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  1. R

    RD_Oct3 approval

    Re: Post ur ED? detail Both are EB3 cases, almost decided leaving the company when they file EB3 that has longer waiting list at the time. Requested the company to change the lawyer after, and 3 months later, the company fired the lawyer.
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    RD_Oct3 approval

    Finally it came when I was on vocation out of the states. Both my wife and my case are approved on Nov. 8, according to the Web site. RD: Oct. 3, 01 ND: Nov. 17, 01 FP: Jan., 02 AP: Oct. 24, 02 eac-020-40-50xxx Hand in there folks, and good luck to all of you.
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    Advance Parole question

    Go get a form and the s official instruction on how to apply is included. The only exception for you is that if your wife is not working, she can skip applying EAD and only apply for AP.
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    Best immigration lawyer?

    Hi GC791188, You probably want to rephase the question for searching the most efficient Lawyer... I used to hire one of the best in Boston, paid big big $$$$$s, and my case moves as a snail. When I need him, he was giving semilars to green lawyers in FL. Finally, I manage to force my Inc...
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    How many Oct. 01-05 filers still left?

    here is another one...;)
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    Approved rd 10/03

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    July RD approved on 10/12......finaly

    congrats, all will be paid back. Enjoy...
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    Hi GC791188, Thanks for the detailed instructions, this helps a lot. I'm glad you work that out, I will do it @Home in evening. Will let you know...
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    Hi GC791188, Could you send me the script or a high level instruction about using it? I am a H/W guy, not invest much time to refresh my s/w knowledge but could manage understand the script. If you do not feel comfortable to give the script away, forget about what I asked cause...
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    Oops, typos, I mean ALERT...
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    Chickenxx, This is kind of cool and does save much time, are you willing sell it? Can S/W send an alter via email when status changes?
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    No Card But Stamped. Can I Go To India For Travel?

    No problem and enjoy your trip!
  13. R

    People with Advance Parole - be careful

    You could re_file H1_B after using EAD and AD, provided the H1_B is still within the limit. My lawyer suggested that before going out of states, apply for an EAD and AP, but also go to consulate to apply H1_B when you are out of country. If you get new H1_B, then don't use EAD and AP, if...
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    Personal question

    Re: RD_Oct3 Sudhi_24, My wife does not read this thread, and she would not spend her 'valuable' time caring about GC stuff since I am going for it. But she knew how aggressive those 'hot' girls were in terms of dating and she even uses those events as jokes to tiz me occationally. Well...
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    Personal question

    Vote for marrage, absolutly! If one did not jump into water how does he/she know the taste? It is different from just dating. I've been married for 10 Yr, and am still quite happy. My old folks @college told me once that they felt sorry for me coz I was already marraged. But they were...
  16. R

    why INS process my EAD application after 485 approval ? they took $240 from me today!

    INS might argue that if you alerady have Approvals why bother applying EAD? Then they just cash your check and through your application into trashcan when they really start processing case. No one would expect a casher can check the status of your entire application status. All well, it is a...
  17. R

    Personal question

    Chicken is right on this, Pool is kids' thing, Snooker is the game for man. The size of Snooker table Pockets is 1/4 greater than that of ball to allow you place your white ball in the right position for the rest of shots. We are not talking about to shot the ball into pockets, that is the...
  18. R

    Personal question

    PatienceGC, it is NBD to beat #7 of a US Pool player, so don't give up so easily for a hot chick. You can't chicken out for any chick you want to date to anyway. I can lend you my hands if it comes to a pool game as A-G challanged all of us here. A-G, bring him in, there are no Chickern...