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  1. R

    ND:01/01/2000 to ND:03/31/2000, Pending cases, please update your status....

    No Title RD 01/00 ND 02/00 FP 03/01 EB2 No RFE still waiting....
  2. R

    Thank God AVM says it\'s approved!

    No Title Congrats Para!!! My ND is close to yours. Do you know when was ur case assigned to an officer (this might give me a rough estimate) ? thanks a lot.
  3. R

    ND:03/00, morning chat with IIO

    No Title I am also in the same boat. My RD 01/00 and ND 02/00 EB-2, case is with an officer for almost 2 months. No RFE nothing. still waiting... Don\'t know what else we can do to expedite this.
  4. R

    Rock Boy !!!! Have you got ur approval yet ?

    No Title Not yet. No RFE nothing still waiting. Sorry to hear about ur intent to deny. what\'s ur latest status on this ?
  5. R

    VSCSucks too gets his GC approved

    No Title Congrats!! Has the AVM got updated ?
  6. R

    GC approved; should be of interest to the 180-day rule hopefuls...

    No Title I think so. You can stay legally as long as ur I-485 is pending even if you don\'t have any job. If INS approves ur case without any RFE then u r fine. But if INS asks for employment letter then u should send the current employment letter (ur new job shoulkd be in the same/similar...
  7. R

    AnyFeb/March/Apr 2000 RD folks left.

    No Title EB2, India RD 01/00 ND 02/00 No RFE waiting...
  8. R

    Approved..changed job after 180 days

    No Title Once again, thanks rahpad.
  9. R

    Approved..changed job after 180 days

    No Title thanks a lot, rahpad for ur answers. Just one more question, what do you think about the same/similar job classification ? does the job title has to be exactly the same ? For eg, if the current title is Software Engr and working in telecom industry and if the new job is software engr...
  10. R

    Approved..changed job after 180 days

    No Title Congrats!!! It will very useful for many if you can answer the following questions : 1. How/When did you get a letter from ur previous employer indicating start and end dates of employment with them? What i mean is, once you leave an employer it\'s not easy to get such a letter...
  11. R

    EB2 RIR, ND 4/3/00, RD 3/30/00, FP 10/00, No RFE. Waiting....

    No Title thanks for the reply, Para. Once you get some info with ur case please let me know. I will also do the same thing. We can atleast keep ourselves informed about what\'s going on with left over cases like ours.
  12. R

    EB2 RIR, ND 4/3/00, RD 3/30/00, FP 10/00, No RFE. Waiting....

    No Title EB2 India RD 01/00 ND 02/00 No RFE still waiting... Atleast by posting these details we can comfort each other. I think my case is also with an officer, but not sure how long. Hey, Para did u call VSC recently to check ur status ?
  13. R

    Igaters - Any Thoughts On This

    No Title Hey whatthehell, can you some light on the preliminary process ? My RD is 01/00 and still waiting and my case is pending with an officer ?
  14. R

    ANY march i.e, ND 03/00or before case pending?

    No Title Yep, My ND is 02/00. Nothing yet. still waiting.
  15. R

    Merger/Name change case approved

    No Title congrats, has AVM updated ?
  16. R


    No Title Congrats, guesswhat!! Can you contact both the senator and congressman at the same time ? If both of them (case workers) contact INS(VSC) and query about our case, will it pose any problem ? Can you please post ur experience. it will be of great help to me. My RD is 01/00 and ND...
  17. R

    I-485 Approved

    No Title Congrats!! Can you please let us know when wasyour case assigned to an officer? I am trying to get a picture. My ND is 02/00 and FP 03/01. Still waiting.
  18. R

    FP Question

    No Title Finger printing done during pp stamping is quite different from the finger print done for I-485 approval. For pp stamping we will be doing just index finger as in EAD whereas for the I-485 all the 10 fingers will be done and FBI will do background check on that. regarding ur...
  19. R

    princeofpersia - are you still there?

    Hi,     Are u still waiting for ur 485 approval or it has been approved already ? If not yet approved, what\'s ur FP status ? have they updated or not ? I haven\'t called VSC lately and I have asked my lawyer to check the status.
  20. R

    Any approvals for Feb 2000 cases???

    No Title My ND is Feb 3, 2000. Nothing yet. still waiting.