Buffalo Tracker (please add)

No employeer will give the exp letters while u working with them. Best method you draft a letter , tell them ui need this to take a loan to buy apartment in your country. the bank guys need below format!!!!!!

RE : Employment verification for MR/Ms Firstname Lastname

This is to certify that .................. is working in our compnay
as <desgination> in fulltime bassis , 40 hrs/week from date to present . during his employment he/she is working with <clinet name> on so and so platform...

Any verification for his employment u can


Remember USE the first line. u can use this for anything , this is ur employm,ent verification for current employeer. Anybody can give this. Also tell them ur apartment leasing guys are need this.
I played these tricks and got the letter. My previous compnay also told the same bullshut , I Told I need this for INDIAN banks , they accept in this format.

Good luck!!!!!
Good News Finally

Thanks to GOD and all friends on the board

My wife called me to notify me @ work that I've just got the intial assesment today. But she mentioned some problem with my file.

I'll update you tomorrow afternoon with the details.

:) :) :)
Last edited by a moderator:
Need help ... Medical

I could not find (yet) where this mentions to wait for 6 months to do the medical (usually they're telling to wait 6 months).

Also we've a new born in Sept and we don't have the medical form for her yet.

Should we send our forms or wait for our daughter's form? How long this may take to get the from for our daughter? Will this effect any delays if we send separately or it would be delays anyways if we wait.

Please suggest. Thank you in advance.

- Sala :)
I have updated under my id : [pkapur]

Here I am to go along with you , same situation.

Please add info. if anybody has got related to interview.


Here's the updated tracker:
name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n) --> Landing papers recd.
=Interview and Landing Papers Tracker======================
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -------->N-->Pending
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001---->09/11/2001->06/18/2002->N->approved
ldmello------->08/2001 --->10/12/2001->05/23/2002->N->?
raj1008------->08/02/2001->10/26/2001->07/21/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?
pkapur----->10/05/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> 11/02/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?

=Medical Tracker===========================================

Delaware------->08/2001 --->01/2002 -> Pending
dhaka101-->09/25/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
t_p99------->09/29/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
samy_2002-->10/01/2001-> 11/15/2001-----> Pending
mk116----->10/16/2001-> 01/02/2002--> pending
Jalma------->10/2001----> 11/28/2001--> pending
Texas------>00/2001----> 11/2001-----> pending
shyamku--->10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> pending
afs32----->10/15/2001-> 12/06/2001--> pending
Suny------>10/26/2001-> 12/04/2001--> pending
rta2002-->10/29/2001-> 12/19/2001--> Pending
IAmTiredOfThis->10/28/1001->12/13/2001 ->Pending
McGoo------>11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
leo1973---->11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
rim---------->11/2001 -> 01/2002 ->Pending
mbari------->11/05/2001->01/05/2002--> Pending
ivaylo------->11/07/2001->01/10/2002--> Pending
sanksin77-->04/10/2002-->09/13/2002 -> Pending
gsingh72--->04/15/2002--> Pending
RahulatDC-->05/15/2002--> Pending
candie ------>06/04/2002--> Pending
h1bfate ---->06/26/02----> Pending
wishful_thinkin --> 09/15/02---->Pending
Some info and can someone tell me what is the criteria that who gets the interview?

name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n) --> Landing papers recd.
pkapur-----------> 10.05.01-> 11.15.01-> 11.02.02--> Pending-----> Pending-->
*Intial Assesment says, I need to appear for interview in NY after 7-10 months and I should go for medicals, once I get the letter stating exact date of interview, which would come to me 2 months prior to date of interview.

Sorry to hear that you got picked for an interview.
I think it is arbit. Someone at my work place also had to face an interview for no particular reason.
I thought because of the excess workload, they are waiving off all the interviews.

Sorry to hear Mr kapur that you have to wait for another 7-10 months. But don't loose heart since now a days all persons (except Dhaka) have to wait for another 6 months for their medical anyway. So you will be getting your medical forms around same time as other (may be a diff. of 1-2 months. It would have been much better of not getting an interview.

Raj1008 in this forum also got an interview. Either he or someone else wanted (as per forum)to write to canadian immigration asking the reason for singling him out for interview. I dont know what happened to that......But its hard to made changes once the decisions are made.
I've heard that CAIPS notes are good to obtain in the case of an interview ...just a suggestion to further analyze the reason or reasons for interview... coz I know you were looking into that...
Thanks for all of your replies and thoughts !!


You mentioned "Someone at my work place also had to face an interview for no particular reason."
Can you get his timeline(If he is interested to share the same), so that I could start tracking what is going on now.


Well I have also got medical forms along with the information of interview. At the same time unnecessary addition of another chance to reject the application. and offcourse atleast 2-4 months of extra time as compared to today's wait of 6 months for medicals.


I obtained CAIPS notes just few days back, and this report was printed atleast 14-15 days back and thus does not contain any indication related to interview. I donot know whether I should go for another request of the CAIPSnotes report to get some info. related to interview.
Currently CAIPSnotes just mention the only important thing the change of address , which I sent sometime back. It even does not show me the total points I scored or any other issue they would have found.

Any suggestions from any other forum member would be greatly appreciated.



Your Feedback is Appreciated !

