I did analysis of the FBI name check victim list in
http://www.petitiononline.com/nc082505/petition.html . There are more than 2500 input. Consist of around 1% of the total FBI name check backlog from USCIS.
I found around 50% of FBI name check victims are Chinese.
The four largest population with last name "Wang", "Li", "Zhang" and "Liu" in China are also the four largest population of Chinese FBI name check victims.
"Wang", "Li", "Zhang" and "Liu" consist of 7%, 7%, 6% and 5% respectfully of Chinese population. They also consist of the same percent in the Chinese FBI name check victims.
Considering Chinese applicants only consist of 7% of total EB , FB I485 applicants and naturalization applicants, the chance of Chinese applicant stuck in FBI name check is 7x that of other applicants. FBI report 10% names from USCIS stuck in FBI name check delay. The chance of Chinese applicants stuck in FBI name check is around 70%. It consents with my observation in TSC I485 tracker. It is really a bad news for Chinese applicants.
FBI name check method is highly unfavorable Chinese applicants. FBI search applicant's Last name, Middle name and first name with around clock method, and people with birthday in same year.
Chinese people stuck more in FBI name check mainly for three reasons. The first reason is United States still consider China as an unfriendly country.
The second reason is Chinese applicants don't have middle name,
Using around clock search method will end up search people with same last name. The third reason is china has a large population. People born in same year with last name "Wang" in the world are more than one million, any person with last name "Wang" appear in FBI files will result in a name check "hit".
Considering the purpose of FBI name check is to fill out terrors and Chinese are not terrors, FBI name check method really defeats the purpose of FBI name check.
I think this is one of the reasons FBI don't want to give congress and public the FBI name check backlog number with country origin. FBI really need to fix their name check search method.