Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)

Traffic violations not mentioned in N400

I have my interview coming up in October, I applied based on 5yrs CG
In my N400 i did not mentioned any traffic violations, but on the past 9 years i have received one speeding, one red light, one seat-belt, and using cellphone ticket along with a couple of parking tickets. I paid all the fines each at the time but i think i lost the receipts and I do not even remember dates. two years ago I moved out of the state and now I'm MA resident and ever since my driving record is clean. i requested driving record from MA DMV and it says that the driver has no record of any active offense or actions for the past 10 years
what should I do to prepare for the interview?
i know that the FP report shows everything, so should I get driving records from NY (where I used to live before)?
I have my interview coming up in October, I applied based on 5yrs CG
In my N400 i did not mentioned any traffic violations, but on the past 9 years i have received one speeding, one red light, one seat-belt, and using cellphone ticket along with a couple of parking tickets. I paid all the fines each at the time but i think i lost the receipts and I do not even remember dates. two years ago I moved out of the state and now I'm MA resident and ever since my driving record is clean. i requested driving record from MA DMV and it says that the driver has no record of any active offense or actions for the past 10 years
what should I do to prepare for the interview?
i know that the FP report shows everything, so should I get driving records from NY (where I used to live before)?

First and foremost, parking tickets definitely don't need to be mentioned. They are not issued to the driver, but to the vehicle. Ultimately, the owner of the vehicle is held responsible for their payment. Even still, parking tickets are a civil liability, not a summons.

As far as New York goes, the state DMV purges traffic violations after they've been on your record for 3 years. If any of your tickets are over 3 years old, they will not appear on your record, nor is there any way to get a record of them. I speak from personal experience. Prior to my interview, I became paranoid about not disclosing traffic tickets (my paranoia was fueled by this forum, actually) and attempted to get records of some old tickets. I even filed a FOIA request with the NYS DMV. In the end, I ended up not disclosing any of my traffic tickets, passed my interview with flying colors and became a citizen the following month. My advice for you is not to mention traffic tickets. Considering the fact that all your tickets were minor, there's nothing for you to worry about. Your case will not be denied, nor will you be denaturalized if, in the future, the USCIS were to find out about your traffic tickets. They are concerned with arrests and criminal convictions, not seatbelt/speeding/etc. tickets.

Also, the FP check only shows arrests and criminal convictions. Not only are traffic violations not reported to the FBI (unless it's a DUI/DWI, which are criminal offenses), but can you think of a time when you were ever fingerprinted for a traffic ticket? They don't show up during FP checks. Trust me on this one.
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Same thing. I assume that you weren't arrested for that accident, so treat it the same way as the rest of your traffic violations. However, make sure that you bring the court disposition for that case to the interview. There's a good chance that the IO won't care about the rest of your traffic tickets, but s/he will definitely question you about the misdemeanor.

Thanks Buddy
I had taken my oath . I declared my speeding ticket. I did not showed any proof of payment as I contested the ticket. They acknowledged it but no troubles. I am proud citizen now. :)

You will be surprised what judges decide cases based on, especially immigration cases. Remember that the law doesn't have any feelings, so if the judge finds that you clearly have the motive and intent to deceive USCIS, then he or she will rule against you. :( The DoJ has enough lawyers to represent every single person in court at once in the Western Hemisphere...:eek: However, discretion is a key component in any case which DoJ decide to go for blood against anyone...:D

This is true. Law is always open to interpretation, so they could decide just about anything they want. However, as you've mentioned, discretion is definitely key. The day DNS decides to initiate denaturalizations for failing to mention traffic tickets (despite the fact that precedents deciding against such cases have already been set) is the day every immigrant and non-natural-born citizen needs to pack up and get the hell out of Dodge. Let's not forget the fact that DNS can just as easily initiate denaturalizations for lying on the N-400 if an applicant was off by a day or two when listing his/her trips abroad. Is it possible that they could start denaturalizing people for trivial reasons? Of course it is. However, is it likely?
To all applicants:

It is not by simple chance that most respondents to the (unscientific) traffic poll above didn't mention traffic tickets* on their applications and were not asked about them. Do yourselves and USCIS a favor.....


