Transferred to Local INS office in Washington -Aug 15th RD

Thanks very much ZKHAN!
They mailed this letter on August 27th. I will have my finger prints taken the third time on the week of Sept 7th through 11th (I assume anyday of that week should be fine), and in another two weeks will be my interview day. I had been scheduled with officer B---anyone have had any experience with him/her? Please share your experience!!

Yes, I did contact local congressional office which is located in DC, Eleanor Norton Holmes office several times since the beginning of this year. at the meantime, I have also contacted VSC and have them agreed to place some type of case inquiry twice in the past two-three months. At this points I have no idea which one triggered the interview letter.

The documents they asked me to prepare are quite standard: passport, I94, tax retures for the previous 3 years with W-2's, employment letter, and medical exam result I693 (which confuses me alittle, did they already have this in the record when we originally filed I485?)

anyway, I will definitely post all the details afterwards!!

1. what is officer B like? what should I remember and be careful with? any tips will be greatly appreciated!!

2. would it be possible to arrange an earlier interview oppointment (if have family emergency needs to be taken care of around that time)?

Good luck to everyone, especially the 2002 filers!!!
ZKHAN said:
Congratulations on getting your interview letter. Yes they will stamp your passport the same day.

so if they will stamp PP after interview, then why they didn't ask me to bring two most recent photos (which is one of the required docs for stamping right?) with me for interview? :confused:
Thank you for replying to my questions. Nine out of ten times they stamp the passport after the interview(why did'nt they ask you for the pictures? they forgot but you should take your pictures with you). The only reason for not stamping the passport right away is that if they are sill waiting for the name check. You should be fine, take your pictures with you and check the finger print timings on your finger print notice. Please dont assume that it can be done any day of the week. As far as rescheduling the interview is concerned don't even think about it unless it is life and death emergency. I made the horrible mistake of rescheduling (my lawyer was not available on that day and I was not feeling ocmfortable with the associate). My case was transferred to arlington in november 2001 and the interview was scheduled for march 2002. I am still waiting for the new date. Do not reschedule!!!

Could you tell me how you contacted the vermont office(by mail, fax or phone)?? I have not contacted them after the transfer of my case and I would like to do that now.

Good luck
ZKHAN, I cannot believe my eyes when I saw that you had been originally scheduled for interview back in March 2002!!!!!!! I felt for you and I sincerely appreciate all your advise. I will not reschedule no matter what. :)

Yes I re-read finger print notice which states " Date: week of 9/7/04 to 9/11/04". do I still need to check with them on the date?

I just noticed that the reason I need to take this for the 3rd time is (instead of "expiration of 2 previous times"), they select "NEW". Make me wonder what's the real purpose for this time? would it be just a standard procedure? would I need to wait till name check and the whole nine yard done all over again? I might be paranoid, but just want to be well-prepared (mentally :rolleyes: ).

Interms of contacing VSC,I've tried those three ways mentioned in your previous message: fax, phone, certified mail. I basically asked for: 1. expedite process if possible (which I know they will reject this proposal, but I tried anyway); 2. checking status (which they said it's out off their hand, now it's with Arlington).

I think the calls I made to National service center (1800 on all of our document) could've been a little bit more helpful than the letters to VSC, of course there's no way for me to validate my theory :cool:.

Do try to contact them though, both.

good luck to you ZKHAN!!!!!!! :)
Many Many heartest congratulations ........StayPositive for getting an interview letter...atleast one of us (sad souls) could go through...Wish you all the best...please share your all the moments after getting your PP stamped...

Also wish for Zkhan to get his Int.. letter...

StayPositive said:
ZKHAN, I cannot believe my eyes when I saw that you had been originally scheduled for interview back in March 2002!!!!!!! I felt for you and I sincerely appreciate all your advise. I will not reschedule no matter what. :)

Yes I re-read finger print notice which states " Date: week of 9/7/04 to 9/11/04". do I still need to check with them on the date?

