Baltimore transfer at 8/6 (RD 1/16/2002)

Thanks wonderful boy.

Before getting transfered to my case, I had earlier contacted the senator. I had even sent the letter to VSC Chief also regarding my case. In fact after doing all that, they started looking my case.

Once my case is transfered to local office, I was hesistating to contact the senator as i think that INS may not like that???

Let me know your comments.

I didn't face any problems with my case as of now. Unless the security check issue. Hope that have any side effects though.
Baltimore transfer tracking

Dear All,
I tried to get some tracking of cases transferred to Baltimore, here are the results. Sorry for mistakes I may have done (i see one name is missing but do not want to go through this 26 pages again:)

TransferD I-140 ND I-140 AD I-485 ND last FP IL recd InterviewDate name NB

04/01/03 mm/yy mm/dd/yy 11/dd/01 07/dd/02 06/dd/03 09/10/03 pegh derivative; card recd 1/23/04
25/07/03 mm/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy 08/09/03 mm/dd/yy 12/15/03 485bn
08/06/03 mm/yy mm/dd/yy 01/31/02 07/10/02 09/13/03 01/14/04 BC
09/17/03 mm/yy mm/dd/yy 04/10/02 07/10/02 09/13/03 01/14/04
11/17/03 mm/yy mm/dd/yy 06/23/02 09/18/02 mm/dd/yy 03/24/04 G100 EB3
11/25/03 mm/yy mm/dd/yy 04/15/03 04/22/04 mm/dd/yy 07/20/04 QCO1 marriage-based
01/21/04 08/02 mm/dd/yy 08/26/02 02/17/04 02/25/04 04/15/04 presbyopia NIW concurrent case
02/03/04 mm/yy mm/dd/yy 07/dd/02 03/02/04 03/12/04 05/27/04 Shikha EB3,changed employer
02/23/04 04/02 mm/dd/yy 08/28/02 mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy 05/18/04 alexk card recd 06/12/04
02/27/04 mm/yy 11/dd/02 08/22/02 04/16/04 03/dd/04 05/26/04 anil64
06/dd/04 mm/yy mm/dd/yy 04/dd/02 mm/dd/yy 11/28/04 12/21/04 marusia NIW
06/dd/04 mm/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy 11/07/04 12/09/04 Khilona AC21 case
07/09/04 08/02 07/dd/04 02/dd/04 mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy sunny0516
09/12/04 mm/yy mm/dd/yy 04/dd/02 mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy glenmd
09/13/04 mm/yy mm/dd/yy 11/05/02 mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy 485someday
09/15/04 01/03 03/dd/03 mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy silent(spouse) NIW
09/29/04 mm/yy mm/dd/yy 06/dd/03 09/dd/04 mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy gc4us
12/02/04 04/02 07/dd/03 09/28/03 10/25/04 mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy compass
12/06/04 09/03 05/04/04 09/22/03 10/06/04 mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy ice9
12/21/04 mm/yy 05/21/04 11/07/03 11/01/04 mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy vikramab
01/dd/05 mm/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy gra
does anybody had contact Senator Mukulski office. If so can you please provide your experience. whether they have good contacts with Local office (Baltimore office) or not.

glenmd said:
does anybody had contact Senator Mukulski office. If so can you please provide your experience. whether they have good contacts with Local office (Baltimore office) or not.

-----you can contact your congressman or senator and they have the direct contact with local USCIS
Baltimore Interview


I would really appreciate if any body can share their experience with the Baltimore district office. My RD is 11/13/02 in the Texas Center. I have used AC21, changed jobs to move to Baltimore MD(same and similar), and informed USCIS about it and about address change. I Got my first FP notice done in Baltimore in 12/06/04. My case has been transferred to the Baltimore Office for interview on 01/03/05. My questions are the following:

1/ Would my case go the bottom of the pile in terms of scheduling the interview (firs come first serve kind of deal) or would the Baltimore office take into account that my RD is older than anything they post (Texas is posting Dec 03, Vermont June 03 and Baltimore Jun 04)?

