Atlanta Local Office Processing

Finally done with (Well..kind of)

Hi all,

This is a wonderful place to get accurate information. Congratulations Dukhi485, I guess you are almost done. Hope things will work out faster than the timeframe she mentioned. I think we have similar issues.

Though I do not really fall in the same category as you guys, I read and get information from this thread. I filed for AOS through family (parents citizens) in Oct 01. I came here on H1 and changed job once and working with the same employer since 2001, who held my H1 till a few months ago.

I had my AOS interview last week. Things went on ok until the officer said my wife can not get her gc as there is no I130 filed/approved for her. Since my I130 was approved, I could get the gc. This was totally new to me. That is not how it works. When I get my approval through my parents, my wife and kids can get the same at the same time. Also, my lawyer was not available at that time.

I tried to explain her this and the lady was really nice. She listened everything carefully and looked at some printouts I had from internet, referred her reference book, and told us that let me check with the supervisor. She came back after 5 minutes and said, Good news! you are right (Phew..!). She said my wife is ok, but bad news is she cant get it stamped today as her security check is not complete as yet. She said they will send for security check that day and it may take some time as it is done in Washington DC. 1-2 months or more in some cases. But the good thing is we now she has to go and get it temporary I551 stamped on passport and wont have to go through all other formalities. She stamped my passport and said my wife will get a letter once the security check is complete.

So, this is the story. Like I said, I do not really belong to this thread, but I have been reading experiences in ATL office in last 2-3 months. This experience might help someone too.

About the documents, the officer asked for last 3 years W2s, tax returns, sponsor W2s, tax returns. No other document. It took about 25-30 minutes.

I would like to thank Mr. Rajeev for this forum and really helpful guys like TheRealCanadian, Feb6361, Greencard..., Waiting.., tufan, cherokee, Dukhi..,gapeach, qc.. and all others.

By the way, does anyone know how long security check really takes? Will they really send the letter or do we need to keep checking (it is a hassle going downtown just to check this).
So basically they will wait for FP results? It should not take more than 2-3 weeks.
bapu9 said:
Things went on ok until the officer said my wife can not get her gc as there is no I130 filed/approved for her. Since my I130 was approved, I could get the gc. This was totally new to me. That is not how it works.

This is absolutely breathtaking. Not only did your wife not require an I-130, but since she is not related to any US citizens she would not be eligible for one. Really, this is immigration 101.

Glad to see you stood your ground - this is exactly the reason why everyone should be educated and aware of the process. If you had backed down your wife might have had her entire adjustment denied and it would have been a gigantic mess sorting that out.
RSK, I dont know if it is the fingerprint results they are waiting for, as we did fingerprinting about 2.5 months before the interview. This is 'Security Check' which is incomplete. I wonder howcome mine was complete and my wife's not. Anyway, only thing I can do is wait.

RealCanadian, you are right. My wife cant have I-130 as she has no blood relation with any citizen in the USA (except my daughter!). The officer suggested that I can file for her as I was to get the approval that day. That could have been very complecated. Well, I still thank God, and the officer who followed the golden rule: If in doubt, ask.
puff..huff..!! what an experience.
i hope everything works out for you in the end. There are many checks and i am not sure which security check she is refearing too! I have a feeling that her background check is the one they are waiting on.

GOOD LUCK!!! things just never goes smooth with these people.
bapu9 said:
My wife cant have I-130 as she has no blood relation with any citizen in the USA (except my daughter!). The officer suggested that I can file for her as I was to get the approval that day.

Yes, but that would put her into FB2 which would be a 5 year wait before she could even file an I-485. Geez.....

Glad everything turned out reasonably well. Make sure you bug them about status every 60 days or so until she is approved.
Hey Guys, there just no update on my case. I went to local office in Greer yesterday. There was this black lady instead of the white one who is on vacation. Officer Gutwald is much more helpful in giving information compared to her. Anyways... i wanted to know if my interview is coming next month? She said that i am in definately in the next round(shelf #37) of scheduling interviews, however i should expect one in 60-90 days. Standard message. :rolleyes:

Then i asked her does that mean i won't get interview in october? :confused: She said had the interview been in october then you should have been informed by now as we tell people 3 months in advance!!! I thought that we are informed two weeks before the interview or maybe atleast a month before? Please correct me if i am wrong??

Anyways... she was totally absurd and i thought i am wasting my time. so i left. not that i was frustrated, but i just wanted to get some thoughts as i wanted to travel.

Hope i get an interview before i approcah my 3 years Anniversary date of filing I-485. :D
Finally, Our I-551 stamping on passport has been done yesterday after EB I-485 interviewed on Aug 02. My younger son's case is still pending due to name check after fp. There is a long story behind how I got my passport stamping done that I will share with you all in a day or two so my experience will help others.