I just noticed that the reason I need to take this for the 3rd time is (instead of "expiration of 2 previous times"), they select "NEW". Make me wonder what's the real purpose for this time? would it be just a standard procedure? would I need to wait till name check and the whole nine yard done all over again? I might be paranoid, but just want to be well-prepared (mentally :rolleyes: ).

Interms of contacing VSC,I've tried those three ways mentioned in your previous message: fax, phone, certified mail. I basically asked for: 1. expedite process if possible (which I know they will reject this proposal, but I tried anyway); 2. checking status (which they said it's out off their hand, now it's with Arlington).

I think the calls I made to National service center (1800 on all of our document) could've been a little bit more helpful than the letters to VSC, of course there's no way for me to validate my theory :cool:.

Do try to contact them though, both.

good luck to you ZKHAN!!!!!!! :)

Thank you for your kind words.
They have given you a week for your finger prints so you should be fine. You can do them on any of these days.
I have heard from a friend that INS is creating a database for finger prints so they dont have to take our finger prints again and again, may be that is why they have sent you a notice for finger prints.
I am going to contact vermont service center by mail and fax, I can't find their fax number if you have it please do post it here.
Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.
ZKHAN said:
Thank you for your kind words.
They have given you a week for your finger prints so you should be fine. You can do them on any of these days.
I have heard from a friend that INS is creating a database for finger prints so they dont have to take our finger prints again and again, may be that is why they have sent you a notice for finger prints.
I am going to contact vermont service center by mail and fax, I can't find their fax number if you have it please do post it here.
Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.

the fax number I used is 802-527-4816. I've also seen 802-527-3192 somewhere by someone else, you could try both numbers just in case.

Thanks for all your responsive response. :p

Wellwisher 2002, thanks to you too. I will definitely post every single details afterwards.

Good luck to all of us!!!
Thank you for a prompt reply. I am going to send a fax to vermont center today.

Thank you for all your help.
I got another question though :rolleyes: ( my brain's kept spinning since the moment the letter arrives):

why they asked me to bring Medical Exam Result (form I-693) again? I mean I've given it to them (with doctor seal on the envelope) when I filed my I-485 26 months ago. Is this normal? any negative implication behind this request?

Thanks for your insight.
They do ask for the medical again at the interview. Normally the medical stays valid for a year maybe more I am not sure but there is a INS memo out there (you will find a link for that memo on this website) which says the medical will stay valid for the duration of I485 process. I hope this helps.

Congrats StayPositive. So we did see some movement at the Arlington Office without the actual move happening. Hope all of us see interview letters in our mail very soon.

Staypositive, do keep all of us updated abt your finger printing and interview process.

All the best
Congratulations StayPositive! You gave many of us hope!!
Just wonder if they send you an interview letter just because you've been sending and contacting with them or it's just your time....
If former is the case, should we all need to do that??? What do you all think guys?
Why has your lawyer not contacted the arlington office directly ?
My sisters case (you can see her history in this thread) was transferred in Feb 2003 to Arlington office. Her Interview letter was received in July 2003 with the Interview scheduled for Nov 2003. In the Interview everything went fine, but the name check was still pending...

Her lawyers office called + Senator Allens office sent the email to Arlington office for status and she was approved in March 2004... So keep on trying. Use your lawyer, visit Arlington office or Use Senator Allens office. Either way waiting from March 2002 is just unbelievable....


ZKHAN said:
Thank you for replying to my questions. Nine out of ten times they stamp the passport after the interview(why did'nt they ask you for the pictures? they forgot but you should take your pictures with you). The only reason for not stamping the passport right away is that if they are sill waiting for the name check. You should be fine, take your pictures with you and check the finger print timings on your finger print notice. Please dont assume that it can be done any day of the week. As far as rescheduling the interview is concerned don't even think about it unless it is life and death emergency. I made the horrible mistake of rescheduling (my lawyer was not available on that day and I was not feeling ocmfortable with the associate). My case was transferred to arlington in november 2001 and the interview was scheduled for march 2002. I am still waiting for the new date. Do not reschedule!!!