*under $500 and non DUI/DWI related.
I think that the USCIS should do all applicants a favour and specifically explain whether they need to disclose tickets or not. People have very different stories about their experience at the interview; some IOs crossed out their "yes" responses saying that traffic infractions don't count, whilst some IOs asked about traffic tickets in their absence on N-400. I even read one story where an IO lady was not happy that an applicant answered "yes" on the form saying that it made things unnecessarily more complicated :) However, I have yet to hear a story where an IO would change "no" to "yes" response on good moral character because of a minor infraction. If there is no uniformity among IOs on this issue, how can there be uniformity among applicants? :rolleyes:
MTA tickets in NYC count????.... I received a ticket last week for jumping the subway... the machine @ the station was broken. the officer said there will be no points but its a $100 fine. I have to send out within 15 days the ticket was given to me.
Request for Additional Evidence Sent

Received the notices of applications today and looked up the case status online using the case nos. Both cases show "Current Status: Request for Additional Evidence Sent

On September 10, 2009, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case N400 APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION. Please follow the instructions on the notice to submit the requested information. This case will be in suspense until we receive the evidence or the opportunity to submit it expires. Once we receive the requested evidence or information and make a decision on the case, you will be notified by mail.".

Have others had the same experience? Would this RFE be the FP notice or something else? I hope it is the former. Nothing extraordinary about the applications. Thanks.
Have others had the same experience? Would this RFE be the FP notice or something else? I hope it is the former. Nothing extraordinary about the applications. Thanks.

This is the FP notice, you should receive the FP App. date/Time letter in the mail anytime, Good Luck
RFE is not FP!

This is the FP notice, you should receive the FP App. date/Time letter in the mail anytime, Good Luck

No. The FP notice is for biometrics and not to request further evidence.

Received the notices of applications today and looked up the case status online using the case nos. Both cases show "Current Status: Request for Additional Evidence Sent

On September 10, 2009, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case N400 APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION. Please follow the instructions on the notice to submit the requested information. This case will be in suspense until we receive the evidence or the opportunity to submit it expires. Once we receive the requested evidence or information and make a decision on the case, you will be notified by mail.".

Have others had the same experience? Would this RFE be the FP notice or something else? I hope it is the former. Nothing extraordinary about the applications. Thanks.

This thread is for traffic ticket related issues.
No. The FP notice is for biometrics and not to request further evidence.

This thread is for traffic ticket related issues.

@kabaca71, @formerf1

Thanks for your responses. Since the mail date of the "RFE" was just the next day of date of mailing of the Notice, it made me suspect it could be the FP notice. I guess getting it in the mail would solve the mystery.

I had posted in this thread for two reasons - that after reading this entire thread I decided to not list the 2 minor tickets in the last 12 years on the N400 but take any documentation with us to the interview and secondly because this thread title is "Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)" which would mean both (general) naturalization and traffic tickets. No offense intended.
.......after reading this entire thread I decided to not list the 2 minor tickets in the last 12 years on the N400 but take any documentation with us to the interview.

Wise move.

... and secondly because this thread title is "Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)" which would mean both (general) naturalization and traffic tickets. No offense intended.

The moderator merged all traffic related threads into this one because at some point a new traffic thread was being created by posters everyday (seriously!). "traffic tickets and naturalization" means traffic tickets in relation to the naturalization process and not each as a separate issue. no offense.

Good luck.


N400 Traffic

Well, i need help , I went for my interview, everything went fine. but the officer pulled a paper and told me that i did not go to court. well i had a ticket i did not pay. then she told i passed my interview, but she can not make decission yet. I left straight and paid that ticket which i did not go to court for. But i also had other tickets and flags on my tags in the MVA. After a month i paid all tickets i have got and also the flag fees. Now what should i do? wait for Immigration to contact me for ceremony or tell them i paid the tickets, im just confused. Please help with any ideas. Thank You
For those who mentioned Traffic Tickets on your N-400, were you'll asked in the interview "notice" to bring documents pertaining to the same?

Thank you for your responses.
The "RFE" is the FP notice

Finally got the "RFEs" in the mail today. They are indeed the FP notices, phew! I guess the USCIS is right in the sense that it is a request for evidence. On a different note, doesn't the USCIS already have the fingerprints in their database when they were submitted for the 485 and since PR, re-entries into the US? Reminds one of the multiple times many folks had to do their FPs during the long AOS process.
Having many traffic citations

I read all this long thread and found only one person that was similar to me in terms of the number of tickets. I have seven tickets that I got during a four year period. I have four stop signs, one red light, one speeding, one broken headlight, and one registration expiration. I don't have any tickets for the last three years. All the fines are already paid. I wonder, if my history of having a lot of tickets can have a negative impact in my naturalization process. I am planning to send my N400 soon. I'd appreciate if anybody knows the results of similar cases.
