Buffalo Tracker (please add)


I am planning to apply for permanent residence in Canada. I have only 72 points. In application, it mentions that, if you do not have 75 points and still if you want to apply,
"You may submit a formal application if you believe that there are factors that would show that you are able to become economically established in Canada. Send a detailed letter with your application explaining why you think you are able to become economically established in Canada. Include any documents that support your claim. "

Can anybody share format of such application ? Which are the documents required to support claim.

Also for language proficiency, which are the documents required ? I have not appeared in any test as I have studied college level in English medium.

Any info will greatly appreciated.

Hi Jalma
No luck with the landing papers so far. I did my medical around the last week of April, 2002. The most recent communication from them was regarding sending new photos which I did send in the first week of October. My e staus still says "under processing". Its a long wait again........

very very frustated with the whole process.
time between medical and landing papers

Can anyone please tell me the time frame between medical & landing papers?? I guess we need to track down this information but the problem is all those(most ) who already received the landing papers do not bother to let us know.
Also it seems some people had to do medical twice but don't know why. I guess sivac_c had to do it twice ...but despite having asked for the reasons never got the reply.
Anyway if someone could provide some idea it would be appreciated.

Congratualations to all folks who have received their assessments in last week.

I am very much disappointed about myself, I still have not received anything from them. Folks 15 days behind me already received their assessment in last two weeks. I am still wondering what might be causing them any problem.

I sent all the correct information, provided all experience letters that i received from all the employers. For my present employer i have sent them my most recent paystubs, letter of hiring, H1 documents. I was never denied in immigration in US. Everything is very clear.
I sent my application - 9/29/01,
received file number - 11/15/01,
change of address fax - 08/16/02,
received letter at new address - 09/01/02,
(letter said your case is still in progress),
Sent additional information by fax - 11/08/02,
(additional information was about new employer)
Assessment - STILL PENDING

E-status doesn't work for my file no. ( I believe one of the reason could be wrong data entry of birthdate in the system, one of my friend had same problem).

Let me know , if you guys know of anybody who is having the similar situation. Let me know your opinions.

Thanks in advance

Medical .. Jalma

Hi.. Jalma.

I am still awaiting for information / news about landing papers. My Medicals were couriered on July 15, 2002. It has been 4 months now. I am told that they have a lot of backlog and hence the delay. Also my eStatus shows... IN PROCESS.

File Transfer

Recieved a letter today that my file was transfered from Buffalo to New york City. It stated in the letter that you should be aware that it is unlikely that a decision on your application can be made prior to March 31, 2003.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Applied July 27, 2001
File Number recieved: 10\19\01
it seems that the Canadians are competing with Americans to make us more misreble.
Letter asking to send orignal passport to Buffalo CIC


I sent in my medicals in Sept 2002. Today, I received a letter from Buffalo consulate asking me to send in my orignal passport so that they can send in my final immigranat visa. They have said that i send in teh passport in the next 30 days.

1. Why is the orignal passport required? Is it required so that they can stamp the immigrant visa and send it back to us?
2. I am planning to travel to India in Dec, how long does it take to get my passport back?
3. Can we postpone sending the orignal passport to CIC and send them the passport after we return from India?

letter askign to send orignal passport to Buffalo


I sent in my medicals in Sept 2002. Today, I received a letter from Buffalo consulate asking me to send in my orignal passport so that they can send in my final immigranat visa. They have said that i send in teh passport in the next 30 days.

1. Why is the orignal passport required? Is it required so that they can stamp the immigrant visa and send it back to us?
2. I am planning to travel to India in Dec, how long does it take to get my passport back?
3. Can we postpone sending the orignal passport to CIC and send them the passport after we return from India?

Hi lonely_indian,

Congratulatons. Could you please tell me exactly at what date in September your medicals were sent??

Thanks in advance,
Sent the papers on Sept 15th, I guess, not really sure about the actual date. But I am surprised, why the CIC is asking for my orignal passport. Are you aware, if they have asked passports from some other folks also, and wonder how long will it take for them to send us back the passports.

Help appreciated in this regards
Yes, they ask for the passport these days. I think it takes about 10 days.

There should be other messages about this on this forum. Search the older threads...

Incidently you have heard from CIC really fast. There are some people here who sent their medicals in June and have still not heard from CIC.
Thanks for the info. But I syill have some questions for you,
1. Did you do your medical on sep 15th or the doctor sent your medical report on sep 15th?
2. What were the documents they asked for and when did you send those?
3. What does your e-status show now?

I hope I'm not asking too much, your reply is greatly appreciated.

