Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)

If you are successful of obtaining some guidance, please do let us know ....myself has one speeding ticket (got a copy of ticktet, confirmation from Court clerk)...My concern for disclosing this is that this will create further inquiry/delay ....I was reading the forum that people get "yellow letter" asking for court records,,,etc, if even minor citation is listed.

This is gray area - USCIS rep. said you are not required to mention traffic tickets that did not lead to an arrest. However, she also said you can list the tickets if you like. So, even USCIS reps are not sure.

I have decided not to mention the tickets. The worst that can happen is I will have to provide this information later, no one is denied citizenship for not revealing innocuous traffic violations (as long as they are not DUI or lead to an arrest)
The entire traffic ticket debate is located on a sticky usually at the top of the forum. I'd suggest looking there for the questions, answers and arguments on tickets...
This is gray area - USCIS rep. said you are not required to mention traffic tickets that did not lead to an arrest. However, she also said you can list the tickets if you like. So, even USCIS reps are not sure.

I have decided not to mention the tickets. The worst that can happen is I will have to provide this information later, no one is denied citizenship for not revealing innocuous traffic violations (as long as they are not DUI or lead to an arrest)

Personally, I think you made the right decision. I didn't disclose traffic tickets on my N-400, nor was I asked to disclose them at the interview.
Personally, I think you made the right decision. I didn't disclose traffic tickets on my N-400, nor was I asked to disclose them at the interview.

Yes no need to disclose as long as it is minor (and below $500 + no DUI involved). If you have, take the proof of payment to the interview. Doesn't make any difference even if you don't have them with you. Tell the IO if they ask whether you have any traffic incidents. They usually don't ask proof for minor tickets/citations.
The heavy burden of proof lies on the USCIS rather than on the accused individual. So, my guess would be that USCIS will not start a federal court case because of minor traffic citations :rolleyes: Formally, they can... but it's a long shot :)

Precisely. Even if USCIS decided to initiate denaturalization proceedings against someone who has failed to disclose minor traffic tickets, I highly doubt that any judge will decide against the defendant.
Precisely. Even if USCIS decided to initiate denaturalization proceedings against someone who has failed to disclose minor traffic tickets, I highly doubt that any judge will decide against the defendant.

You will be surprised what judges decide cases based on, especially immigration cases. Remember that the law doesn't have any feelings, so if the judge finds that you clearly have the motive and intent to deceive USCIS, then he or she will rule against you. :( The DoJ has enough lawyers to represent every single person in court at once in the Western Hemisphere...:eek: However, discretion is a key component in any case which DoJ decide to go for blood against anyone...:D
Dear ginnu,

Thank you for your response. With due respect, is there any other person who can tell me what they wrote in their application?

I have an appt with a lawyer for just this question and he is charging me $150 just for this.. I want to cancel the appt. Any help would be well appreciated.

Thank you in anticipation.


Send me that $150 because you don't need to see the lawyer for this issue. :D
many just said "if i were to be de-natualized for not disclosing a traffic ticket, so be it. It is not a heaven/hell matter if i were to be de-naturalized, i would pack up and leave and a country make such big fuss about a traffic ticket is no great country"

during daily talk, i discuss this traffic ticket issue many non-citizen friends/coworker. Etc., most are determined not to disclose traffic ticket from beginning and take the above attitude.

i agree. Even officers at the oath advise oath takers not to disclose traffic tickets. They suggest. What if you get it going to oath that morning.
I have Oath next Wednesday and have been clean, I am very careful till after that day then I will be even more careful so I stay clear of anything.
However, I have no had any tickets for over 12 years and have been driving. Now that I go to school my driving increased all week long Monday to Friday but I wake up early and try not to panic when late.
So please let us all not feel guilty of wanting not to tell the truth by abiding by the law. Nevertheless, a traffic ticket does not hurt but conscience can keep you guilty for the rest of your life every time you look at that Certificate.
I have 7 traffic tickets, I am planning to disclose them all. 2 speeding, 1 accident, 1 following closely and 2 failure to obey traffic signs, failure to maintain control of vehicle. What are my chances of needing a lawyer to file my case. The road accident was categorized a misdemeanor and later amended to improper driving. Most go back around 8 years with 1 this year and another one in 2005. Should I get court records for all and attach it to my N-400. Please help.
I have 7 traffic tickets, I am planning to disclose them all. 2 speeding, 1 accident, 1 following closely and 2 failure to obey traffic signs, failure to maintain control of vehicle. What are my chances of needing a lawyer to file my case. The road accident was categorized a misdemeanor and later amended to improper driving. Most go back around 8 years with 1 this year and another one in 2005. Should I get court records for all and attach it to my N-400. Please help.

If you plan to disclose traffic tickets, bring the court records to the interview. There's no need to include them with your N-400.
What about the one where the charge was a misdemeanor

Same thing. I assume that you weren't arrested for that accident, so treat it the same way as the rest of your traffic violations. However, make sure that you bring the court disposition for that case to the interview. There's a good chance that the IO won't care about the rest of your traffic tickets, but s/he will definitely question you about the misdemeanor.
Check not cashed after 9 days

Folks, thanks a lot for all the posts in this long thread. After reading through all the posts I finally sent in our N400s by UPS on 08/31 that was confirmed delivered to the AZ lockbox on 09/02. Even as of today the checks have not been cashed. I believe the UPS counter person may have forgotten to put the "ATTN N400" on the tag. Could this have caused the delay? What can be done now? I am getting worried.
Check not cashed after 9 days

Forgot to add. I had put in cover letters for each of the applications (me + wife) that included the address (incl. the ATTN N400), subject, A# etc. and list of documents included, if that helps. Thanks.
Cheques cleared

Bank's web-site updated a short while ago - both checks cleared dated 09/10. Phew! Also noticed from other citizenship threads that it had even taken up to 2 weeks for some.