2/ Do I have any recourse to speed up the processing of my case (obviously I beat all the dates under any scenario). Does contacting the Senator or Congressman's office help (I think my lawyer cannot do anything other than scheduling infopass and going and asking about the case). Wasn't there a new function created at the USCIS to represent the concerns of the applicants (Ombudsman office I think). Did any body contact them?

3/ Is that true that they can schedule the interview before name check is done?

4/Did anybody use AP (Advance Parole) in Maryland? my lawyer is adamant at saying that in Baltimore if you have used AP (and left the country) you have abandoned your case!! and he does want to renew my AP. This does not make any sense as I have used AP twice with no problems at the border. How can I have abandoned my case if I return back to my current job?

I apologize for my long posting, but my patience is growing thin with the lack of visibility and the standard answers of wait. patience and we don't know when.

Good luck to you'all
Baltimore waiting

Hi all, I am a new member of this forum although have been visiting this forun silently for a while. My I-485 was transferred from VSC to Baltimore in August 2004. Have not heard anything so far from Baltimore office. I am considering contacting local congressman/senetor. Can anybody suggest who I should approach, how can I contact and what details I will need to furnish so that they can follow up my case. I live in Ellicott City area. Thanks.

I-140 (EB11-AEA), ND 08/02, AD 07/04.
I-485 (Conc), ND 10/02, TD 08/04, AD ??.
1FP 12/02, No 2FP so far.
Spouse 1FP 12/02, 2FP 09/04.
czlayoun said:

I would really appreciate if any body can share their experience with the Baltimore district office. My RD is 11/13/02 in the Texas Center. I have used AC21, changed jobs to move to Baltimore MD(same and similar), and informed USCIS about it and about address change. I Got my first FP notice done in Baltimore in 12/06/04. My case has been transferred to the Baltimore Office for interview on 01/03/05. My questions are the following:

1/ Would my case go the bottom of the pile in terms of scheduling the interview

(firs come first serve kind of deal)
or would the Baltimore office take into account that my RD is older than anything they post (Texas is posting Dec 03, Vermont June 03 and Baltimore Jun 04)?

2/ Do I have any recourse to speed up the processing of my case (obviously I beat all the dates under any scenario). Does contacting the Senator or Congressman's office help (I think my lawyer cannot do anything other than scheduling infopass and going and asking about the case). Wasn't there a new function created at the USCIS to represent the concerns of the applicants (Ombudsman office I think). Did any body contact them?
-------- your file got transfred to Baltimore on 01/03/05, I think it takes 20-25 days to reach the file from service center to Baltimore Local USCIS , wait 3-4 months for any update if no info after 3-4 months then take infopass and go to Lacal Baltimore office and make request for Interview date update. no need to contact congressman or senator at this time they can not speed up your application at this time as others are also in the line.
3/ Is that true that they can schedule the interview before name check is done?
------- genearly they do FBI check before approval of the case if your FP were done 15 months back then you will get second FP letter from Baltimore and Interview date letter
4/Did anybody use AP (Advance Parole) in Maryland? my lawyer is adamant at saying that in Baltimore if you have used AP (and left the country) you have abandoned your case!! and he does want to renew my AP.
---your lawyer is giving you wrong Info, AP law is same for all of US and Baltimore or Maryland has no such law, ask the lawyer to provide the law/ regulation/memo that states that if used AP and residing in Maryland the I-485 is abondned??? run away from that lawyer
This does not make any sense as I have used AP twice with no problems at the border. How can I have abandoned my case if I return back to my current job?
----- your lawyer is wrong( can you provide his/her name so that others can stay away from that lawyer??)
I apologize for my long posting, but my patience is growing thin with the lack of visibility and the standard answers of wait. patience and we don't know when.

