Who want to be part of action team

Re: Let's be focussed

I agree with Edison, and
please fax a letter to your Congressman for amendment of Naturalization requirements.

Originally posted by Edison
USCIS survives without any problem because we don't join hands to approach our common problem at USCIS. Our common enemy is backog of Immigration benefits petitions at USCIS and not anyone here. So let's refrain from attacking anyone here.

Please forgive our friends here and let's be focussed on our common problem - Backlog of Immigration benefits petitions.
Still Brainstorming...Baklog Balckhole!!

Dear Friends,

I could not stop brainstorming about our backlog problems.

So here are some more points from myside

1)Since Last monday I personally spoke with 8 persons who are waiting for I-485 and they are willing to pay as much as possible but may not devote the lot of time for this activity. Also they said they know a lot other friends/collegues who are in similar situation and will be ready to pay. So money is not a problem at this moment.

2) As you all know Rajiv Sir is working on the issue of whehter we can file Law suit against the USCIS/BCIS and is it Legal to File etc...

The outcome will be (By thinking in boolean logic) YES or NO.

3) If YES then no problem we can follow whatever the path suggested by Rajiv Sir and other Senior Members.

4) If NOT then what our alternatives will be ( Excluding whatever we are doing now) ?

5)Lot of Members put status inquiry at USCIS and got the reply that the USCIS does not have enough manpower and funds who can deal with the lengty Security Checks. I think if its true(lets beleve for the time being), BCIS/USCIS may lie but may not lie in writing...

6) Will it be possible to pay some funds(what we collect among ourselves) to the BCIS who can use the funds especially for temporary hiring or at least an overtime pay for the existing emplyees so that security checks will not be as bottlnecs in processing the cases or at least processing pace improves.

7) I am personally trying to contact the senetor in New Jersey and tell him/her that the problem facing by BCIS and regarding fund contribution to them. If he can arrange some kind of deal with legally validity.

8) I would like to know whether I/we can meet any person at BCIS or at least related to BCIS who may be willing to discuss regarding the funds. I would be happy if they are AILA/AILF but seems they are afraid and not comming forward at all.

Most important is whatever awerness we make or let the higher authority know..The things will be back to square one which is SECURITY CHECKS and let me tell you no body will compromise on that in the present moment and our petition may fail(if at all) only on this clause.

Lots of senetors even one of my chinese collegue spoke directly to Hilary Clington for the delay in security checks.. she blantly refused by saying I donot want to do anything or press anybody which is related to security checks.

Well friends...Can we come from this backlog blackhole...I am still brainstorming...

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It's good to see more and more committed people here. We certainly need a brainstorming among ourselves. But right now not many people will join that effort. Let's first concentrate on collecting the fund. Then money will speak for itself.
Re: Still Brainstorming...Baklog Balckhole!!

Originally posted by smita_goyle
Dear Friends,

I could not stop brainstorming about our backlog problems.

So here are some more points from myside

1)Since Last monday I personally spoke with 8 persons who are waiting for I-485 and they are willing to pay as much as possible but may not devote the lot of time for this activity. Also they said they know a lot other friends/collegues who are in similar situation and will be ready to pay. So money is not a problem at this moment.

2) As you all know Rajiv Sir is working on the issue of whehter we can file Law suit against the USCIS/BCIS and is it Legal to File etc...

The outcome will be (By thinking in boolean logic) YES or NO.

3) If YES then no problem we can follow whatever the path suggested by Rajiv Sir and other Senior Members.

4) If NOT then what our alternatives will be ( Excluding whatever we are doing now) ?

5)Lot of Members put status inquiry at USCIS and got the reply that the USCIS does not have enough manpower and funds who can deal with the lengty Security Checks. I think if its true(lets beleve for the time being), BCIS/USCIS may lie but may not lie in writing...

6) Will it be possible to pay some funds(what we collect among ourselves) to the BCIS who can use the funds especially for temporary hiring or at least an overtime pay for the existing emplyees so that security checks will not be as bottlnecs in processing the cases or at least processing pace improves.

7) I am personally trying to contact the senetor in New Jersey and tell him/her that the problem facing by BCIS and regarding fund contribution to them. If he can arrange some kind of deal with legally validity.

8) I would like to know whether I/we can meet any person at BCIS or at least related to BCIS who may be willing to discuss regarding the funds. I would be happy if they are AILA/AILF but seems they are afraid and not comming forward at all.

Most important is whatever awerness we make or let the higher authority know..The things will be back to square one which is SECURITY CHECKS and let me tell you no body will compromise on that in the present moment and our petition may fail(if at all) only on this clause.

Lots of senetors even one of my chinese collegue spoke directly to Hilary Clington for the delay in security checks.. she blantly refused by saying I donot want to do anything or press anybody which is related to security checks.

Well friends...Can we come from this backlog blackhole...I am still brainstorming...