Could you tell me how you contacted the vermont office(by mail, fax or phone)?? I have not contacted them after the transfer of my case and I would like to do that now.

Good luck
SWaiting said:
Why has your lawyer not contacted the arlington office directly ?
My sisters case (you can see her history in this thread) was transferred in Feb 2003 to Arlington office. Her Interview letter was received in July 2003 with the Interview scheduled for Nov 2003. In the Interview everything went fine, but the name check was still pending...

Her lawyers office called + Senator Allens office sent the email to Arlington office for status and she was approved in March 2004... So keep on trying. Use your lawyer, visit Arlington office or Use Senator Allens office. Either way waiting from March 2002 is just unbelievable....



when was your sister's FP when she went for the interview, do you still remember?

My lawyer has filed queries for me close to twelve or thirteen times. I actually went with him twice and three times on my own. I always got the same answer ( I should get my interview notice in six to eight months). Congress man Tom Davis has already contacted the arlington office (last november) and they told him that my case is pending and they will contact me directly. I was very excited when I got my second finger print notice after the congress man's inquiry but after that I did not hear anything from the Arlington office. Now I have contacted Senator Allen and I hope that he will be able to help me.

May be too many inquiries are going against me. I am going to wait for the result of Senator Allen's inquiry. Thank you every one for your concern, I will keep you guys up to date about any developments.
Her 2nd FP was 2 months before the 485 Interview.

I really feel sorry about your case. This is unbelievable....
SWaiting said:
Her 2nd FP was 2 months before the 485 Interview.

I really feel sorry about your case. This is unbelievable....


Thanks so much for your response.
The reason why I am asking this is because I've received my interview letter along with my 3rd FP, which will take place only two weeks ahead of actual interview date. My previous two FP (both were done in 2002!) had nothing left pending (according to FBI), however, I am not sure if they have to wait for the result/clearance of the third time to inorder stamp my passport,which in your sister's case, it could be another extremely long and painful period of time. I am really scared. :eek:

I've asked this question couple of days ago, received rather positive answer. But still like to verify with more people who might've been in the same situation or heard/seen in others.

Appreciate any comment/suggestion!!! :cool:
Interviewed and Approved


I am a regular visitor on this forum but have never made any posts. This forum has given me great help for my case. I'd like to share our interview experience with you. I think it may help you prepare for your interview. We had the interview at Arlington yesterday, Our I-485 case was approved and Officer stamped our passports. Officer said, we should get the GC in 3-6 months. I have to say the interview was going very well and it was a pleasant one that I will remember for a long long time.


I started my Green Card process back in June 1999 with a Job advertisement in Washington Post - VA/EB2

02/2000 - Labor was approved
03/2000 - I-140 was applied
01/2001 - I 140 RFE about my company financials
02/2001 - I-140 was approved
03/2001 - I-485 was filed at VSC
12/2001 - First FP
01/2002 - RFE of employment letter and medical supplement form
03/2002 - Case was TD'ed to Arlington office
06/2002 - First Interview scheduled
06/2002 - Interview rescheduled because I was laid off. But I got the new job the following month. Lucky me!
07/2004 - Second FP
07/2004 - Second Interview scheduled
09/2004 - Interviewed, approved and stamped

For past four years I applied 4 EADs. Our case is complicated one - AC21. I did not want to take any chanes. So I searched on the forum and got the following documents ready before the interview:

Tax return for the past six years (the officer took last three. The first three are already in my file)
Pay stubs for last three pay periods
W-2 and/or 1099
Birth Certificate
Marriage Certificate
Labor certificate
I-140 approval notice
Bank statements
Mortgage statements
Car insurance
Homeowner insurance
Copies of passport
H-4 for dependents
Employment letter


Just to be on the safe side, I took my attorney also along with me. Now I can say, probably I don't need, I did't know then. My laywer did not say a word. I advice anyone do your homework and bring as many documents as possible. Just in case, I suggest you arrive at the office at least one and half hours if you have your interview scheduled in the early morning. Our interview was scheduled at 9:45. We arrived at 8:55 but it took us 30 minutes to get through the security because there was a long line. We were worried we could not make it on time.

