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    Finger printing question
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    GOt interview notice for Wife

    No i am not asking lawyer to be there for the interview he is in Atlanta and i spoke to him today adn he said it should just be routine
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    GOt interview notice for Wife

    If you are from around cleveland pretty soon you should get a notice else it takes time to go to the  
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    GOt interview notice for Wife

    tHEY HAVE SPECIFICALLY CALLED SPOUSE ALSO tHE LETTER SAYS TO BRING ALONG PASSPORT, i-94, sPOUSE , eMPLOYMENT LETTER FOR sPOUSE , birth and marriage ceritificates, proof of life together photos etc....
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    GOt interview notice for Wife

    Interview at Locla INS Wifes case transferred to Cleavland and then Cincinnati Received interview notice today Int scheduled for July 30 2002 RD/ Dec 27 2000 ND Jan 4 2001 FP Mar 27 2001 My approval Jan 7 2002 Wife\'s Case RFE Jan 17 2002 RFE received Feb 11 2002 after calling...
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    GOt interview notice for Wife

    Wifes case transferred to Cleavland and then Cincinnati Received interview notice today Int scheduled for July 30 2002 RD/ Dec 27 2000 ND Jan 4 2001 FP Mar 27 2001 My approval Jan 7 2002 Wife\'s Case RFE Jan 17 2002 RFE received Feb 11 2002 after calling for duplicate 3 times...
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    already done finger prints going to india to get married

    Talk to Atal Bihari No just kidding Dont worry You can file for her as follow to join if she can come here on h4
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    Oh God, what have I done

    Actually he needs to start an Indian restaurant and just cook dosas eat them and pay the bill come i  
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    Oh God, what have I done

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    ANy RFE approvals recently

    Please post any RFE approvals in the last few days Please post RFE date reply date and Approval date and also what the rfe was about
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    ANy RFE approvals recently

    NO RFE approvals in the past few days  
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    ANy RFE approvals recently

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    Bad news from IIO.

    Why do you guys just start posting stupid news Fingerprinting is security check They just give some answers and you go around scaring everybody Maybe they just need a security check for you
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    RFE lost in the mail

    I had same problem My case was approved Jan 7 2002. Wife was issued RFE Jan 17 2002 Lawyer did not receive RFE in 2 weeks Called INS They said they would reissue Did not get in the next 2 weeks Called again continuously for the next 3 days Finally the old RFE showed up when someone who...
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    Spouse Cases Pending . Pl post details.

    RD 12/00 ND 01/01 Mine approved 01/07/02 Wifes RFE JAn 17 2002 RFE Replied Feb 13 AVM updated Feb 15 Still waiting RFE for BC affidavits
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    Whoever is posting this is dumb and trying to scare people Stop it
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    Feb Rfe Replied Cases

    Same here, Just read icy\'s approval came thorugh without AVM being updated today  
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    Feb Rfe Replied Cases

    My case approved Wife\'s RFE replied for BC affidavits and received by INS on Feb 15 2002 Talked to IIO on Thursday Mar 7 2002. She said it is on its way to an officer should get a notice in 2 weeks or call back That means approval or another RFE by Mar 22, 2002 99% approval by Mar 15 , 2002...
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    change of address