1. Did our medicals on 11th Sep, so I am guessing the doctor send it in 1-2 weeks.
2. additional documents was letter from my current employer, sent on 18th Sep
3. I haven't checked my e-status, but the last time i checked they did not have a record of my applicatin in the system. Usually, if you fax them a letter, they send you a response.
Hi Guys,
I think now we need to update the tracker for medical done, passport requested and landing papers received. So that we can follow the pattern of whats going on with the immigration process. Please update accordingly. Thanks

Here's the updated tracker (Write exact dates instead of only months):
name----->medical forms-->Medical date-->Passport requested---->Landing papers
Jalma---->11/07/2002----->pending------->pending-------------->pending ==========================================
name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n) -->
Landing papers recd.
=Interview and Landing Papers Tracker======================
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -------->N-->Pending
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001---->09/11/2001->06/18/2002->N->approved
ldmello------->08/2001 --->10/12/2001->05/23/2002->N->pending
raj1008------->08/02/2001->10/26/2001->07/21/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?
dhaka101-->09/25/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> 10/31/02->N->Pending
pkapur----->10/05/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> 11/02/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?
Jalma------->10/2001----> 11/28/2001--> 11/07/02->N->Pending

=Medical Tracker===========

t_p99------->09/29/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
samy_2002-->10/01/2001-> 11/15/2001-----> Pending
Texas------>00/2001----> 11/2001-----> pending
Suny------>10/26/2001-> 12/04/2001--> pending
afs32----->10/15/2001-> 12/06/2001--> pending
rta2002-->10/29/2001-> 12/19/2001--> Pending
shyamku--->10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> pending
mk116----->10/16/2001-> 01/02/2002--> pending
mbari------->11/05/2001->01/05/2002--> Pending
ivaylo------->11/07/2001->01/10/2002--> Pending
McGoo------>11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
leo1973---->11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
rim---------->11/2001 -> 01/2002 ->Pending
Delaware------->08/2001 --->01/2002 -> Pending
sanksin77-->04/10/2002-->09/13/2002 -> Pending
gsingh72--->04/15/2002--> Pending
RahulatDC-->05/15/2002--> Pending
candie ------>06/04/2002--> Pending
h1bfate ---->06/26/02----> Pending
wishful_thinkin --> 09/15/02---->Pending
My friend got File Number


My friend got file Number.

applied : 11th June 2002
File Number Recevied : 18th Nov 2002

Ashvin Patel :)
I applied on June 15'th 02 and yet to receive a response or case#. My FBI fingerprints are with me for past 4 months.

Do you know how can I send me fingerprints to Canadian consulate.
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Here's the updated tracker (Write exact dates instead of only months):
name----->medical forms-->Medical date-->Passport requested---->Landing
name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n) -->
Landing papers recd.
=Interview and Landing Papers Tracker======================
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -------->N-->Pending
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001---->09/11/2001->06/18/2002->N->approved
ldmello------->08/2001 --->10/12/2001->05/23/2002->N->pending
raj1008------->08/02/2001->10/26/2001->07/21/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?
dhaka101-->09/25/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> 10/31/02->N->Pending
pkapur----->10/05/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> 11/02/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?
Jalma------->10/2001----> 11/28/2001--> 11/07/02->N->Pending

=Medical Tracker===========

t_p99------->09/29/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
samy_2002-->10/01/2001-> 11/15/2001-----> Pending
Texas------>00/2001----> 11/2001-----> pending
Suny------>10/26/2001-> 12/04/2001--> pending
afs32----->10/15/2001-> 12/06/2001--> pending
rta2002-->10/29/2001-> 12/19/2001--> Pending
shyamku--->10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> pending
mk116----->10/16/2001-> 01/02/2002--> pending
mbari------->11/05/2001->01/05/2002--> Pending
ivaylo------->11/07/2001->01/10/2002--> Pending
McGoo------>11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
leo1973---->11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
rim---------->11/2001 -> 01/2002 ->Pending
Delaware------->08/2001 --->01/2002 -> Pending
sanksin77-->04/10/2002-->09/13/2002 -> Pending
gsingh72--->04/15/2002--> Pending
RahulatDC-->05/15/2002--> Pending
candie ------>06/04/2002--> Pending
h1bfate ---->06/26/02----> Pending
wishful_thinkin --> 09/15/02---->Pending

You should have submitted your FBI card with your initial application. But now there is no way you can send them any additional docs or info till you get your file number. So wait for your file number.

And with the kind of time its taking these days to process the applications, there is a very good chance you might be asked to submit another fingerprinting proof at the time your application is finalised.