TSC Consolidated 485 Tracker

Spouse AP approved within 2 weeks

The first AP ( in year 2006 ) also got approved within 2 weeks. My second AP
is still pending ( as well as EAD ).
and what was the fbi reply to ur senator congressman? what was the outcome? and when u heard back from fbi?

I got an letter on 03/26 from congressman's office with a copy of an e-mail which congressman's office received from FBI stating that my name check is cleared on 03/19 and has been sent to USCIS office in DC.
Stuck in NC

Got the standard "investigation remains open" letter. Looks like only those who call congressmen get approved, provided congressman is friendly. All others wait. The expedite requests benefit a few at the expense of all others.
Hi all,

My husband is the primary applicant. For change of address when we file the AR-11 do both of us have to file separately or is it Ok if just my husband files ? My husband sent in the application 2 months back. Since then only he has received mails from the USCIS ( FP notice, AP approval etc). Mine has come from the lawyer.

Any reply would be appreciated.

Congratulations, socialmix!!!

It is always good to see an approval from someone I know (well, only via this forum, though). Enjoy your freedom!
Stuck in Name Check

It has been 226 since we filed out I485. I have called TSC and found out that I am stuck in Name Check process. Well, from what I have read about this in this forum, it does not sound good.

Anyway, I have written to the first lady and also local congress woman. Latter replied and have informed me that I am stuck in the name check process and they have initiated an enquiry with FBI and it should take a few months before they reply.

I am not sure what else I can do besides wait.

Let me know if there is something I can do or rather I must do besides wait.

President Helped Clear My Namecheck?

i finally got a reply to my letter about pending namecheck to President BUsh. it came from USCIS HQ in washingtoin DC.

does it mean that my name got cleared? i'm a bit confused.

this is the full text of the letter dated 20 april and reached my mail on 28 april.

Thank you for your letter dated February 17 2007 to the president George w bush. Your letter concerning the status of your i485 application and security checks was forwarded to department of homeland security (USCIS).

We have read your letter and understand that you are frustrated with the progress of your case. Based on the information you provided a search of our records, file A # (my alien number) has been completed. The information received shows that your application SRC-XXX (my case number) is still pending with Texas service center. We have been in contact with that office and have been advised that your case is actively under consideration with an officer at this time. Regrettably, as of this date a final decision as not yet been rendered.

The service is aware that your case has the processing time; unfortunately, sometimes adjudicating a case can become lengthy process. Upon gathering and assessing all available information, uscis will adjudicate your application as son as possible. We also understand the time sensitive nature of this matter and apologize for the inconvenience this delay may cause.

Uscis is committed to adjudicating immigration benefits in a timely manner while ensuring public safety and national security though the background checks for most applications or petitions are completed very quickly, a small percentage of cases have unresolved background check issues that temporarily delay adjudication of the application or petition. Although USCIS makes every effort to resolve such cases promptly, the agency cannot move forward until all outstanding issues have been resolved to our satisfaction. Unfortunately, the process can sometimes take years.

The background checks involve more than just the initial submission of biographical information or fingerprints and the initial response. If these checks and/ or reviews of the administrative record reveal an issue potentially impacting an applicant’s eligibility for the requested immigration benefit, further inquiry is needed. This inquiry may include and additional interview and / or the need to contact another agency for updates or more comprehensive information. If it is determined that an outside agency possesses information relevant to the applicant’s background, Uscis asks that agency to share any relevant information for consideration by USCis in the adjudication. Upon gathering and assessing al available information, USCIS will adjuciatie the application as expeditiously as possible.

In checking the status of your case, we have been assured that the agency is monitoring the progress of this case and USCIS is reviewing the information received from the background checks, determining if any additional information need to be collected, and assessing if the information impacts the applicant’s eligibility for the benefit being sought.