Dear All,

Hi, It is nice to all of your mails in this forrum which gives a great information. I had applied the canadian PR in Jan 2002 and have got a file no in Feb so far I havent heard anything from them. Can someone be kind enough to give their opinion on the followwing querries??

1) When Can I expect a response??
2) How long does it take after the medicals are done to get Landing papers ?? What is this that I am hearing about 6 months wait???
3) Also I have a new born baby in Oct 2002 ie one month ago. Do I need to inform them about this development?? As the baby is US citizen I guess she dont require Canadian PR since US Citizens can travel and stay in Canada. Am I thinking right???
4) Also I am currently in US and from the time it is taking I dont think I will be able to
stay in US for more than 2 more months. So Can I go back to India?? What do I need to do for that?? Do I need to inform them about my address change?? I have given my brother's address here which is permanent. So is it ok to just keep his address or do I have to transfer my case to India. Is so does it affect the processing time??

Your Views and options to my querries are highly appreciated.

PK :

The guy applied in March 2001. His assessment was done in Sept 2001, his took his interview in LA around May 02 and he got his landing papers either in August or September.

Interview was trivial, they asked him to get a police clearance from India (which is easy to get from an Indian consulate).
Could you please up date your information in the tracker list.

with Thanks & Regards,

Here's the updated tracker (Write exact dates instead of only months): ==========================================
name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n) -->
Landing papers recd.
=Interview and Landing Papers Tracker======================
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -------->N-->Pending
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001---->09/11/2001->06/18/2002->N->approved
ldmello------->08/2001 --->10/12/2001->05/23/2002->N->?
raj1008------->08/02/2001->10/26/2001->07/21/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?
dhaka101-->09/25/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> 10/31/02->N->Pending
pkapur----->10/05/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> 11/02/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?

=Medical Tracker===========

t_p99------->09/29/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
samy_2002-->10/01/2001-> 11/15/2001-----> Pending
Texas------>00/2001----> 11/2001-----> pending
Jalma------->10/2001----> 11/28/2001--> pending
Suny------>10/26/2001-> 12/04/2001--> pending
afs32----->10/15/2001-> 12/06/2001--> pending
rta2002-->10/29/2001-> 12/19/2001--> Pending
shyamku--->10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> pending
mk116----->10/16/2001-> 01/02/2002--> pending
mbari------->11/05/2001->01/05/2002--> Pending
ivaylo------->11/07/2001->01/10/2002--> Pending
McGoo------>11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
leo1973---->11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
rim---------->11/2001 -> 01/2002 ->Pending
Delaware------->08/2001 --->01/2002 -> Pending gocubs----->01/2002----->04/2002----->pending sanksin77-->04/10/2002-->09/13/2002 -> Pending
gsingh72--->04/15/2002--> Pending
RahulatDC-->05/15/2002--> Pending
candie ------>06/04/2002--> Pending
h1bfate ---->06/26/02----> Pending
wishful_thinkin --> 09/15/02---->Pending
Are they losing it?

Hi Guys,

I just wanted to add a few notes here.

They have singled us (pkapur and me) for an interview, but we cannot appeal for a waiver. The funny thing is that I have been a landed immigrant once in 1988 and half my family incld parents are Citizens. Guess we shall just have to chill and see what happens. I have learnt that they have to clear all cases under old law by March 2003. I just dont know what in Gods name they are doing. As per the law I am more or less guaranteed the immigration or I have an alternate under family reunification to get my papers, so wonder what this charade is for!

Secondly I saw someone mention about getting a visit visa, well the bad news is that once you apply for a PR , whether you get it or not you dont get a visit visa for about 5 years from the date of application and you will have to prove really hard that you dont intend to immigrate at that time.

Also someone said that they shouldnt be worried about legal status in other countries. Well apparently they care very much. That decides your character. They are very concerned whether you have been law abidding. So please dont try pulling a fast on one on them. If you read their visit visa application form it clearly asks, " Have you been ever denied visa or deported from any country?" ................ from any country? They are paranoid.

Anyways guess we shall just have to wait.

P.S. Pkapur which is your interview center?
Hi raj1008
You mentioned that you have landed once in 1988…is it 1988 or 1998? You have also mentioned that the Canadian immigration has to finish all the pending cases under old law before March 2003..where did you get this information? Was it posted anywhere or ?
I wish you all the best…and dont loose heart.

Hello Samy,

I was a landed immigrant in 1988, when my whole family got immigration. I couldnt stay on and had to go back to India due to some personal reasons.

The info about clearing all pending files is from a lawyer friend who is more often than not accurate.

Re: Are they losing it?

raj1008 :

Intial Assesment says, I need to appear for interview in NY after 7-10 months and I should go for medicals only after I get letter stating exact date of interview, which would come to me 2 months prior to date of interview.

What exact is the language your letter says.

- Have you started collecting some information related to Interview. What these guys want more from us.

- When are you thinking to go for Medicals.



Thank's for the info raj1008. I hope your friend's(Lawyer) words come true. There are many in this forum, who will be relieved. I wish you all the best.
Its seems like canadian immigration is now taking about 15-20 days to finish with all the application received on a single day or date. So far they are still processing all the application with an AOR date of 11/15/01. With this speed they will not be able to finish screeing all the old application received before 12/31/02 before March, 02. The remaining application will be processed under the new law with a passmark of 70. Let see how its goes....

Did Sammy, T_p and Texas got their initial assessment or still waiting..

Good Luck...