Personal question

Re: Dont know if i should feel happy or sad

Originally posted by patienceGC

Now I understand you are a hot chick but you can find a hot desi guys... which would free up an Average desi chick for the rest of us.

Now now P..GC I thought you knew - when it comes to long term relationships, people don't "settle"/"lower their standards".. no average desi chick would be freed up if AG were to go for a hot desi guy -- trust me

Also i thought you knew, on a public board like this one there are no average people, only hot chicks and hot guys :D

Well from what chicken told us, AG is probably way too hot i.e. beyond my league. But if she does become available some desi guy might leave his desi gf for AG.
Re: july16

Originally posted by patienceGC
Well from what chicken told us, AG is probably way too hot i.e. beyond my league. But if she does become available some desi guy might leave his desi gf for AG.

P..GC, rumor has it that when you cross the international dating bridge, it's tough to come back.. there is always the charm of the other culture. As far as your own (cluture), you have "been there done that."

sorry my friend

my advice to you is to start drinking heavily :) :)
You are still offering yourself to the world top pool players #1 to #5 .. Do you really mean it ??? Wanted to check if you are really serious about it ???

not sure about that

I have gone out with an American... its not so hard to come/go back. Depends on how it ends

You guys really know how to unwittingly ostracize non-desi
and make us feel like 2nd class people.
My friend, a Brahmin, has been disowned by his family because
he is dating - get this - a white American lass! He has been cut
off from mum, dad and brother. The shame of it.

That makes us feel really great. Are whites not good enough
to marry Indians? Are we that bad? I say this semi-facetiously,
because I do get that impression sometimes from guys I work with,
that somehow we are somewhat trashy/decadent/inferior/whatever.
Maybe it's just me ignoring Eleanor Roosevelt's advice...

But take for example this Friday. There's a big Desi party that
rumor says everyone will be attending. Noone invited me.

As for the pool thing, pool is like riding a moped.
It's fun but you don't want your friends to find out
about it. Snooker is the game. Pockets on a pool
table are almost the same size as a black hole.
If you play on a 14ft snooker table, you practically
need binoculars to see other side of table.
Mistakes are magnified over 14 ft.

btw. Remember that expression from the 70s blaxploitation films?
Once you go black, you never go back?

Well, how about, "Once you go desi, you pulse will go racy".
Hmm, 5/10?
PatienceGC, it is NBD to beat #7 of a US Pool player, so don't give up so easily for a hot chick. You can't chicken out for any chick you want to date to anyway. I can lend you my hands if it comes to a pool game as A-G challanged all of us here.

A-G, bring him in, there are no Chickern here, but Rosters, even our lovely Chicken is not Chicken indeed. We are hot, skilled Rosters as many girls want to date to. Do you think you are qualify? BTW, I used to play Snooker, and yes, I were professionally trained, but never think about make a living by playing pool, smart enough? Don't tell ur bf this part though.

;) ;)

--btw. Remember that expression from the 70s blaxploitation films?
Once you go black, you never go back?

Well, how about, "Once you go desi, you pulse will go racy".
Hmm, 5/10?--

I liked that

:D :D :D
yo chicken wuts up with you?

I didnt say anyone was superior or inferior.

Why werent you invited to the party?

All I said was I am going to stick to my kind
Originally posted by Chicken65

As for the pool thing, pool is like riding a moped.
It's fun but you don't want your friends to find out
about it. Snooker is the game. Pockets on a pool
table are almost the same size as a black hole.
If you play on a 14ft snooker table, you practically
need binoculars to see other side of table.
Mistakes are magnified over 14 ft.

Chicken is right on this, Pool is kids' thing, Snooker is the game for man. The size of Snooker table Pockets is 1/4 greater than that of ball to allow you place your white ball in the right position for the rest of shots. We are not talking about to shot the ball into pockets, that is the easy part of the game. Again, A-G out there, don't let ur bf knew that, you scare him away if you do.

I believe marraiges are made in heaven, that there is someone waiting / decided for each and every person. Jo jo jab jab hona hai, so so tab tab hota hai. No matter how much you try, yog rahega tabhi hoga ..

Now that you are so close to getting your GC, getting ABCD or American is the only viable option for you. I think you should focus on that.

May be you should go to Masala Cruise (I saw ad. on ZEETV). There will be lot of Indian women. You may get lucky.

how about the upcoming navratri festivities ? You are bound to meet many there.

And as far as my statement goes, if u think its BS so be it .

I never said don't give it a shot.
Reasons to be single

Cooking my own meals would be an adventure, not a punishment.

I wouldn't have to explain why I'm wearing "that" shirt with "those" pants.

I could leave the toilet seat in any position I damn well please.

I could actually tell the bartender, "If anyone calls, I'm here".

When I get home after work, I don't have to start work again.

I could show my girlfriend where I live.

I'd be driving a miniskirt instead of a minivan.

I wouldn't catch so much grief about those skid-marks in my underwear!

I'd get to see what my paycheck looks like.

You can see a different face when you wake up in the morning, every day of the week!

Going to a strip club doesn't have to be a covert mission.

Bachelors don't have Mother-in-laws.

I wouldn't have to watch sub-titled French films.

I could home drunk to sleep, instead of under a bridge.

I could use my own name at hotels.
Good reason to get married

My husband has worked since graduating from college, while I have taken a hiatus from my career every few years.

Last month, we decided that my husband would take 6 months off from his career - just stay at home, take a couple of interesting classes, basically just chill.....

Isn't that as good a reason as any to get married, having someone who will take care of you just as you took care of her...


So guys we now have one case exception to the rule (with more than 100,000 provisions) ;) ;) :D

We need at least 99999 more such exceptions to break-even. :D :p
Re: Good reason to get married

Originally posted by rggcard
My husband has worked since graduating from college, while I have taken a hiatus from my career every few years.

Last month, we decided that my husband would take 6 months off from his career - just stay at home, take a couple of interesting classes, basically just chill.....

Isn't that as good a reason as any to get married, having someone who will take care of you just as you took care of her...

Wish my wife told me that!

I would like to go back to my bachelor days.... any takers?