We hope this information is helpful and your continued patience is appreciated.
It appeared you wrote the letter to President Bush when your case was still within processing times publsihed by USCIS. I am surprised USCIS just did not blow you off based on this fact. Also, I think it would be unfare for them to expedite your name check that's been pending for just 7 months while there are plenty of us who's been waiting for much longer than that, and I hope they won't do this, letter to Mr. Bush or not.
It appeared you wrote the letter to President Bush when your case was still within processing times publsihed by USCIS. I am surprised USCIS just did not blow you off based on this fact. Also, I think it would be unfare for them to expedite your name check that's been pending for just 7 months while there are plenty of us who's been waiting for much longer than that, and I hope they won't do this, letter to Mr. Bush or not.

All's fair in love and USCIS. When they clearly don't follow a strict first-in first-out system as they say they do, then there's no reason why others need to sit quietly and wait for some officer throwing darts to throw one at their application. If something good comes out of this for antonioa, then great. You'd be better off trying all venues to get someone's attention at USCIS instead of hoping that something favorable does not come out of his attempts.
The way I read it...

... I don't think they answered your very question about namecheck. What it's saying about your specific case, as I read it, is:

(1) Your case is still pending at TSC.
(2) They are making their best efforts.
(3) They haven't lost your file.
(4) They are making their best efforts.
(5) They are making their best efforts.

And in a very broad, general term, they mention the processing can take long. But it doesn't sound to me like they are saying anything about it regarding your specific case.

i finally got a reply to my letter about pending namecheck to President BUsh. it came from USCIS HQ in washingtoin DC.

does it mean that my name got cleared? i'm a bit confused.

this is the full text of the letter dated 20 april and reached my mail on 28 april.
Wrote to First Lady on Feb20. Got letter from FBI yesterday.

Name check is still pending.
It doesn't work for me.
i finally got a reply to my letter about pending namecheck to President BUsh. it came from USCIS HQ in washingtoin DC.

does it mean that my name got cleared? i'm a bit confused.

this is the full text of the letter dated 20 april and reached my mail on 28 april.

A friend of mine wrote such a letter to the president and also the vice president and received a similar letter informing him that they have forwarded the case to USCIS. He did not get a result after a couple of month and filed WOM. In any case, I hope they can do something for your case and you get approved ASAP.
A friend of mine wrote such a letter to the president and also the vice president and received a similar letter informing him that they have forwarded the case to USCIS. He did not get a result after a couple of month and filed WOM. In any case, I hope they can do something for your case and you get approved ASAP.

ya but did ur friend got the same wording on his letter like mine? maybe he got a different wording and they told him something. the content of the letter is important.can u clarify what uscis letter said to him?
ya but did ur friend got the same wording on his letter like mine? maybe he got a different wording and they told him something. the content of the letter is important.can u clarify what uscis letter said to him?

As I told you in a private message, he got a message from the office of the president saying that the case was refrered to the DHS. He did not get anything from USCIS afterwards.

Sorry for my mistake. I asked him about the details right now!
I don't think congress people / FL / Pres. will expedite namecheck

There are well defined conditions for which namecheck is expedited. Otherwise i don't think resources will be used to cut in front of others
waiting for the namecheck clearance.
Name check is still pending.
It doesn't work for me.
Sorry to hear that. I got a letter from the Feds informing me that my name check is currently "in process"...(initiated in April 2006).
Don't mean to beat a dead horse, but does the letter you got state that the name check is "pending" or "in process"?
I'm trying to figure out whether the varied verbiages in the FBI letters mean anything. The message for folks who receive letters stating that their name checks were finalized and sent to the USCIS is pretty straight-forward, but I've seen others get letters stating that the checks are in process and others who get letters stating that the checks are pending.
Just wondering which one you got.
Thanks for your time. Regards
e-filing EAD and AP

Quite streamlined.. decision was completed in less 60 days for both my wife and I. (Applied for EAD & AP on Feb 2nd, 2007, ND on March 29th)

also saved. $1000 in the process (lawyer charge was $250 per application/per applicant).. only caveat is you will get a Fingerprint notice to capture your signature and photo.

Prince: When did you file your 2nd EAD?

I filed mine 10 days back.