Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)

Hi there,

I'm about to begin my N-400 journey. Now, wanted to find out some opinion on my Traffic ticket. In the past, during Sep 2004, I got a ticket for Reckless driving (dirivinig 80 on a 40), and paid $550 and no points, no records, nothing after then. it was not DUI.

Before then, after then, tickets

I recently inquired the court where I paid the fine, and they do not have any record and gave me a No Record Found letter. Also,the State driving records do not show anything.

Now, should I mention that in my N-400 along with the court disposition letter? or ignore it completely?

Please advice.
In the past, during Sep 2004, I got a ticket for Reckless driving (dirivinig 80 on a 40), and paid $550 and no points, no records, nothing after then. it was not DUI.
I recently inquired the court where I paid the fine, and they do not have any record and gave me a No Record Found letter. Also,the State driving records do not show anything.
Now, should I mention that in my N-400 along with the court disposition letter? or ignore it completely?
I would strongly suggest to disclose this ticket because it was a criminal conviction even if the court record no longer exists. USCIS considers anything over $500 to be serious offences, so it is better to be truthful in the beginning than to give them a reason to revoke your certificate later. Seeing that this violation occurred more than 5 years ago, you have a good chance to be approved.
Thanks Konig.
Sure, I'll submit that.
Now, I do have an another question. When I called the court, they said, they do not have the record and they also told that it may be other court. and, I asked the other court and they too do not have any records. now, my questions are

1. if no one has record, how would USCIS will maintain a record
2. Is there a way to obtain my Citation number from some where else like local sherieff office or some else


I am applying for Citizenship and had a question on traffic tickets. Sorry if i m asking the same questions, could not find details on case related to what i have.

Here is the situation.

1) Got my Green Card in 2005 and dont have any traffic tickets from the time i got GC.
2) Before i got my GC, during 2003 timeframe, i got a speeding ticket in SC (81 in 60). The ticket was contested, the fine was paid and dont have any issues after that.
3) Since i live in NC and SC is a neighbouring state, NC requested a hearing on this traffic ticket 3 yrs later in Jan 2005. I got my GC in March 2005.
4) Went to the hearing, license was not suspended but put on probation stating should not get another ticket for 1 yr.
5) The probation completed on 2006 Jan.

My question is the following:

1) Should i worry about this as to it will effect the moral charater.
2) In the application in Part 10, what should i answer for question 20. "Have i been paroled or be in probation".

My driving record states 3 citiation in 10 yrs, all before the GC was received.

The only thing in my record is the Probabtion for 1 yr.

Pls let me know if this a cause of concern.


I am applying for Citizenship and had a question on traffic tickets. Sorry if i m asking the same questions, could not find details on case related to what i have.

Here is the situation.

1) Got my Green Card in 2005 and dont have any traffic tickets from the time i got GC.
2) Before i got my GC, during 2003 timeframe, i got a speeding ticket in SC (81 in 60). The ticket was contested, the fine was paid and dont have any issues after that.
3) Since i live in NC and SC is a neighbouring state, NC requested a hearing on this traffic ticket 3 yrs later in Jan 2005. I got my GC in March 2005.
4) Went to the hearing, license was not suspended but put on probation stating should not get another ticket for 1 yr.
5) The probation completed on 2006 Jan.

My question is the following:

1) Should i worry about this as to it will effect the moral charater.
2) In the application in Part 10, what should i answer for question 20. "Have i been paroled or be in probation".

My driving record states 3 citiation in 10 yrs, all before the GC was received.

The only thing in my record is the Probabtion for 1 yr.

Pls let me know if this a cause of concern.


