->12/13/2001 ->Pending
McGoo------>11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
leo1973---->11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
rim---------->11/2001 -> 01/2002 ->Pending
mbari------->11/05/2001->01/05/2002--> Pending
ivaylo------->11/07/2001->01/10/2002--> Pending
sanksin77-->04/10/2002-->09/13/2002 -> Pending
gsingh72--->04/15/2002--> Pending
RahulatDC-->05/15/2002--> Pending
candie ------>06/04/2002--> Pending
h1bfate ---->06/26/02----> Pending
wishful_thinkin --> 09/15/02---->Pending

I also fax the change of address request on August 16th 2002. But, I received the letter from them almost at the end of September. Letter was not the exact confirmation, but it was like "your case is still in processing".

This letter was mailed to my new address. I assumes that there records have my new current address. But, as we all know there is big gaps in CIC offices, my new address might not have been updated in to the original file and that's why it might be taking longer.

Here's the updated tracker:
name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n) --> Landing papers recd.
=Interview and Landing Papers Tracker======================
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -------->N-->Pending
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001---->09/11/2001->06/18/2002->N->approved
ldmello------->08/2001 --->10/12/2001->05/23/2002->N->?
raj1008------->08/02/2001->10/26/2001->07/21/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?

=Medical Tracker===========================================

Delaware------->08/2001 --->01/2002 -> Pending
dhaka101-->09/25/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
t_p99------->09/29/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
samy_2002-->10/01/2001-> 11/15/2001-----> Pending
pkapur----->10/05/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> Pending
mk116----->10/16/2001-> 01/02/2002--> pending
Jalma------->10/2001----> 11/28/2001--> pending
Texas------>00/2001----> 11/2001-----> pending
shyamku--->10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> pending
afs32----->10/15/2001-> 12/06/2001--> pending
Suny------>10/26/2001-> 12/04/2001--> pending
rta2002-->10/29/2001-> 12/19/2001--> Pending
IAmTiredOfThis->10/28/1001->12/13/2001 ->Pending
McGoo------>11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
leo1973---->11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
rim---------->11/2001 -> 01/2002 ->Pending
mbari------->11/05/2001->01/05/2002--> Pending
ivaylo------->11/07/2001->01/10/2002--> Pending
sanksin77-->04/10/2002-->09/13/2002 -> Pending
gsingh72--->04/15/2002--> Pending
RahulatDC-->05/15/2002--> Pending
candie ------>06/04/2002--> Pending
h1bfate ---->06/26/02----> Pending
wishful_thinkin --> 09/15/02---->Pending

What was your eaxact dates of filing?

Did you have any issues after initial filing? Do you have any idea why your case is still pending?

Hello Everybody,

Small change in my situation that just today I am able to get e-client status working, which has not been working for the last 6-7 months.

Congratulations Kapur Sahab

It means more good news are coming on its way...
Waiting to hear the progress of next four people in line...

Mr t_p, I am also surprised that Mr. Delawar got his AOR number very later. But his case won't be processed sooner as they are processing (I think) according to the date of AOR rather than when you initially applied for it..

The processing time is damn slow.... might take them few more months before they start working on my file (AOR: 11/28/01).

Waiting.. waiting and waiting......
Assesment results

Hi Guys

Just received my assessment papers.I have updated the tracker.
my id is SEEKINGPR

I have to wait for six months before going for medicals and have been asked to submit the following documents

1 New FBI - Clearence as the old one has expired
2 Certified experience letter from my current employer
3 Bank statement for available funds

My H1B is expiring in March 2003 and was wondering if i can do my medicals a little earlier than 6 months. ?

Here's the updated tracker:
name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n) --> Landing papers recd.
=Interview and Landing Papers Tracker======================
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -------->N-->Pending
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001---->09/11/2001->06/18/2002->N->approved
ldmello------->08/2001 --->10/12/2001->05/23/2002->N->?
raj1008------->08/02/2001->10/26/2001->07/21/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?
SEEKINGPR ---> 10/4/2001 --> 11/15/2001 -->10/30/2002->N -->Pending


My H1B is expiring in March 2003 and was wondering if i can do my medicals a little earlier than 6 months. ?


My e-status still doesn't work, and haven't heard anything yet.

dhaka101 :
did you receive papers? I don't know what's the reason behind this delay.

First time in our tracker we have seen that they are processing in random order. That's good atleast other friends are still receiving their papers.

I also don't know why they are asking about your employer letter eventhough, one doesn't need to be in legal status at the time you are granted PR in CN. this is the way they are just passing time, so they don't have to work hard on your landing papers soon. I am not worried bc my H1 is still valid. But, for other guys this must be creating a major problem.

I think those friends whose H1 is expring should try to get the canadian visitor visa and just go there, and once they get their landing papers, then come to US and fly back to canada again. I don't know is it possible or not.

tp :(
Originally posted by t_p99
I also don't know why they are asking about your employer letter eventhough, one doesn't need to be in legal status at the time you are granted PR in CN.
tp :(

It sux man, how could they ask for Certified experience letter from my current employer as mentioned by seekingpr, its none of their concern to know one is legal or illegal in USA

Seekingpr, can you please elobrate what exactly they r asking :confused:
Exp Letter

Hi rahul

What CIC wants is a certified copy of my experience letter since sept 2001. I had changed jobs around aug 2001 and then did not a experience letter from my current employer.

I had submitted all the exp letters prior to Aug 2001.

Hope this clarifies your concern. Sorry for not clearly stating the facts.

please help
How much time it will take get the pasport after stamping from Bufaloo. How abt landing papers when will we get the landing papers.How willwe get the landing papers???/
Still in Progress


My Status is still in Progress!

Applied in Sept 2001
File Received 9/25/2001
File # 11/15/2001
Status still pending !!!!!!!!!

I'm very disappointed by the fact that people who applied more than a month later than me already reciving the approvals!!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad:
Certified letter from current employer ?

Hi All,

Looks like the Canadian Immigration people are tightening up the process in an absurd manner.
Some people, like me, are already trying to process GC with the current employer ( which is another screwed up story ).
There is no way the current employer is going to give me a letter of experience. Any way out of this ??
I have the same situation, I could not get experience letters from three employer due to their company policies. So, I provided my copy of hiring letters and last paystubs, as well as an explanation letter.
And also, I have the same prob. bc my GC labor process is going on so, i can't obtain experience letter from him. Still I haven't recd my medical, but I am sure that they will going to ask me for the same documents.
