San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Only 1 case..

I found only 1 case certified on 8/23/2004

09548137 Dot code 999.151-031 RD 02/19/2003

They have slowed down... :(
Can they really do this!!!

How come they are taking so long to process a application!!

Mine was remaned last year June and I have not heard a squat from SWA . My attorney keep telling me that she is leaving messages but no reply.

God knows whats happening!!

I dont think they can take us for a ride like this, do you guys know any website were it gives a complete pciture about how the whole GC works, may be there is a loop hole which we could identify to our lawers...

its really frustrating to the core!!
What are the three options exactly

Hi All,

I know the answer to this is burried inside the forum. after searching for few hours I could not get much. I understand the details of Carlos Memo. But I have the following questions.

* are these letters been sent just recently with higher frequency ?
* what are the three options ? and What is the worst/best case scenario.

Please hel me and people like me to be on the same page as yours. I understand it may be frustrating for some to repeat this info. I promise if someone else asks the same question I will make sure I will point them to the response to my question. :)
If there is a thread where these questions are answered , point me to that.
dask_1 said:
I am in the same boat.My receipt date was 02/18/2003 and I am hearing the tone of received :mad: in avm which tells me that I/employer/lawyer will be receiving the 3 options letter very soon.You are right after 2.5 yrs of waiting it is very frustating,this is sheer luck man nothing else!!!! what to do we are helpless.
Do let me know how your lawyers are approaching this matter so that I get an idea.My email id is
spanneerselvam as far as I know as per the Carlson memo employers are encouraged to produce resumes which got submitted as a result of the advertisement, and DOL should be convinced that rejection reasons are proper.So one has to act very very professionally in this matter and give no chances to DOL to issue any further NOF s etc.
Thanks spanneerselvam
You guys are a little lucky compared to people like me, where the employer simply says, they will ask the lawyer to remand them to state to be processed in regular queue.
on the bright side, u r lucky, that your employer is willing to spend time and money to readvertise.

Good Luck
dask_1 said:
I am in the same boat.My receipt date was 02/18/2003 and I am hearing the tone of received :mad: in avm which tells me that I/employer/lawyer will be receiving the 3 options letter very soon.You are right after 2.5 yrs of waiting it is very frustating,this is sheer luck man nothing else!!!! what to do we are helpless.
Do let me know how your lawyers are approaching this matter so that I get an idea.My email id is
spanneerselvam as far as I know as per the Carlson memo employers are encouraged to produce resumes which got submitted as a result of the advertisement, and DOL should be convinced that rejection reasons are proper.So one has to act very very professionally in this matter and give no chances to DOL to issue any further NOF s etc.
Thanks spanneerselvam


I wil keep you updated about my case. My lawyer said they are going to place an ad this weekend, wait for 2-3 weeks, select few resumes if they get anything and then reply with the result. But by all means they messed up initially. They applied with BS+0 years even though I had BS+10 years. Now I am more worried because I do not know how DOL approaches the BS+0 years eventhough they retest.
popoye said:
Hi All,

I know the answer to this is burried inside the forum. after searching for few hours I could not get much. I understand the details of Carlos Memo. But I have the following questions.

* are these letters been sent just recently with higher frequency ?
* what are the three options ? and What is the worst/best case scenario.

Please hel me and people like me to be on the same page as yours. I understand it may be frustrating for some to repeat this info. I promise if someone else asks the same question I will make sure I will point them to the response to my question. :)
If there is a thread where these questions are answered , point me to that.

The Three Options are

1) ReTest The Market
2) Remand to State for processing as Non RIR
3) Withdraw The LC application

As you can see the best is "Retest the Market"...

Looks like DOL is strictly following Carlson's memo & sending out three option letters to cases with experience required less then BS + 2 Years or MS + 6 months.
gp111 said:
The Three Options are

1) ReTest The Market
2) Remand to State for processing as Non RIR
3) Withdraw The LC application

As you can see the best is "Retest the Market"...

Looks like DOL is strictly following Carlson's memo & sending out three option letters to cases with experience required less then BS + 2 Years or MS + 6 months.
Hi gp111,
Can we modify the ad (asking for BS(3+ years) ).In the Carlson memo they say clearly that you can modify the requiremets not jeoparding the occupational code which was determined earlier.Please correct me if I am wrong.

dask_1 said:
Hi gp111,
Can we modify the ad (asking for BS(3+ years) ).In the Carlson memo they say clearly that you can modify the requiremets not jeoparding the occupational code which was determined earlier.Please correct me if I am wrong.


yes you can modify the ad..

