Who want to be part of action team

It is not a good idea to keep money with us. We can ask Rajeev to do this for us. In that way we can cover his fee + expenses.
I tried to contact Rajiv by phone. Since it is going to voice message, i tried for Monica (Rajiv's assistant) at about 11.30 AM today. Once again it went to voice message. I have left a voice message to her telling her who i am and why i am calling and requested her to call me back. I have left my phone number in the message. But she did not call me back. Tomorrow, i will try to leave a voice message to Rajiv. Let's see if he responds. I mainly want to ask him if he is willing to collect checks on our behalf. If he says no, then we should register an organization and start collecting money on behalf of that organization. I would say that, if i don't hear something from Rajiv within 2 days, we should seriously think about registering an organization. May be i can take up that initiative. I am frustrated enough with our resultless discussions. It's time for people to act first and talk next. I am going to follow that.
Hi Satish,

Appreciate your efforts.

My friend has given one more number, in case you are not able to reach them at the other number:

Law Offices Rajiv S. Khanna, P.C.
Homa Naderi, homa@immigration.com
(703) 908-4800, Extension 108
I am in

Anyone remembers me ? I had proposed these ideas more
than a year back..all I received was backlash.

Now the same idea is floating and gaining popularity..how funny.

Anyway..count me in..I am in..
Re: I am in

Originally posted by PissedOffI140
Anyone remembers me ? I had proposed these ideas more
than a year back..all I received was backlash.

Now the same idea is floating and gaining popularity..how funny.

Anyway..count me in..I am in..

Timing really matters. First we gathered the people to sign the petition, then everyone faxed the petition to congressional office, media,... We received very few positive response. So now everyone is pushed to the extreme to sue CIS.

Latest successful I-485 backlog law suit
(Thanks Waytoolong)
Actoin team

Please count me in, I will contribute money too.
Although, I had spent approximately 21 k, my case at 485 level is still pending,
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pledge drive

now that Rajiv has responded and is talking about various basis on which we can file a law suit, we should start looking into how much $$ we can pool together as a group. Thought, of having this virtual pledge drive (just like these medias have), need to have names and the amount one is willing to contribute.

To set the ball rolling.....I am ready to contribute $100 towards this cause. Now go on...let's see how much we can get by today's end.
I am game

If the numbers are there ( I mean if enough people are willing
to puruse this initiative ) , I am willing to put in upto $500.

Again, only if the numbers are there.

I have said this long back, and I reiterate it now, the
bargaining power of any entity, be it person or group, is
not driven by cause but only and ONLY by $$$ in this
"God Bless Dollars" nation...........

If we as a group can even gather a million or so dollars
or maybe even more, attorneys, senators, Democrats,
Repubs etc. etc would come flocking to you. The lesser
money you raise, the lesser the chances of getting anything
I was out of station for 2 days and missed some action. I am really unlucky that i could not login at the time when Rajiv logged in here after a long time. It's good that he is still with us. It would have been nice if any one asked him about if he can collect our checks and maintain our account. I have just now put the question to him. I don't know if he will see that post. (I am not lucky these days :p) . Due to my job problems, i am not logging in daily. I request you guys to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not squander any chance to ask Rajiv if he can collect our checks. I am not sure if i login here next time when Rajiv logs in here. All discussion is worthless without any concrete action. Collect money, hire a lawyer and things move for themselves. May be we can pay some volunteers to work for us. Money makes miracles.
Why not to start by creating an excel sheet like greenland summary, where everybody update their name, telephonce contact, state and how much they can contribute initially, on the basis of the no. of people and attorney fees, we can determine after wards -- how much we need from every body.

Moderator or eligible to be moderator like Edison -- who are very active in this thread -- can you please create excel sheet for us.
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Great news guys. Rajiv has accepted to collect checks from us and maintain the fund. I have asked him to confirm the details of "payable to" and "address" issues for sending the check. Once we get an answer from him, let's roll. Let's start pumping out checks and initially let's have Rajiv to do some research about the law suit and other options. He will be our paid lawyer initially. We can go for another lawyer if we all strongly feel that way. Rajiv has no objections to it. Once the fund collection starts, let's start discussing about who should be incharge of the funds from our side. I personally feel that we should select 3 people who will have power to access the funds (to pay for our efforts). The 3 people should be people with receipt dates of late 2002 (like me :p) or early 2003. The currect committees are dormant and we need to form just 2 teams. Finance team of 3 people and Core team of 7 people( Any decision should be approved by majority out of these 7 people and atleast 5 people should vote before we finalise the decisions.) Also this committee needs to be headed by some one whose GC approval will take atleast 6 months from now. As for me, i would like to be in the finance committe and the Core team, but i can't be the chairman because i may not be logging in here on the day time. We can think of edison or Yjay or kashmir to be the chairman of the committee.
your suggestions are most welcome.

