July RD approved on 10/12......finaly


Registered Users (C)
RD 07/30
ND 9/24
RFE fo paystubs, marriage certificate on 08/23
RFE recieved on 9/11
Approved 10/11

What a relief ! I can't hardly believe it. The wait was long and painful. But it is over. Thank God


Did you do anything??Like contacting senator/congressman???

My RD is 07.06.2001 and still waiting to hear some thing. Everytime I call IIO they mention that I should know something in 2 weeks. I would called atleast 10 times between Jun - sept.02

Please let me know.

This could be a positive sign that someone has found some compassion and mercy for the July 2001 victims

All the very best
Hang in there July filers, u r day will definetely come. I know its easy to say but hard to handle. Most of us can feel ur pain :(

I didn't do any thing . I didn't even call IIO after sending RFE. I was planning to call congress man if I didn't get it after december. So I have nothing to advise . I know how you guys feel. Even now sometimes I have to tell my self that I got GC. It almost seems hard to believe after waiting for a long time. In fact Iwasn't checking the AVM as I got so tired of hearing that old message again and agian. So maybe that is the trick.... Stop checking AVM ...I am just saying I as did nothing differant . Then again it was my mother- in-laws death aniversary .Maybe it was a gift for us .... I like to think of it that way. She was a nice lady.. Any way the relief I feel is unbelievable. A feeling of tranquility after a long time. It will be your turn very soon even though you feel that it may never come. I will be visting this site for a some more time as I feel some of the members are my friends and wish to know how things are going of with them . And again visting this site has been a habit for a long time and now difficult to get rid of
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good observation

I know someone personally who also told me that once he stopped checking the AVM he got approved in few days. I also noticed this phenomenon is several postings on this forum. Whether it is a coincidence or a scheme by the INS I don't know.
I can't imagine how the INS can put some sort of plan to delay frequent callers or expedite those that ignore it. But it's a very mysterious correlation worth looking into.

It might be worth a try ( not checking the AVMz). Honestly I had it deep in my mind that it might work . I noticed that fsa448 had mentioned that he was not checking AVM and he knew about approval only when he got the notice. So I did not check it for a week... Mainly bcoz I was tired of the maessage but thinking back I think I had this in mind even though it mind sound kind of superstitious. It makes no sense I know . But hey !what do we have to loose?