Spouse Cases Pending . Pl post details.


Registered Users (C)
Pl post details for NSC if your spouse case is pending /transfered
but your/primary applicant has been approved as i have seen
NSC is doing this lately a lot.
Here are my details
RD 2/7/01 ND 3/5/01 mine approved on 1/22/02 ,
spouse AD- ???
RD 12/00 ND 01/01 Mine approved 01/07/02 Wifes RFE JAn 17 2002

RFE Replied Feb 13 AVM updated Feb 15 Still waiting RFE for BC affidavits
RD 8/24/2000 ND 9/12/2000 AD 3/5/2002 Wife case pending but her RD /ND is different

as her case was applied in Jan 2001. Her ND 1/22/2002 Never received a I-485 receipt .FP received after 1 year and done on 2/5/2002 status waiting...
No Title

Has anyone recd a transfer notice ?

my spouse case RD 03/01 FP 06/01 AD?? no transfer yet
chicago EB2 india
my ad 01/01
filed for EAD renewal.

transferred to chicago INS .guess what they are screwing ...
AP renewal no news yet..
RD 08/2000, case still pending

My case Details: RD: 03/2000, AD: 07/2001
My wife\'s case: RD: 08/2000, Still waiting for approval.


My case was approved. My wife case is pending. INS officer said , the cases are overlooked seperately and her case is assigned to an officer or getting out of assigned officer`s office. He said, we should here something soon, mainly within a month. He repeated that we should here something only I asked if the approval would come out at this time frame he said "something!" ..come on friends tell me what should we expect?
no reason for trasnfer

no notice also, attorney got a notice.
will get a copy .
ap renewal no news yet