Thanks for your help to this forum. You are one of the most selfless persons i have seen in this forum. Without you , there would not have been a committed team here. Since you are already approved, i am assuming that you may not be able to spare full time for our efforts. That's why i didn't mention your name in my earlier post. Please let us know if you will be able to work full time for next 6 months for our effort. Then we will utilise your services in our core team.
Good start. Let's not forget we are just starting, there is long way to go. So let's not stop any campaign we are involved at present since we never know which path will bring us success.

Also when Rajiv hears the quote from other attorneys. We should be able to formalize the fund collection. Eventhough lot of EB based GC petitions are pending, I noticed that just few active participation in all our campaigns but let us not do the same mistake this time in collecting funds. We have to show our unity in this to succeed.
Originally posted by dsatish
Great news guys. Rajiv has accepted to collect checks from us and maintain the fund. ... As for me, i would like to be in the finance committe and the Core team, but i can't be the chairman because i may not be logging in here on the day time. We can think of edison or Yjay or kashmir to be the chairman of the committee.
your suggestions are most welcome.
It's a great step toward our goal !!

By the way, I'd like to clarify a couple of items.

1) In my understanding, if the issue was brought to the court, Congressional office can not handle that issue.
Is it right ?

2) Our petition consists of 6 requests.
For our request #3,4,5, and 6, the Act (INA) must be amended.
The lawsuit can not cover these four requests, can it ?

3) Can we file a lawsuit against the USCIS, or the VSC ?
In case of USCIS, does it cover all service centers ?

I filed my I-485 at the CSC, and I am working on amendment of the Act with several Congressional offices, so the above items may affect my current activities.
Originally posted by kashmir
It's a great step toward our goal !!

By the way, I'd like to clarify a couple of items.

1) In my understanding, if the issue was brought to the court, Congressional office can not handle that issue.
Is it right ?

2) Our petition consists of 6 requests.
For our request #3,4,5, and 6, the Act (INA) must be amended.
The lawsuit can not cover these four requests, can it ?

3) Can we file a lawsuit against the USCIS, or the VSC ?
In case of USCIS, does it cover all service centers ?

I filed my I-485 at the CSC, and I am working on amendment of the Act with several Congressional offices, so the above items may affect my current activities.

1. Lawsuit will be against USCIS, so it covers all service centers.

2. We should continue our campaign to amend INA since lawsuit might not address this but we should try to include this in lawsuit.
I am willing to chair the financial committee unless some others wish to take the role. Edison could you please stand up for the chair of core team. I also volunteer myself on the team.

Others, if you wish to chair the committees, please speak up. I am more than happy to cooperate with anyone.

I'd like to suggest
1) In stead of doing another round of survey asking people how much they are willing to pay, I'll coordinate with Rajiv to set up an account with, say Bank of America, for this purpose. I'll then publish the account number and routing number so that people can deposit money directly to the account. BoA has branches in every state. When we deposit money into the account we will keep a receipt. We can send a COPY of the receipt to Rajiv as evidence of contribution and also for auditing purpose. Silent visitors of the board, you can still remain silent by not sending the receipt to Rajiv. But you are definitely included in the class action.

If people wish, they can also sent their checks to Rajiv. But please keep a copy of your check as evidence of contribution.

2) I'll, with other committee members, keep tracking the account and publish the account details regularly.

3) If the case does not go ahead it was decided to return the money please be advised that a few dollars may be deducted for accounting keeping, administration (at Rajiv's office), and postages.

Please comment if you have any concerns.
Originally posted by YJay
I am willing to chair the financial committee unless some others wish to take the role. Edison could you please stand up for the chair of core team. I also volunteer myself on the team.

Thanks. This solves financial committee chair person issue. Yes, I accept that now we can move ahead to collect funds.

YJay and dsatish, Thanks for nominating me as Chair of core team and I'm happy to co-ordinate any efforts/action we plan .
Please feel free to speak up.

Thanks again.