After dropping the interview letter in the slot, we waited about 45 minutes. I believe all the interviews were delayed. Officer came and called our names and we followed the officer into the "inner hall way" and the officer took our finger prints and signatures. Then we went to officer's room and took oath. The officer (she) took my passport and I94, and started asking me simple questions like name, SSN, DOB, place of birth, nationality, etc. Then she asked what kind of degrees I have, where I went to college in my home country and in the US. Funny thing is that the Univesity I went to in US became a topic of a chat between us. The interview was getting sweeter. All of us made some jokes... Then she continued to ask the questions on my I485 application: arrests, commited any crime, communist party, etc.

Next, she asked me my sponsoring company's name, whether I am still working for the company. I said no. Then she asked me my new employer's name whether the two jobs are the same or similar. I said they are not exactly the same but very similar and the job titles are the same. I gave her my employment letter she did not look at it and just put it in my file folder.

She looked at my file and asked me 3 years Tax returns, address change form (we moved after filing I485), bank statement, mortgage statements and she closed my file.

She opened my wife's folder and asked a sub set of questions in her I485 application (of course she took her passport and I94 first), much less than she asked me. Then asked her if she had any job. My wife said yes then she asked her employment letter, last three year return, and closed her file.

Last she opened my daughter's file and asked her where she went to school, what degree she was in, and what she liked the best in her school work. She took another copy of tax return for the last three years. She said because my daughter was a dependent, whether we had I-134 I can give to her. I said yes and handed it to her. She looked happy.

Finally, she said everything was fine and stamped our passports. That's it.

She did not ask our w-2 or any other stuff.

Honestly, I was very nervious and extremely worried before I went to her office. To make things worse, the two interviews before us were not going well. None of them got their passport stamped. After we were called, I suddenly calmed down.

My feeling is that they were not well prepared. Besides, they were dressed very informal. I guess that could be one reason for the poor interviews. We dressed up but not too formal. We were very polite and showed our appreciation for her interview with us. It seems to me that the interview process is not made for denying your case, but clarifying some issues to approve your case. So be prepared and be honest and be sincere. You should be fine.

Now we are relieved - more than 5 years of waiting is finally over.

PS: I am not sure if I will be visiting this page as often as I used to be, but I definitely will be with you for the next few weeks and answer your questions through this board.

Best luck for all of you.

-- Davis
davis2004 said:

I am a regular visitor on this forum but have never made any posts. This forum has given me great help for my case. I'd like to share our interview experience with you. I think it may help you prepare for your interview. We had the interview at Arlington yesterday, Our I-485 case was approved and Officer stamped our passports. Officer said, we should get the GC in 3-6 months. I have to say the interview was going very well and it was a pleasant one that I will remember for a long long time.


I started my Green Card process back in June 1999 with a Job advertisement in Washington Post - VA/EB2

02/2000 - Labor was approved
03/2000 - I-140 was applied
01/2001 - I 140 RFE about my company financials
02/2001 - I-140 was approved
03/2001 - I-485 was filed at VSC
12/2001 - First FP
01/2002 - RFE of employment letter and medical supplement form
03/2002 - Case was TD'ed to Arlington office
06/2002 - First Interview scheduled
06/2002 - Interview rescheduled because I was laid off. But I got the new job the following month. Lucky me!
07/2004 - Second FP
07/2004 - Second Interview scheduled
09/2004 - Interviewed, approved and stamped

For past four years I applied 4 EADs. Our case is complicated one - AC21. I did not want to take any chanes. So I searched on the forum and got the following documents ready before the interview:

Tax return for the past six years (the officer took last three. The first three are already in my file)
Pay stubs for last three pay periods
W-2 and/or 1099
Birth Certificate
Marriage Certificate
Labor certificate
I-140 approval notice
Bank statements
Mortgage statements
Car insurance
Homeowner insurance
Copies of passport
H-4 for dependents
Employment letter


Just to be on the safe side, I took my attorney also along with me. Now I can say, probably I don't need, I did't know then. My laywer did not say a word. I advice anyone do your homework and bring as many documents as possible. Just in case, I suggest you arrive at the office at least one and half hours if you have your interview scheduled in the early morning. Our interview was scheduled at 9:45. We arrived at 8:55 but it took us 30 minutes to get through the security because there was a long line. We were worried we could not make it on time.