Good luck to you'all
saurnav said:
Hi all, I am a new member of this forum although have been visiting this forun silently for a while. My I-485 was transferred from VSC to Baltimore in August 2004.
------ wait till Feb 15-20, I think you may get Interview date letter
Have not heard anything so far from Baltimore office. I am considering contacting local congressman/senetor.
---better contact after 1 month
Can anybody suggest who I should approach,
----- your congressman and senator has local office near to your residence and you can search by your zipcode
how can I contact and what details I will need to furnish so that they can follow up my case.
----- find the local office phone and address, go or talk to them provide each and every info in writing to the office , they will guide you what they need from you
I live in Ellicott City area. Thanks.
-------- Read how to contact congressman or Senator, you need to enter your Zipcode

I-140 (EB11-AEA), ND 08/02, AD 07/04.
------------------- Do you mean your case is EB1? what is your field of Extraordinary ability????
I-485 (Conc), ND 10/02, TD 08/04, AD ??.
1FP 12/02, No 2FP so far.
Spouse 1FP 12/02, 2FP 09/04.
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Thanks Ginnu, I appreciate your help. I will look into the sites and will find details. Yes, mine is self sponsored extraordinary category in elctro-optics and telecom area.
Thanks! Ginnu.

No need to embaress this incompetent lawyer. For all intent and purposes, I am running my case. I will force him to apply for my AP. It does not make sense that all the Service Centers (Namely Texas and Vermont) and Regional district are posting RD newer than my RD (11/02). They either should speed up processing my case or they should adjust their dates to indicate they are processing at least my date!!!
Does anybody has experience with the following congressmen.

Benjamin L. CardinMaryland-3rd, Democrat
2207 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515-2003

I have tried Mikulski, Barbara's Office, but they are very busy and hardly they will return the call.

Please provide your inputs.

czlayoun said:
Thanks! Ginnu.

No need to embaress this incompetent lawyer. For all intent and purposes, I am running my case. I will force him to apply for my AP. It does not make sense that all the Service Centers (Namely Texas and Vermont) and

Regional district are posting RD newer than my RD (11/02).
------disrrict posting is for family based cases not for transfred cases

They either should speed up processing my case or they should adjust their dates to indicate they are processing at least my date!!!
------contact USCIS .H.Q in DC
Infopass visit info

I took infopass visit to Baltimore office today to check the status of my application (transferred from VSC on Dec 2, 2004). Not much but however some info I got is below.
It was easy to schedule infopass (many open times on several days).
Arrived 20 min in advance, waited 15 min outside and then took a number and waited 5 min inside.
Was my file received? - Yes, received in mid-Dec. Waiting time for sheduling interview is approximately 6 months.
6 months from transfer date? - No, from the date file was received in Baltimore office.
Was my spouse's and child's files received? - Refused to check, they are not supposed to check other people's files due to privacy reasons, family members should appear in person and ask to check themselves.
Is preliminary screening done, such as name/security check? - Not possible to look now, they will look at it when they open the file for scheduling (in 6 mo).
Where should I apply for EAD and AP now? - For EAD you should apply to VSC (!!), for AP should apply here (Baltimore) in person, fee is $165.
That was it...
Compass - That was quite informative. Unfortunately, I also have to wait for another six months.

I also heard the same music from INS when I went to Baltimore office couple of times.

Again if i am right for EAD Renewal, the price is 175 dollars.

Baltimore tracking info - waiting time

I attach Excel file with transfer info I was able to find, waiting time for interview is about 130 days in Baltimore (after transfer date, since I do not have info on receiving dates..) so it looks like may be a little less than 6 months.....
Thanks for summarizing the cases, makes a real good tracker. I tried to add the missing info into the silent(spouse) row but was not successful. Could you add this info: I-485 ND May 2003, First and only FP March 2004.
silent said:
Thanks for summarizing the cases, makes a real good tracker. I tried to add the missing info into the silent(spouse) row but was not successful. Could you add this info: I-485 ND May 2003, First and only FP March 2004.
Folks everyone is welcome to correct/add info!