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Both my home and cell phone bills show VSC AVM number endless times. Online system is much easier. Hopefully my turn will come soon.

RD - 09/17
ND - 11/09
Originally posted by telecomguy
Both my home and cell phone bills show VSC AVM number endless times. Online system is much easier. Hopefully my turn will come soon. RD - 09/17 ND - 11/09

So did mine. Use the Internet.
Get the MCI Neighborhood plan;-) It's a sweet deal for people who make a LOT of long distance calls!

This is kind of cool and does save much time, are you willing sell it? Can S/W send an alter via email when status changes?
Hi GC791188,

Could you send me the script or a high level instruction about using it? I am a H/W guy, not invest much time to refresh my s/w knowledge but could manage understand the script. If you do not feel comfortable to give the script away, forget about what I asked cause protencially, I could not help on modifying the script to the other applications, such as checking Stock Quote etc., etc. even I knew the use of that web site is free only for 30 days.

In anycase, thanks for the attention.

I prefer not to give the script directly, but if you have installed MacroExpress it is easy to build one.

Following are the steps:

Input: a text file with list of EAC numbers. One EAC number per line.

1) Open the MacroExpress script editor and create a new script.
2) Open the input file using "Text file begin process" it will read the EAC numbers one at a time.
3) Open the url https://egov.ins.usdoj.gov/graphics/cris/jsps/caseStat.jsp using "Web Site"
4) Simulate key strokes to reach the EAC number field
5) Enter the EAC number from the read from the file and issue an "Enter" key.
6) Simulate your mouse move to copy the relevant portion of the text from the result status to clipboard.
7) If text contains the text for approval, send an email using "Email send" script. You will have to setup the email smtp settings in options-preferences.

It may take a while to get the feel of this tool. But, it is very powerful. You may have to introduce some delay between some of the script steps because of the delay in INS web site response.
Why didn't you call from work? That's what I did. I did have to call once from home late at night to actually get through though.

The online status check is definitely the way to go.
Hi GC791188,

Thanks for the detailed instructions, this helps a lot. I'm glad you work that out, I will do it @Home in evening. Will let you know...