TR to RIR conversion tracker

Breathe deeply...

I dont think they will NOT approve EB2 but rather get a head count of how many are out there that have a PD prior to Jan 2003. So these cases might be in a holding pattern for now.

DOS(Department Of State) publishes a monthly visa bulletin that lists the current PD for each of the chargability areas. Based on that date USCIS accepts I-485(or consular processing) apps for ppl who have a PD prior to the date published in their catogory. For India/EB2 the May issue's cut-off date is Jan 2003.

These dates are published by DOS based on discussions with USCIS and DOL. If DOL(BECs) clear all old cases by April 2007(some by Sep 2007) then there might be quite a lot of cases that will become eligible for I-485 thereby eating up the all(or even more) numbers available. So for the rest of the year India/EB2 becomes UNAVAILBLE rather than have a date in the bulletin. This is not the desired consequence because the queue is effectively stalled rather than moving slowly.

My theory is that EB2/India cases prior to Jan 2003 are being placed in a seperate bin and until they figure out how many EB2/India cases they(BEC) have prior to Jan 2003 they might remain dormant.
Effectively the rational is to have enough numbers and since BECs have around 75k TR cases(out of which 80% might have a PD of April 2001) they might be working with DOS to make sure a correct PD is published.
Again all this is my theory and I am known(by my friends) to come up with some pretty strange ones!!!

I think Kali, what you're saying makes sense. As frustrating as this process is (3+ years and counting for me - ARGH!!!!), there is likely some reason to the process streaming of applications that is not apparent from the outside.

It's just unfortunate that the DOL doesn't make some of their processes known, thereby probably reducing a lot of anxiety.

On the flip side, people checking status 10x a day is insane. Daily I understand. But 10x a day? You will drive youself mad! This is a process that has lasted years. Why create anxiety when your results will, in the scheme of things be known soon enough. If it's one week, or 5 more weeks, what's the difference if a) you have waited this long, b) know its going to resolve one way or the other soon and finally, c) your PD is (for many of us), still far enough away that it may not even impact your readiness for I-485 processing.

There are as many examples of applications not being quickly processed since RIR conversion as those that were. So take heart. Don't panic. And breathe deeply. And if I can use that term (eeek!) "Stay the course".

It's tough out there my brothers and sisters! But let's hang in there!
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I think Kali, what you're saying makes sense. As frustrating as this process is (3+ years and counting for me - ARGH!!!!), there is likely some reason to the process streaming of applications that is not apparent from the outside.

It's just unfortunate that the DOL doesn't make some of their processes known, thereby probably reducing a lot of anxiety.

On the flip side, people checking status 10x a day is insane. Daily I understand. But 10x a day? You will drive youself mad! This is a process that has lasted years. Why create anxiety when your results will, in the scheme of things be known soon enough. If it's one week, or 5 more weeks, what's the difference if a) you have waited this long, b) know its going to resolve one way or the other soon and finally, c) your PD is (for many of us), still far enough away that it may not even impact your readiness for I-485 processing.

There are as many examples of applications not being quickly processed since RIR conversion as those that were. So take heart. Don't panic. And breathe deeply. And if I can use that term (eeek!) "Stay the course".

It's tough out there my brothers and sisters! But let's hang in there!

Thanks Kalifornia_resi, for your reply and I seems to follow your logic and not sure how much I agree, since in my case my PD is March 2003 and that should have been cleared, cases that have PD earlier than Jan 2003 might make sense. Anyway let's hope for the best.

Dear Canadian friend, thanks for your wise words and I know it is insane checking 10 times a day but isnt't it insane to wait for Labor cert. for almost 5 years and still this kind of irrational procesing of cases, like processing in no order. This is what causing more anxiety as if something wrong with our cases that didn't get approved whereas others who have later PD got approved.

I agree that by being anxious it's not going to help but not sure how to stop yourself and don't even think about it, I wish if it was easy :)

Just wanted to do my bit to help everyone on the forum.
Case -Michigan -EB3 Non-RIR
PD : July 2003
Case#: D-05192-XXXXX
45 Days letter received 3/16/2006
45 Days letter response 3/23/2006
TR -> RIR email sent 1/19/2007
TR -> RIR conversion package sent 3/30/2007
Since April 20, 2007 - 4:00 pm, my status now showing as RIR - In Process
processing type

Thanks Kalifornia_resi, for your reply and I seems to follow your logic and not sure how much I agree, since in my case my PD is March 2003 and that should have been cleared, cases that have PD earlier than Jan 2003 might make sense. Anyway let's hope for the best.

Dear Canadian friend, thanks for your wise words and I know it is insane checking 10 times a day but isnt't it insane to wait for Labor cert. for almost 5 years and still this kind of irrational procesing of cases, like processing in no order. This is what causing more anxiety as if something wrong with our cases that didn't get approved whereas others who have later PD got approved.

I agree that by being anxious it's not going to help but not sure how to stop yourself and don't even think about it, I wish if it was easy :)


You may want to send a e-mail to H1B7YR and get a screenshot. In my case, the processing type went from TR to RIR on their online website and then the very next day went back to TR. I sent a email to H1B7YR and the screen shot they sent had the processing type as RIR !. I don't know which is correct and which isn't. Well, give it a try.
You may want to send a e-mail to H1B7YR and get a screenshot. In my case, the processing type went from TR to RIR on their online website and then the very next day went back to TR. I sent a email to H1B7YR and the screen shot they sent had the processing type as RIR !. I don't know which is correct and which isn't. Well, give it a try.

