Transfers to Missouri

Yes, we are from NY,
We filed from NYC, live in NJ..

Did you online message change after the transfer?
Our online status changed after the transfering message.
I really don't know what "HERE" means. MY lawer send a letter to VSC to ask why we got transfer to MSC, not sure if it is related..
Hi GC022002: Thanks for your reply. No my online message still the same stating that: My case has been transfered to MSC to conduct interview bla.. bla, bla". I expected my case to be transfer to NYC instead of MSC because I am an 254-i applicant which usually gets transfer for interview eventhough I think it's a total waste of Time.

hey guys

here is a question, i was not concerned about dual status before but now yes

can i renew my H1 some how, it expired in 12/2002 and after aproval of 140 and filing 1485 in august i dint feel to renew it. but now if you guys read the new law that after denial of your application they will send you jail.

as you all knows their is no guarantee of gc in any case.

any suggestion

What is the national service toll number for? I thought they should be more knowledge than the online message, so I called that number. After holding for 20 minutes, I finally can speak to a lady.
The lady is rude, but worst of all is that she knows nothing, When I asked my case status, She just repeated the online message. Since my case status now saying “ on Apr 22, your cased has been received here”, so I asked her where exactly “here” is, she said no idea, and nobody there knows.

So I asked her supervisor, and she made me even more confused.
She said my case was received on Apr 22 2004, and has been resubmitted to VSC after MSC transfer. And she cannot do anything for me now, because my case is not passed the official processing date.

CIS is like black hole, no one even their staffs knows nothing about it, the conclusion of my call is that I have to be patient… after two years and n months waiting,


When I called the 800 number month ago after we got the on-line message. After 20 some minutes of holding. The lady answered the phone flatted out telling me, she does not have access to my file and can not give me any information specifically about my case.

Well, I guess that I just will not call the number again to waste my time then.

Hi Bobxu I asked you a question in another thread...

Hi bobxu

does your online message changed to "bla bla received here"
after your request to transfer to your local office or before your request?

On apr 22nd my online message changed to the same one too ,
so far I found only two of us are changed to this kind of message.
I am not sure if it is related to my lawyer sent a letter to CIS ask them why MSC transfer on Apr 12th.
Today when I called CIS, the lady told me that my case could be transfered back to VSC, while when my husband called the other lady said it could be transfer to the local office?

I am really really confused,
Before. My online message changed on 2/18/04 and 3/1/04 to tranfer and recieve respectively. I wrote the letter arount 3/15., and of course I did not hear anything back from the black hole.

My case has been trasnferred to MSC this week. I found this out when I visited the onlince case status system.

The message reads:
"We transferred your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status to our office in MISSOURI SERVICE CENTER for them to schedule and conduct your interview. Scheduling can take several months. Our office in MISSOURI SERVICE CENTER will notify you when they schedule your interview or take other action on your case."

When I called the 1-800 number, the automated message says the case has been transferred to INS office in Chicago, IL.

After reading some of the posts in this forum I am begining to believe that probably all these cases are transferred to National Benefit Center.

Has anyone checked the processing dates at the National Benefit Center? When I tried to check this information, I-485 is not even listed. If they dont process I-485, then why are the cases being transferred there?
after second fp on march 06 2004 online message dint change at all.

where were my fp results sent? Vsc or Msc, i asked to ucis customer service guys, they dont have any clue

Hahahah, no one have any idea where our cases are, in chicago, st louis or msc
our 3rd EAD got transfer to NYC from VSC to speed up process? Why to NYC instead of MSC. Because MSC transfer our 485 file to MSC. Any idea? Thanks
This is very serious issue since I think all the service centers are transferring our EB I-485 cases to MSC by mistake and ultimatly MSC will be going to transfer case back to local office for the interview. My case (EB I485) has been transferred on 10/29/2003 and I heard from my senator office that they will transferred your case back to local office for an interview. I heard same from few other members also that their cases got tranferred back to local office from MSC.

Originally posted by gclord2002
our 3rd EAD got transfer to NYC from VSC to speed up process? Why to NYC instead of MSC. Because MSC transfer our 485 file to MSC. Any idea? Thanks
Hi feb6361,

Do you minding sharing with us your experience with the senator?
is he very helpful, have the senator helped you find out the status of your case?

My case was transferred to MSC on Apr 5, and on Apr 22 the online message changed to "
bla bla your case is received here", I cannot figure out where the "here" means,
the call to CIS even more confused me. We are thinking of seeking senator's help.
I'll be greatly appreciated if you could post the experience and tips of senator contact.

By the way, my husband EAD renewal was pending since Jan 20th, last night I added his EAD case# to
My CIS online login account, this morning I got an email saying that case is approved today.

Saw some people saying that online registration can trigger some actions on your long pending case,
now I believe this theory somehow.
Yes..they are very helpful in finding the status of my can contact (via phone or senator website) any senator in your area (state) to help finding your case status.

If your case got transferred to Missour Service Center (which has a p.o. bo. no. of Chicago, IL), FINALLY it will get transffered to LOCAL OFFICE for an interview eventhough they retransferred your case to original service center.

Please let me know, if you need more help.

Originally posted by GC022002
Hi feb6361,

Do you minding sharing with us your experience with the senator?
is he very helpful, have the senator helped you find out the status of your case?

My case was transferred to MSC on Apr 5, and on Apr 22 the online message changed to "
bla bla your case is received here", I cannot figure out where the "here" means,
the call to CIS even more confused me. We are thinking of seeking senator's help.
I'll be greatly appreciated if you could post the experience and tips of senator contact.

By the way, my husband EAD renewal was pending since Jan 20th, last night I added his EAD case# to
My CIS online login account, this morning I got an email saying that case is approved today.

Saw some people saying that online registration can trigger some actions on your long pending case,
now I believe this theory somehow.
I went to see a lawyer this morning to discuss my case and here is what he said:

qestion: Why my i-485 case got transfer from VSC to MSC instead of NYC?
Ans: That because MSC bacame the national benefit center and they will schudle for the interview date to the local office here in NY and according my address my interview will be in garden city long island.

Question: Why then VSC transfered my EAD to NYC instead of MSC.

Ans: Do not know why? May be because I have two application pending.

Question:How long is the wait for the interview?
Ans: About a year or less

There were few others question I asked him related to my case. Hope it helps. Finally, I thing we all have to wait and see how all these play out.
Hi gclord2002,

what address will be based for the interview location?
your home address or the lawyer address or your office address?


qestion: Why my i-485 case got transfer from VSC to MSC instead of NYC?
Ans: That because MSC bacame the national benefit center and they will schudle for the interview date to the local office here in NY and according my address my interview will be in garden city long island.