Personal question

Re: Good reason to get married

dma_va: I wasn't trying to break-even with/for anybody. That would imply that husbands working and supporting their wives are doing a favor. Whether one works and earns money or works for the family, one is still **working**.

Rawager: I never said he was a bachelor now. He is still stuck with me:D :D
Originally posted by rawager

Wish my wife told me that!

I would like to go back to my bachelor days.... any takers?

Oh no no.................

U r just contributing to this exercise. I did say that ur's was a good exception, didn't I?

What I am saying is looking at people's responses, balance is still tilted heavily to one side. So more such exceptions r welcome.

Ofcourse, husbands and wives rn't extending any favor by doing what they r doing.

Please understand that a girl has as much a right to remain unmarried as a boy (now the reasons may be diameterically different).

;) :)
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this discussion is getting interesting atlast people are accepting and telling the truth.
I am happy being a single and unmarried girl can concentrate more on my research work and getting married is certainly not a assuarance for happiness, right!
I am not too keen on a marriage either

I just want to meet people and if it works out ...eventually i might go on my knees. Definitely not now.

I am looking for more avenues to meet.
I agree with rggcard

Because of my wife providing support (by making good money), I was able to take greater risks in my life by venturing into anything I could wish for.

I vote for getting married.
to dma_va

research is certainly frustrating at times but at the end its a pride and feather in your pocket on own merits when have results after struggling and spending longs hrs in lab, its certainly not a piece of cake for everyone especially if you are a PhD and do a postdoc, they are just few on the top to reach that ladder!!!


My very best wishes r always with u.

Friendly urs,


:) :) :)
Vote for marrage, absolutly!

If one did not jump into water how does he/she know the taste? It is different from just dating. I've been married for 10 Yr, and am still quite happy. My old folks @college told me once that they felt sorry for me coz I was already marraged. But they were quickly found that girls tend to date a married man. I am saying there is sth that unmarried man don't have except for the marrage itself. No kidding.

thanks for the best wishes, greatly apprecieted, its a men's world especially the fact is very few men really admire women going up the ladder and successful, I am not a faminiest but am proud of my credentials higher education and that have reached here on my own merit, am a single girl and doing constructive contribution in pharmaceutical research in chemistry!

thanks again

Oh, u r welcome.

U r just at the middle of the ladder. Way to go. Have a good and relaxed weekend.

I'm gonna try do the same particularly during these "forced bachelorhood days". Wife dear is still not back from her foreign sojourn. Should be back with the kid in next 10-12 days.
Re: RD_Oct3

Originally posted by sudhi_24
Is your wife reading this thread ? ;) Just checking ;)


My wife does not read this thread, and she would not spend her 'valuable' time caring about GC stuff since I am going for it. But she knew how aggressive those 'hot' girls were in terms of dating and she even uses those events as jokes to tiz me occationally. Well, it was not my fault then, I just smiled...
There u go Chicken65 ;)

be aware there are lot of single guys looking for somebody special ;)

good luck Chicken65..... u smell these things very fast man ;)
Re: There u go Chicken65 ;)

Chicken is a smelly guy? :D Beware, skusa!!!

Originally posted by sudhi_24
be aware there are lot of single guys looking for somebody special ;)

good luck Chicken65..... u smell these things very fast man ;)
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but I am very much devoted to my research-thats my life, sorry many did try since my phd days, but I am not that type of person who will entertain guys or go out with them. waiting for my EB1 approval and so in the mean time was trying to read 485 forum news I saw this discussion while going through the 485..