My friend,

You can contribute by persuading your friends to join the effort beyond the pledge for money as in any possible lawsuit we need to campaign for the popular vote and this is an important factor in the outcome.
The security checks is being used as an excuse to the most part. the often used clause "we want the good guys in and the bad guys out" is a joke since in our cases we are all here and we are not hiding.
Contributions to the USCIS is not a possible alternative. We are not supposed to finance any Federal agency (our taxes and fees are enough) eventhough they may indeed have a manpower problem but the Government does not want to solve it for their own reasons. And the US Government can finance much more..see $87 bilion for Iraq.
One of the problems is an apparent backslash on foreign workers, H1B, J and in this anti-immigration climate and economic times we are all considered "FOREIGN". we did not achieve the necessary distinction yet, partly because of the silence of a lot of people from within. If we don't change, nothing will change. There is also an anti-Indian (a lot of fellows here are Indian) climate with outsourcing, export of jobs and the like. On LouDobbs on Friday, an Indian company which got a contract from the Indiana state government was featured in a not so friendly attitude by Lou. Not so friendly were his remarks to Labor Secretary Elaine Chao (good target for our petition) in the H1B and J visas. He was asking to find out how many people in the US are on these visas..and the answer was..no statistics. he did not like that. Unfortunately this is the reality and the mood of the Government unless we press them for change.
We all just know - Just to talk...dats it.

I used to be part of action team when we started ....I did went to meet a lawyer on my expense.

When I posted we need to collect almost 50k to 100k response...was so bad that we lost hope.

We all go through so much pain and still cannot understand why we cannot contribute $200 to $500 towards a cause for your self and for future sake...or just think BCIS added a new fee towards GC process.

Let me know if you guys have some action in near future...as I still support this idea.

We all know how to attack an individual if anyone propose contibution level.

How many of us contibuted to AC21 lobby group in 1999/2000? But we are enjoying the benefits of that. This is where we stand. We always prefer free ride. We can enjoy the benefits of all the campaigns of the immigrant support groups even without participating in that. But everyone missed the fineprint of that, if no one represent our problem, our problem will never be resolved.

USCIS will assume that we are happy with their service if we don't raise our voice against the service provided to us (immigration benefits applicants). It is our problem we have to fight for it.

I request lot of volunteers to sign up for Congressional campaign, Project Symphony started by karma_yoga.
What can I do ?

Many people in this forum may know me from the brickbats
they showered on me for proposing what we are doing now,
almost a year back.

1) Am ready to pay $1000-$2000, depending on how many
people I see participating.

2) Let's propose yearly help to BCIS to hire people in terms
of money to get job done. ( Slap on face ?

3) Let's donate money to Prez Bush's campaign, as a group.

4) Plzz advise what I need to do with my local Congressman
and Senator. I haven't yet seen definitive directions to
that effect.

5) How about getting MSNBC, CNN, FOX, CBS etc to get us
covered ?

Yes, I am one of those, who's not relying at all on any
Senator's or Congressman's pity or good senses. The only
thing I can rely on is $, $$ & $$$. So let's raise $$$$ and go ahead. If we raise 2 million, I have hopes, if its 3 million, my
hopes raise...so on and so forth. This is America, so what you
get is proportional to what u put in guys.
Response to Sanju

The figure 50K-100K is very reasonable for a class action. As far as I remember, everyone talked about using ISN or Rajiv as the fund collection agency, since we don't have any registered non-profit organization. Somebody also posted that Rajiv had agreed to collect the contribution.

I see in the previous messages YJAY and EDISON to be the chairman of finance committee and core team respectively. So, why don't you guys and your team come up with a number, method and terms and conditions for contribution? If we have some fund to show, more people will follow.

I don't know when you all started this effort in this forum about class action (in VSC Forum). We (TSC forum) had talked about class action long time back. We also had discussed the matter with Rajiv. The efforts failed due to little active-participation from TSC members. Personally have written to many congressmen/women since mid 2002. Haven't heard a thing back, other than they forwarded my mail to TSC. I'm a mid 2001 applicant and I see no light at the end of tunnel. So, if this effort doesn't work out, I may have to file my own law-suit next year.
Rajiv has already requested quotes from various people. Let's us wait for some more time.

One thing is guaranteed, none of our effort is going to die here in this forum. We will move forward.
Re: Response to Sanju

Rajiv is working on it. The method to contribute will be very simple once Rajiv has an account set up. We can either send checks to his office or deposit directly into the account.

I intend not set a figure but encourage everyone to contribute as much as they can possibly afford to, or the "return on investment" is deemed acceptable. Those whose cases have been approved or who are still in "labor certification" stage are also encouraged to contribute but there should be no limit for the contribution.

Originally posted by ayansgp
............. why don't you guys and your team come up with a number, method and terms and conditions for contribution? If we have some fund to show, more people will follow.
I think we should look at this not as an expense but as a means of getting your voice heard. If we are not able to contribute even 1% of our salary to a cause that will ultimately benefit us in the long term then we should only blame ourselves for our problems.
Let us start the action and we will see that a lof of people will join the law suit/ Mandamus
Thanks for reply...

Any Idea!!! - when we will start rolling??

