TR to RIR conversion tracker

My lawyer sent the conversion papers from TR to RIR on March 27 to DBEC.

Today April 17,2007 the DOL site finally showed TR - Certified. It never changed from TR to RIR on their site.

Priority Date : Sep 2001
PBEC RIR-conversion

bettertimes (No status change, as reported on 4/17/07)
ma_nonrir_eb3 (No status change, as reported on 4/17/07)
bharapremi (Status changed to RIR on 4/13/07)
tdiesel (Status changed to RIR on 4/17/07)
wengxyu (No status change, as reported on 4/17/07)
Query received from DBEC

Out of the 6 conversions sent on March 28, 2 have been certified and 2 have received request for more information for evidence regarding the advertising efforts done. One hunch is that it must have been different certifying officers picking up the different sets of applications although they are from the same company. The nature of the applications are the same and the only difference are the PDs ranging from 2001 to 2004.
My conversion package was submitted on 3/28/07. No change in status - TR "in process"

PD: NY July 2002


First, let me thank you for your effort in compiling the several pending PBEC cases. How about if we also add a column on when their packages were submitted ?

Mine was submitted Jan 23, 2007.

First, let me thank you for your effort in compiling the several pending PBEC cases. How about if we also add a column on when their packages were submitted ?

Mine was submitted Jan 23, 2007.
I have an excel spreadsheet that I am maintaining and posting in a separate thread titled "Philadelphia TR-RIR Conversion Approval Tracker". The excel tracker has dates of package submission. That thread is not sticky, so you may not see it if it goes stale. I'll post it in this thread also.
PBEC RIR-conversion tracker excel sheet

Here you go...

Users GC_Pain_03, mjdup, MA_TR_1103, GCkiTalash, mumbai_friend, vexlak,
dcDec2002...if you have checked you status lately, please post an update (even if you didn't see a change) so that we know you are monitoring your case.

If you are a PBEC RIR-conversion filer and don't see your ID mentioned, please post your information. Thanks!
My manager agreed to convert my case from TR to RIR and informed the lawyers. They (lawyers) started working on RIR conversion - placed job posting at my work site, local paper BUT they didn't sent the hold harmless email which resulted into getting me a RR. Anyway here is my current case status:

Job posted on AJB in March 2007
RR received in April 2007
Job posted in Local Newspaper April 2007 ( I think!)
Job notice posted at my work place in April 2007 (its still hanging, its more than 12 working days)
Job posting removed from AJB in April 2007

I'll try to keep you all posted on any new development.

One more thing online status says TR - In-Process

My PD = Feb 2003,
State = CA (SWA)
Type = Non-RIR(TR)
My case never got the oppurtunity to visit the Regional Office.
My manager agreed to convert my case from TR to RIR and informed the lawyers. They (lawyers) started working on RIR conversion - placed job posting at my work site, local paper BUT they didn't sent the hold harmless email which resulted into getting me a RR. Anyway here is my current case status:

Job posted on AJB in March 2007
RR received in April 2007
Job posted in Local Newspaper April 2007 ( I think!)
Job notice posted at my work place in April 2007 (its still hanging, its more than 12 working days)
Job posting removed from AJB in April 2007

I'll try to keep you all posted on any new development.

One more thing online status says TR - In-Process

My PD = Feb 2003,
State = CA (SWA)
Type = Non-RIR(TR)
My case never got the oppurtunity to visit the Regional Office.
Well, as far as I know if you get RR then you're not eligible for RIR conversion. I don't know if you'll be able to use previos recruitment efforts? The point is that the newspaper ad has to have BEC contact information and not your lawyers'. Also job posting inside their office should have BEC info. I'm afraid you will have to re-advertise everything. Consult your lawyers for more info.
Even though my lawyer did recruitment for my case( and sent out the RIR conversion package), the address for internal posting was BEC.

It is not true that once you get Recruitment Instructions you are not eligible for RIR conversion. Because in my case the package was sent out on Recruitment package was sent out 10 days before we received the RI. And my lawyer did confirm that we are still eligible for conversion since we sent out the package on earlier date than the date RI was received.

Well, as far as I know if you get RR then you're not eligible for RIR conversion. I don't know if you'll be able to use previos recruitment efforts? The point is that the newspaper ad has to have BEC contact information and not your lawyers'. Also job posting inside their office should have BEC info. I'm afraid you will have to re-advertise everything. Consult your lawyers for more info.
No Update...

Yes, I am still here. No update just says In Progress. I have no idea. I stopped looking into that status. No point at all. It has been more than 3-4 months I sent the package.

Here you go...

Users GC_Pain_03, mjdup, MA_TR_1103, GCkiTalash, mumbai_friend, vexlak,
dcDec2002...if you have checked you status lately, please post an update (even if you didn't see a change) so that we know you are monitoring your case.

If you are a PBEC RIR-conversion filer and don't see your ID mentioned, please post your information. Thanks!
Here you go...

Users GC_Pain_03, mjdup, MA_TR_1103, GCkiTalash, mumbai_friend, vexlak,
dcDec2002...if you have checked you status lately, please post an update (even if you didn't see a change) so that we know you are monitoring your case.

If you are a PBEC RIR-conversion filer and don't see your ID mentioned, please post your information. Thanks!

Sorry I did not post any updates. There are none. As frustrating as it is, none....
The RIR package was filed on 3/27/2007. That is what my lawyer told me. Case still showing TR in Process. Will this ever get approved? And why in the world is the PBEC not updating the site so that you can check as they indicated??? Is there still anyone with the PD in 4-2001 or I am the only lucky one?:D
Still No change

The status is still "TR In Progress".

The RIR conversion packet was submitted on Mar 28th.