The probation given to you as a result of your ticket would result in suspension of your driver license if you received another ticket within 1 year. The question on the N-400 refers to criminal probation, so you're in the clear. However, make sure that you were convicted of simple speeding, not reckless driving. Reckless driving is a misdemeanor in some states. If this is the case with your ticket, you'll definitely have to provide a court disposition.
Hello there:

I got a Reckless Driving speeding ticket when I was driving on a rural area of the state during Sep 2004. After I got the ticket, I went to court and a front office guy, told me that if pay a fine of $560.00 there will not be any record. I paid up the full fine and did not appear in front of judge.
After a month or so, I checked my State Driving Records and found that there is no entry of that ticket. ( I could see only a ticket that I got before that period (Jan 2004)). Also, no premium hikes or anything like that. I was happy and forgot this matter all togther.

Now, I'm getting ready to file N-400 and I called up the court (I believe that is the court, but, not sure) and asked for a Disposition letter but they gave a "No record found" and said it could be with some other court and I called other courts and they also said "no record found".

Now, I'm worried for something I do not have a strong proof of how I settled the case. All I have is "No Record Found" could also mean could be with some other courts.


1. Should I mention the ticket in my N-400, even though there is no record on my State Driving history?
2. If I mention that, is "No Record Found" letter a good document to carry or submit along with?
3. Or Should I do "Some Background Criminal History" with some of the websites and see if they find a Traffic Citation ticket number and track from there?. Is it safe to do "Background Criminal History" with those websites? I do not want to get into some type of scams.

As a matter of fact other than Jan 2004 and Sep 2004, I do not have any traffic violation on my records..

If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.
Traffic tickets in N400 FORM


Do i have to report traffic tickets like speeding in the N400 form.
I have speeding traffic tickets,which i paid fine thr laywer. I was so careless, i did not kept record of them.
How do i collect traffic ticket records? Is ther any way..



Do i have to report traffic tickets like speeding in the N400 form.
I have speeding traffic tickets,which i paid fine thr laywer. I was so careless, i did not kept record of them.
How do i collect traffic ticket records? Is ther any way..



Considering many IO's "I don't care abhout traffic tickets" attitude reported by many posters, I suggest you
do not dislcose it on N400 but still get ready if the IO specifically ask
Since lot of people are getting so anxious, some are getting RFE to bring records for the arrests (when it was a simple citation for traffic violation), Can we just underline or highlight the word 'cited' in the N-400 form if it was just traffic ticket(s)?

This would save lot of time for the IO (no more RFEs) and less worry for the applicants....

This may sound very stupid/silly....but just a thought.

Has anyone tried this?
Since lot of people are getting so anxious, some are getting RFE to bring records for the arrests (when it was a simple citation for traffic violation), Can we just underline or highlight the word 'cited' in the N-400 form if it was just traffic ticket(s)?

This would save lot of time for the IO (no more RFEs) and less worry for the applicants....

This may sound very stupid/silly....but just a thought.

Has anyone tried this?

During the interview the IO may orally ask this question:"Have you ever been arrested anywhere in teh world?".
And here by arrested, he also meant to say "arrested, cited, etc". So if you think were only cited but not arrested,
you better answer it well rather than just a No. You can say "I was never arrested but was cited... ". This
will avoid misunderstanding. It has been reported here by some posters that they don't think they were arrested
so they just answer No but the IO poulled record from FBI name check & FP check.
It has been reported here by some posters that they don't think they were arrested
so they just answer No but the IO poulled record from FBI name check & FP check.

Are you referring to the applicants with expunged records?
Are you referring to the applicants with expunged records?

No. It refers to someone who think they were never "arrested" or those who wanted to depend upon their own defnition of "arrested"
to answer No when the IO asked them "ever arrested". To the IO if they have yoru citation record, they just assume you were arrested.
It does not make difference to them and perhaps they cannot tell the difference from what they have.

So it is important not just answer No when asked "ever been arrested".

Do i have to report traffic tickets like speeding in the N400 form.
I have speeding traffic tickets,which i paid fine thr laywer. I was so careless, i did not kept record of them.
How do i collect traffic ticket records? Is ther any way..