After dropping the interview letter in the slot, we waited about 45 minutes. I believe all the interviews were delayed. Officer came and called our names and we followed the officer into the "inner hall way" and the officer took our finger prints and signatures. Then we went to officer's room and took oath. The officer (she) took my passport and I94, and started asking me simple questions like name, SSN, DOB, place of birth, nationality, etc. Then she asked what kind of degrees I have, where I went to college in my home country and in the US. Funny thing is that the Univesity I went to in US became a topic of a chat between us. The interview was getting sweeter. All of us made some jokes... Then she continued to ask the questions on my I485 application: arrests, commited any crime, communist party, etc.

Next, she asked me my sponsoring company's name, whether I am still working for the company. I said no. Then she asked me my new employer's name whether the two jobs are the same or similar. I said they are not exactly the same but very similar and the job titles are the same. I gave her my employment letter she did not look at it and just put it in my file folder.

She looked at my file and asked me 3 years Tax returns, address change form (we moved after filing I485), bank statement, mortgage statements and she closed my file.

She opened my wife's folder and asked a sub set of questions in her I485 application (of course she took her passport and I94 first), much less than she asked me. Then asked her if she had any job. My wife said yes then she asked her employment letter, last three year return, and closed her file.

Last she opened my daughter's file and asked her where she went to school, what degree she was in, and what she liked the best in her school work. She took another copy of tax return for the last three years. She said because my daughter was a dependent, whether we had I-134 I can give to her. I said yes and handed it to her. She looked happy.

Finally, she said everything was fine and stamped our passports. That's it.

She did not ask our w-2 or any other stuff.

Honestly, I was very nervious and extremely worried before I went to her office. To make things worse, the two interviews before us were not going well. None of them got their passport stamped. After we were called, I suddenly calmed down.

My feeling is that they were not well prepared. Besides, they were dressed very informal. I guess that could be one reason for the poor interviews. We dressed up but not too formal. We were very polite and showed our appreciation for her interview with us. It seems to me that the interview process is not made for denying your case, but clarifying some issues to approve your case. So be prepared and be honest and be sincere. You should be fine.

Now we are relieved - more than 5 years of waiting is finally over.

PS: I am not sure if I will be visiting this page as often as I used to be, but I definitely will be with you for the next few weeks and answer your questions through this board.

Best luck for all of you.

-- Davis

Dear Davis,
I think this whole thread will thank you for such a detailed and encouraging message. and I will also congratulate you for the long-waited happy ending!! :cool:

So I saw you have had your last FP two months before interview, did the officer mention anything regarding "name check, etc" during interview? As you can see, I will be having my 3rd FP two weeks before interview, nervous about the possibility that I will be sent home without PP being stamped due to last finger print's name check (or whatever related to the last FP) is still pending. :eek:

did they ask you to bring bank statement? I wasn't. :confused:

Thanks again!
davis2004 said:

I am a regular visitor on this forum but have never made any posts. This forum has given me great help for my case. I'd like to share our interview experience with you. I think it may help you prepare for your interview. We had the interview at Arlington yesterday, Our I-485 case was approved and Officer stamped our passports. Officer said, we should get the GC in 3-6 months. I have to say the interview was going very well and it was a pleasant one that I will remember for a long long time.


