Oh God, what have I done



I need your advice urgently.
I did something very bad on Friday and
I think I ruined my GC chance.

The tension at work has been building up
gradually. Waiting for green card has not
helped either. On Friday I flipped out.
Every Friday I bring a nice masala dosa to work
for lunch. Last Friday someone took half of it from the fridge.
I was fuming. I went to the lunch room and found
my colleague eating it. I abused him greatly,
calling him a "Dosa-eating bastard". My manager
heard this and came in and asked what was going on.
I explained, he said that a team that works together eats
together. Then I really flipped and just
grabbed the Dosa from my colleague. My manager, him
and I were fighting over the dosa. My work colleague
had me in a headlock and my manager pulled the dosa
away. I told them both to take the Dosa and stuff it
up their backside.

Now on the weekend I found my case was approved.
What do I do? Should I just get the stamp and move
on or should I got back and work for the dosa stealing
idiots for a while. I don\'t think calling someone a
few bad words is grounds for dismisal is it.
Should I just pretend it didn\'t happen?

This is not the first time they\'ve taken my dosa.
Hi DesiRooney...........Here\'s my opinion......

I think you should understand the "team" concept ur manager was espousing and........


best regards,
If he had asked to have the Dosa

I would have given it to him.

But to take it without asking is rude.

The question is, am I ok. Do I need to go
back to them or can I get my stamp and move on.
please stay

away from this site since you said your case was approved .

Saab .
But am I safe

Can the company take away the approval.

I know I sound like an idiot, but those
of you waiting for years, know how easy
it is to snap. The INS has been unjust
and unfair to us, one more injustice such
as taking my food was too much to bear
so I snapped.
No Title

RD is 04/20/01
ND is 06/20/01
FP done on 10/15/01 (scheduled 11/08/01 @ OAKLAND)
Message was stating processing resumed on 12/29/01.
AD is 02/14/02.

I need your advice, do I need to go back to this
company? They are bullies and the food incident
was one of many. I don\'t feel ashamed of what I
did, you need to stand up sometimes.
No Title

Why are you guys laughing at me and giving me a hard time.

I thought you would understand. The INS takes away so
much from us, the employers make use of the INS slowness
to screw us even more. And then this guy takes the very
food from my mouth. It was too much to bear.
Everyone is taking a part of me.

I\'m going to call in sick for a few days and hopefully get
my courtesy copy, get my PP stamp and then go and buy
a whole bunch of Dosas for my work colleagues.
No Title

even if they were theif\'s you had no reason to call anybody a Bastard!!. I don\'t think anybody becomes a bastard just by eating your Dosa!!. let this be a lesson. share what you have with others. I think you should go back, ask them for forgivenes and Repent over what you have said. I dont thing anybody is going to leave you just like that after being called a bastard,! that too over a dosa!. IN your fit of rage yu lost common sense, Your courtesy copy will do nothing if they fire and report you, Mr DOSA MASTER to the INS. It is 100% your fault. Maybe if you repent and ask for forgiveness, they will forgive you and your GC will be saved. My 2 cents.
dont call in sick tomorrow

go and face up to it
and apologise

Hopefully u will be safe

keep us posted
Things Happen

Sometimes thing happen at work and we all once in a while snap in our lifetimes. You don\'t have to apologize for your actions because of your green card issues. If your are fired because of that then you have a law suit against the company. But your green card cannot be cancelled because of that.
As far as going back to work is concernedm then go back to work as usual. Have a talk with your colleagues and talk it over if you want to. People are more understanding when you explain them your frame of mind.
Good Luck and don\'t be afraid to go back to work.
Friends, desiRooney seems to be another Con artist. Don\'t trust him


I strongly smell desiRooney is giving bull shit here. Please ignore these kind of posts. Probably this bas**** is deriving pleasure out our sincere answers to his idiotic postings. Let us all make it a point ignore these fellows. I strongly feel the multiple wives post and this one are from the same guy posing under different name.

No Title

i do not think they can fire you since it is a contradiction.
get green card for a guy and then fire you.
MOST IMPORTANT ---they can cancel your GC only if you resign very soon (like in a month or so--not really sure
the period--at our company it is six months)
THEY CAANOT CANCEL if you are fired or laid off!
Things will be OK as far as 485 is concerned.

However if the incident you narrate above is true then you need to go see a psychiatrist. If the incident is not true, you still need to see a shrink.