I hope you are no longer careless, because USCIS could become careless with you. Just call the court where you had to pay the ticket, even if the lawyer did, he should have send you proof of payment and copy of diposition. if not, you will need to call the local court where he had to address this issue. What were you cited for? What the fine above $500? These are questions which can't claim you forgot or you were careless. Offenses above $500 require that you report them on your N400. Citation and arrest are two diffrent things. Just check NO, if your fine was less than $500, but if it was above, then YES and bring court documentation proving you solved this issue.
You can also request at a local DMV, copy of your driving record.
If you decide to disclose it, then attach an explanation note. If you decide not to disclose it, then you have nothing to worry about. At my interview, I was asked about the traffic tickets and was asked to provide proof that I paid them.


Do i have to report traffic tickets like speeding in the N400 form.
I have speeding traffic tickets,which i paid fine thr laywer. I was so careless, i did not kept record of them.
How do i collect traffic ticket records? Is ther any way..


Since lot of people are getting so anxious, some are getting RFE to bring records for the arrests (when it was a simple citation for traffic violation), Can we just underline or highlight the word 'cited' in the N-400 form if it was just traffic ticket(s)?

This would save lot of time for the IO (no more RFEs) and less worry for the applicants....

we can still select 'Yes' and just underline or highlight the word "cited" in the N-400 form and provide the ticket details in the table below. So, when IO reads the N-400 form (before the interview), he wouldn't send you YL/RFE to bring court disposition records etc.....

Also, at the interview, when he reads the form and ask you the same question, we can say 'traffic tickets' and most probably this question won't arise.

This may sound very stupid/silly....but just a thought.

Has anyone tried this?
Since lot of people are getting so anxious, some are getting RFE to bring records for the arrests (when it was a simple citation for traffic violation), Can we just underline or highlight the word 'cited' in the N-400 form if it was just traffic ticket(s)?

This would save lot of time for the IO (no more RFEs) and less worry for the applicants....

we can still select 'Yes' and just underline or highlight the word "cited" in the N-400 form and provide the ticket details in the table below. So, when IO reads the N-400 form (before the interview), he wouldn't send you YL/RFE to bring court disposition records etc.....

Also, at the interview, when he reads the form and ask you the same question, we can say 'traffic tickets' and most probably this question won't arise.

This may sound very stupid/silly....but just a thought.

Has anyone tried this?

In theory, your idea makes a lot of sense. However, the yellow letters are issued by the data entry clerks who review your application and enter it into the system, not IOs. When they see "YES" check off next to question 16, they automatically issue a form letter stating that you were arrested. Ideally, the USCIS should come up with a method of differentiating between arrests and citations, not to mention clarify question 16. If they don't care about minor traffic tickets, then make it clear that they shouldn't be listed. Case closed.
In theory, your idea makes a lot of sense. However, the yellow letters are issued by the data entry clerks who review your application and enter it into the system, not IOs. When they see "YES" check off next to question 16, they automatically issue a form letter stating that you were arrested. Ideally, the USCIS should come up with a method of differentiating between arrests and citations, not to mention clarify question 16. If they don't care about minor traffic tickets, then make it clear that they shouldn't be listed. Case closed.

I see your point and it makes sense. USCIS should split that question into two at least......
I will be applying N-400 next month.

Before I got my GC, I got a Reckless Driving ticket in 2004, GC process went smoothly(2005), no issue due to this ticket.

I went to a local court in VA through an attorney(as I was worried about the nature of ticket), then the charge was amended from RECKLESS to IMPROPER CONTROL/DRIVING and case type was amended from MISDEMEANOR to INFRACTION. Fine was $150.00 and court fees of $55.00 When I fill up N-400, Do I need to mention about RECKLESS DRIVING or just IMPROPER CONTROL/DRIVING?

In addition to this, I have 2 more regular speeding tickets, one (2001) before this ticket and one(2008) after this ticket.

please help me
incorrect date of traffic citation

I got 2 tickets in CA, and I didn't remember EXACT dates. I have proof of defensive driving class of both. Another speeding ticket in Dallas, and don't remember date also. I took defensive driving class online for that but don't have any proof.
What do you think, if they need exact date or its alright to tell them date roughly??