So, now we all can meet on Sunday at 5:00 PM at Global mall on October 3. Every one, please plan to come..those cases are not approved also will get some tips in the meeting and fun!!

Please respond here and let us know who will be joining on Sunday Oct. 3 at 5.00 PM?
feb6361 said:
Finally, Our I-551 stamping on passport has been done yesterday after EB I-485 interviewed on Aug 02. My younger son's case is still pending due to name check after fp. There is a long story behind how I got my passport stamping done that I will share with you all in a day or two so my experience will help others.

So, now we all can meet on Sunday at 5:00 PM at Global mall on October 3. Every one, please plan to come..those cases are not approved also will get some tips in the meeting and fun!!

Please respond here and let us know who will be joining on Sunday Oct. 3 at 5.00 PM?

feb6361 said:
Finally, Our I-551 stamping on passport has been done yesterday after EB I-485 interviewed on Aug 02. My younger son's case is still pending due to name check after fp. There is a long story behind how I got my passport stamping done that I will share with you all in a day or two so my experience will help others.

Congratulations! Finally the journey is over. Do write about your experience.
My attorney has received notices from VSC regarding transfers. Shall I or att. get notices when ATL office receives files? What is the next step? How can I find the reason(s) for transfer, since I did not get any RFE?
RSK1 said:
My attorney has received notices from VSC regarding transfers. Shall I or att. get notices when ATL office receives files? What is the next step? How can I find the reason(s) for transfer, since I did not get any RFE?

I did not receive any transfer notice direct from USCIS; my attorney forwarded copies. The next thing you will get from Atlanta USCIS is your interview notice (or your FP notice, if the FPs expire). You will probably never know the reason for transfer.

One useful thing to check is that ATL USCIS has your correct address, if you have moved since your I-485 was filed (I did). Attorneys do not always forward FP or interview notices; mine forwarded me my FP notice the day before the FP was supposed to happen (I got it a day later) and has never told me about my interview. In such a circumstance it was absolutely critical that Atlanta USCIS had my correct address and I was able to proceed independently.
Thanks RealCanadian. When and how can I enquire ATL USCIS office regarding receipt of our files. We did our 2nd FP in Jul 2004 and it should be valid till next year Oct. When I should start follow up with local office as I have very little or rather no interaction with my Att. I do not want to miss any communication.
RSK1 said:
When I should start follow up with local office as I have very little or rather no interaction with my Att. I do not want to miss any communication.

If your case was transferred on 9/9 I would give Atlanta USCIS at least one month to physically receive the file. Once that is done, I'd wait anohter month and then inquire with your local Congressman or Senator. I've found Zell Miller's office to be the least useless of the bunch, but Johnny Isakson is also reasonably good (and he will be succeeding Senator Miller come January.)

Keep an eye on processing dates for Atlanta USCIS; until their I-485 dates pass July of 2002 you will not be getting an interview notice.
Real Canadian,
i think the processing has slowed in local offices due to election time. They are giving preference to citizenship related applications(N-400). :rolleyes:

Again, because of this we have to suffer. This all proabably makes sense as the dates have not moved this month. Moreover, the immigration officer told me that they have no word from Charleston office on when to start processing I-485 cases. Now i seriously dought their intentions!!!!

Does anybody know, is Atlanta following the same pattern for next 2 months?????

I got my FP apt and interview dates set up in two weeks. I will keep you posted. Did anyone interviewed with officer F? Please advise.

485 transfer complicates EAD renewal

I have been working for my H-1 / 140 employer since last 5 years. FP was done and results were received by TSC in 11/03.
My 485 petition was also transferred to ATL on 9/9/04 from TSC. I had requested enquiry from Senator Chambliss’s office a few weeks back. I had applied for 3rd EAD renewal on 08/25/04. My wife’s EAD was approved on 9/9/04 but my EAD renewal application was also transferred to ATL for interview on 09/10/04.

1. Why do you think they would approve EAD renewal of derivative applicant only?
2. Does this mean they have significant question about my employment?
3. Are they going to interview for EAD and 485 together or separately? Of course if they approve 485 I do not need EAD anymore.
4. What should I do regarding EAD renewal? Wait for 90 days and apply iEAD or try the senator again?
I will greatly appreciate input from the forum members.
PD 04/27/01
140 (LC) AD 07/03
485 ND 09/13/02
485 TD 09/09/04
3rd EAD renewal RD 08/25/04 – transferred to ATL 09/10/04
Current EAD expires 12/14/04
tufan said:
I think the processing has slowed in local offices due to election time. They are giving preference to citizenship related applications(N-400). Again, because of this we have to suffer.

This might make sense, except your office (Greer SC) does not process N-400 applications. That and there's little benefit to processing N-400 now, since most new citizens would not have sufficient time to register to vote.