Have to wait for every thing in life:(

Wake Up and go full blast

Hi friends,
I am sorry that i am out of action for 2 days. Yesterday, I have joined at my new client at Newyork. Today is a holiday for us. I am glad that Rajiv has agreed to help us for collecting the funds by incorporating a non profit organisation. That means Sharmaji will take care of every thing. We just need to send the money and more importantly we need to select people who will have sole authority to access the funds. As we all agreed let us give that power to YJay. But there is a condition. He has to login to this site frequently and he has to be very active here for the next 6 months. I hope that he agrees for that.
Now comes the more important task of how we will decide what to spend the money for ? Yjay's power is limited to accessing the money but not deciding on what to spend the money for. We have to form a small core team to take decisions. Let us form a final core team of 7 people and let us have a rule that any decision has to be approved by atleast 4 of the core team members.
Now how we will decide who will be in core team. We got to do that based on who is very active in the backlog fight over the last 3 months. Based on that criteria, i will propose the following 5 names to the core team. You all are free to suggest your own choices for the remaining 2 slots. I think that every one agrees that the following 5 people are the most active people for the past 3 months. So the remaining 2 slots might be filled with the majority opinion of the following 5 people. I think rk4gc, sanju13, iansgp, smita_goyle, karma_yoga etc are the candidates for the remaining 2 slots. We might have to select 2 people amongst them. Let me know if we want more people in the core decision team, but please keep in mind one important criteria. The person should be constantly active here and we should not wait on too many people while taking any decisions.

Core 7 team

PS : Some one has to take initiatives to move this group forward and hence i have taken this initiative. Let us finalise the list today so that we can start sending the checks (Once Sharmaji forms the incorporation).
Core team should have representation from all the forums. I prefer atleast 2 . So let's not restrict core team to 7. I have seen few active people like ayansgp, tr22,... from TSC and some from NSC. So expanding the core team to 10 doesn't harm.
Re: Wake Up and go full blast

Good to see some energy rush!! Keep going guys. If Rajiv is the lawyer, you guys have selected, can he file the lawsuit soon, while we are all sending the money . I hope this does not take an indefinite time like creating the original petition.
Good Luck and let me know where to send the check !!!

Originally posted by dsatish
Hi friends,
I am sorry that i am out of action for 2 days. Yesterday, I have joined at my new client at Newyork. Today is a holiday for us. I am glad that Rajiv has agreed to help us for collecting the funds by incorporating a non profit organisation. That means Sharmaji will take care of every thing. We just need to send the money and more importantly we need to select people who will have sole authority to access the funds. As we all agreed let us give that power to YJay. But there is a condition. He has to login to this site frequently and he has to be very active here for the next 6 months. I hope that he agrees for that.
Now comes the more important task of how we will decide what to spend the money for ? Yjay's power is limited to accessing the money but not deciding on what to spend the money for. We have to form a small core team to take decisions. Let us form a final core team of 7 people and let us have a rule that any decision has to be approved by atleast 4 of the core team members.
Now how we will decide who will be in core team. We got to do that based on who is very active in the backlog fight over the last 3 months. Based on that criteria, i will propose the following 5 names to the core team. You all are free to suggest your own choices for the remaining 2 slots. I think that every one agrees that the following 5 people are the most active people for the past 3 months. So the remaining 2 slots might be filled with the majority opinion of the following 5 people. I think rk4gc, sanju13, iansgp, smita_goyle, karma_yoga etc are the candidates for the remaining 2 slots. We might have to select 2 people amongst them. Let me know if we want more people in the core decision team, but please keep in mind one important criteria. The person should be constantly active here and we should not wait on too many people while taking any decisions.

Core 7 team

PS : Some one has to take initiatives to move this group forward and hence i have taken this initiative. Let us finalise the list today so that we can start sending the checks (Once Sharmaji forms the incorporation).


Keep it up. I am in a situation which does not let me be involved directly and officially with these activities. You have my atmost support in any possible way. I hope I am the exception here.

A few days ago I spoke with the Legal Department of my company and I got a couple of polite warnings, and private e-mails of Corporate policy.
I was also told that my company at this stage will not push any immigration or backlog issue, partly because of the unemployment of American citizens.
With regard to my Congressional activities I was warned that it may create a backslash in my case as the Congressman/Congresswoman may question the employment of non-citizens by Defense contractors.
A few here already know my employer either directly or from my PA articles, so there is no need of any mention.
So my spot is up for crabs! Maybe we should put it on Ebay to collect some money as a starting point!
Dear Freinds,

I think "vidongre" is also playing an active role.

I agree with both Dsatish and Edition to must include the 5 names suggested by Dsatish and expand it to 10 that includes members from 4 service centers.

Well there is no problem in having more members from VSC group in the 10 members list.

Please include me only if you guys dont get any more members.

I think once the core team is formed..then the core members needs to release their email_id's so that silent members may directly contact with them. (As you know silent members needs little bit of stack operation(PUSH/PULL)).

I prefere a small town hall meeting in Edition,NewJersey either this weekend or next.

Once the core team is formed all the personal details(Name , location, contact info(As required)) will be published.