I started my Green Card process back in June 1999 with a Job advertisement in Washington Post - VA/EB2

02/2000 - Labor was approved
03/2000 - I-140 was applied
01/2001 - I 140 RFE about my company financials
02/2001 - I-140 was approved
03/2001 - I-485 was filed at VSC
12/2001 - First FP
01/2002 - RFE of employment letter and medical supplement form
03/2002 - Case was TD'ed to Arlington office
06/2002 - First Interview scheduled
06/2002 - Interview rescheduled because I was laid off. But I got the new job the following month. Lucky me!
07/2004 - Second FP
07/2004 - Second Interview scheduled
09/2004 - Interviewed, approved and stamped

For past four years I applied 4 EADs. Our case is complicated one - AC21. I did not want to take any chanes. So I searched on the forum and got the following documents ready before the interview:

Tax return for the past six years (the officer took last three. The first three are already in my file)
Pay stubs for last three pay periods
W-2 and/or 1099
Birth Certificate
Marriage Certificate
Labor certificate
I-140 approval notice
Bank statements
Mortgage statements
Car insurance
Homeowner insurance
Copies of passport
H-4 for dependents
Employment letter


Just to be on the safe side, I took my attorney also along with me. Now I can say, probably I don't need, I did't know then. My laywer did not say a word. I advice anyone do your homework and bring as many documents as possible. Just in case, I suggest you arrive at the office at least one and half hours if you have your interview scheduled in the early morning. Our interview was scheduled at 9:45. We arrived at 8:55 but it took us 30 minutes to get through the security because there was a long line. We were worried we could not make it on time.

After dropping the interview letter in the slot, we waited about 45 minutes. I believe all the interviews were delayed. Officer came and called our names and we followed the officer into the "inner hall way" and the officer took our finger prints and signatures. Then we went to officer's room and took oath. The officer (she) took my passport and I94, and started asking me simple questions like name, SSN, DOB, place of birth, nationality, etc. Then she asked what kind of degrees I have, where I went to college in my home country and in the US. Funny thing is that the Univesity I went to in US became a topic of a chat between us. The interview was getting sweeter. All of us made some jokes... Then she continued to ask the questions on my I485 application: arrests, commited any crime, communist party, etc.

Next, she asked me my sponsoring company's name, whether I am still working for the company. I said no. Then she asked me my new employer's name whether the two jobs are the same or similar. I said they are not exactly the same but very similar and the job titles are the same. I gave her my employment letter she did not look at it and just put it in my file folder.

She looked at my file and asked me 3 years Tax returns, address change form (we moved after filing I485), bank statement, mortgage statements and she closed my file.

She opened my wife's folder and asked a sub set of questions in her I485 application (of course she took her passport and I94 first), much less than she asked me. Then asked her if she had any job. My wife said yes then she asked her employment letter, last three year return, and closed her file.

Last she opened my daughter's file and asked her where she went to school, what degree she was in, and what she liked the best in her school work. She took another copy of tax return for the last three years. She said because my daughter was a dependent, whether we had I-134 I can give to her. I said yes and handed it to her. She looked happy.

Finally, she said everything was fine and stamped our passports. That's it.

She did not ask our w-2 or any other stuff.

Honestly, I was very nervious and extremely worried before I went to her office. To make things worse, the two interviews before us were not going well. None of them got their passport stamped. After we were called, I suddenly calmed down.

My feeling is that they were not well prepared. Besides, they were dressed very informal. I guess that could be one reason for the poor interviews. We dressed up but not too formal. We were very polite and showed our appreciation for her interview with us. It seems to me that the interview process is not made for denying your case, but clarifying some issues to approve your case. So be prepared and be honest and be sincere. You should be fine.

Now we are relieved - more than 5 years of waiting is finally over.

PS: I am not sure if I will be visiting this page as often as I used to be, but I definitely will be with you for the next few weeks and answer your questions through this board.

Best luck for all of you.

-- Davis

Congratulations Davis you are a free man. Enjoy your freedom.

My interview was resheduled (Arlington office). I also applied for rescheduling of interview. More than two years have passed and I have not heard from the arlington office. I had my 2nd finger prints done last novemer but no luck with the interview letter. Could you tell me who you contacted for the rescheduling of your interview congressman,senator, local office, or vermont service center?? Any details you could provide about rescheduling effort would be really appreciated.