Thanks Ketc, could you provide more details about "H1B7YR" as which email address I need to send the mail and what does exactly it does?
I never sent an email to this address.

In addition now my status is also showing as "RIR" type? Not sure what does this means since it didin't happen for all other EB3 cases that got certifed and some of the users posted message in this forum as "TR-> CERTIFIED"? May be something different for EB2 category?

May be I should accept "Canadian's" suggestion and just forget about this for a while and it will get certified whenever it has to :)

Please let this not be a glitch ...

After months of seeing "In Process", my case today finally shows "Certified". I am praying this not a technical glitch. I filed for RIR conversion on 2/28 but my case shows TR Certified today.

My details are below:
PD: Oct 2003
ETA Case #: D-05201-3****
Case Status: CERTIFIED
Thanks Ketc, could you provide more details about "H1B7YR" as which email address I need to send the mail and what does exactly it does?
I never sent an email to this address.

In addition now my status is also showing as "RIR" type? Not sure what does this means since it didin't happen for all other EB3 cases that got certifed and some of the users posted message in this forum as "TR-> CERTIFIED"? May be something different for EB2 category?

May be I should accept "Canadian's" suggestion and just forget about this for a while and it will get certified whenever it has to :)


The e-mail address is H1B7YR@PHI.DFLC.US for philadelphia backlog center(if you look around you'll find the one for dallas). You have to send it from your company's e-mail account and provide your name and employer name; requesting for status. You'll get a screen shot from their system which'll provide details about your case.

If processing type is showing up as RIR now then probably your TR to RIR conversion might have been updated in the system.

I think there's no point in getting frustrated now that I-485 dates are retrogressed and there's nothing we can do, but just wait. Every dog has its day! :)
Philly GC Stake

After months of seeing "In Process", my case today finally shows "Certified". I am praying this not a technical glitch. I filed for RIR conversion on 2/28 but my case shows TR Certified today.

My details are below:
PD: Oct 2003
ETA Case #: D-05201-3****
Case Status: CERTIFIED

Congrats moclutch!

All the above messages that talk about a change in status is from Dallas...may be at Philly everybody is eating the Cheese Steak and putting our GC process at stake. Hope Philly will start working like Dallas soon.
Data Review

After many months of the "IN PROCESS" status, now my status is changed to "DATA REVIEW". Can I expect something soon?? Any one out there in the same boat??

After many months of the "IN PROCESS" status, now my status is changed to "DATA REVIEW". Can I expect something soon?? Any one out there in the same boat??


Could you add your details like PD/category (EB2/EB3 etc.)/State to the forum, so that we know what's going on.

Your assumption is correct. By the way, you are only the 3rd person out of a total of 19 in this forum who have seen their status change to RIR after sending their conversion packages to PBEC, so you are in relatively better shape. :)

Thanks. My online status has been rolled back to TR-in process today:(
Is it a technical glitch or actually reverted back to TR for some reason? Anybody else seen this? Any idea what's going on?
Thanks. My online status has been rolled back to TR-in process today:(
Is it a technical glitch or actually reverted back to TR for some reason? Anybody else seen this? Any idea what's going on?
User ketc also reported seeing the same. Get a screenshot from the H1b 7year extension email and check the Processing Type in that. If that says RIR, you can assume its on track.
Could you add your details like PD/category (EB2/EB3 etc.)/State to the forum, so that we know what's going on.


My details,

PD - 08/03
45 day letter - 3/06
EB2 - TR
Didn't file conversion, but online shows RIR from 02/07
AJB Ad - 03/09
State - TX

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Hey Kahaan .... just hang in there. These queues are going to start
moving. I pretty much had given up on my case and was waiting to
hear back from them around the September deadline.
Keep the hope alive ...

Congrats moclutch!

All the above messages that talk about a change in status is from Dallas...may be at Philly everybody is eating the Cheese Steak and putting our GC process at stake. Hope Philly will start working like Dallas soon.
User ketc also reported seeing the same. Get a screenshot from the H1b 7year extension email and check the Processing Type in that. If that says RIR, you can assume its on track.

Thanks all for your info and help. I just checked my online status minutes ago and it says 'TR-certified'...finally after almost 4 years of waiting. I hope it's just the start of waves of LC certification from PEBC. Just hang in there and good luck to all!

Here is a recap of my status:

PD: June 2003
BEC - Phillidelphia
RIR conversion package sent: 3/28/2007
Online status changed to RIR-in process on 4/17/2007, then changed back to TR-in process on 4/23/2007.
Online status shows TR-certified on 4/24/2007

Congratulations for getting out of this mess. By the way, what is your number looks like ? PArticularly second set of digits and first 2 charcters of last set of 5 digits?

- Bharat Premi

Thanks all for your info and help. I just checked my online status minutes ago and it says 'TR-certified'...finally after almost 4 years of waiting. I hope it's just the start of waves of LC certification from PEBC. Just hang in there and good luck to all!

Here is a recap of my status:

PD: June 2003
BEC - Phillidelphia
RIR conversion package sent: 3/28/2007
Online status changed to RIR-in process on 4/17/2007, then changed back to TR-in process on 4/23/2007.
Online status shows TR-certified on 4/24/2007