vveerryy important - Good stuff to discuss about LosAngles Interview
Hi Gurus
Mine immigration applied from one lawyer in Montreal.
And my present address is mentioned as California address in the application.
Now the question is , if Buffalo feels i have to be interviewed, my file will be transferred to LosAngels. Am i right ?? Because my present address mentioned in the application is California based.
Losangels center is the one to deal with california state.
As i heard LosAngels is damn slow in setting up interviews and take the decisions , can not we avoid LosAngels center for getting interview.
Actually in my case , my employer is Chicago based , where as i am living in California and mentioned California address as my present address , in Canda Imm Application.
Should i have not put Chicago address. Because , in future if i am supposed to get interview , my file will be transeferred to a Consul center ,under which chicago is covered.So that i can avoid LosANgels center from my path.
Any suggestions at this point.
Or any other factors i am missing , that influence about the center where our interview will be done??
Any suggestions wrt this topic like - "Where we get interview , if we have to get it after assessment . Is it based on the present address we mention in file , Or randomly they send our files to whatver center they like ..."
The discussion on this topic from all people who got their interviews and if they let forum know about their present residence states and their interview places and their experiences , forum will get an idea abt these so called "IINNTTEERRVVIIEEWWSS..."
Is it not good topic to discuss?