See for example:

Employers who elect to engage in the “re-test” opportunity are permitted to make modifications to their application(s) so long as they do not change the occupational classification of the job opportunity at the original time of filing.

Changes may include different job requirements or additional duties.
However, any adjustments, including the addition of work experience, must meet DOL criteria such as experience not gained on the job, requirements not restrictive, etc., in order to be considered. (Thanks to SBDOL !)
gp111 said:
yes you can modify the ad..

See for example:

Employers who elect to engage in the “re-test” opportunity are permitted to make modifications to their application(s) so long as they do not change the occupational classification of the job opportunity at the original time of filing.

Changes may include different job requirements or additional duties.
However, any adjustments, including the addition of work experience, must meet DOL criteria such as experience not gained on the job, requirements not restrictive, etc., in order to be considered. (Thanks to SBDOL !)
That's what I thought.
Thanks gp111 and sbdol.
Any Update on Processing Times?

Looks like processing times are slowed a lot during last couple of days and lot of cases are getting 3 option letters.

GP111 do you have any update on the processing dates?
damera said:
Looks like processing times are slowed a lot during last couple of days and lot of cases are getting 3 option letters.

GP111 do you have any update on the processing dates?

I believe they have not updated AVM for last couple of days.
Thank you very much gp111.
My lawyer filed BS+0 although I had MS +1 while filing the application. One reason was my salary was not enough for the experienced position. However since the labor certificate is taking so long, my salary got rised couple times, and now it will be enough.

so I am thinking if I got the 3-option letter, can I modify the AD to MS+1? Would that be still be considered "does not change the occupational classification of the job opportunity at the original time of filing"? The title won't change, just the experience.

Thanks a advance!

gp111 said:
yes you can modify the ad..

See for example:

Employers who elect to engage in the “re-test” opportunity are permitted to make modifications to their application(s) so long as they do not change the occupational classification of the job opportunity at the original time of filing.

Changes may include different job requirements or additional duties.
However, any adjustments, including the addition of work experience, must meet DOL criteria such as experience not gained on the job, requirements not restrictive, etc., in order to be considered. (Thanks to SBDOL !)
maggie_LC said:
Thank you very much gp111.
My lawyer filed BS+0 although I had MS +1 while filing the application. One reason was my salary was not enough for the experienced position. However since the labor certificate is taking so long, my salary got rised couple times, and now it will be enough.

so I am thinking if I got the 3-option letter, can I modify the AD to MS+1? Would that be still be considered "does not change the occupational classification of the job opportunity at the original time of filing"? The title won't change, just the experience.

Thanks a advance!
Hi Maggie,
I am taking the leverage in replying on behalf of gp111.
I think you could do that.The occupational change means you were a developer at the time of initial filing(999-151-031) and while readvertising you change the job requiremnts in such a manner that your DOT code changes to some other code like network admin or something else.
That is not permitted, you acn however change the experience required and the candidate should have that experience at the time of "initial filing" not acquired on the job.I hope that clarifies your doubt.
gp111 please correct me if I am wrong.

dol recd date 02/18/2003
AVM status :"received"
ultimate result : 3 options letter :mad:
AILA's Comment on DOL's Backlog Reduction Regulation- Part1

American Immigration Lawyers Association
918 F Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004 (202) 216-2400

August 19, 2004

Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Room C-4312
Washington DC 20210
Attention: William Carlson
Chief, Division of Foreign Labor Certification

Via email:

Re: RIN 1205-AB37; Comments to Interim Final Rule, Labor Certification for the Permanent Employment of Aliens in the United States; Backlog Reduction, 69 Fed. Reg. 43715 (7/21/04)

Dear Mr. Carlson:

The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) submits this comment in response to the interim final rule published July 21, 2004 regarding the establishment of centralized processing centers for the purpose of reducing existing backlogs in permanent alien labor certification applications.

AILA is a voluntary bar association of more than 8,600 attorneys and law professors practicing and teaching in the field of immigration and nationality law. AILA's mission includes the advancement of the law pertaining to immigration and naturalization and the facilitation of justice in the field. AILA's members are well acquainted with the labor certification process, having significant experience representing and educating employers who have need of essential international personnel and the employees who meet those needs. The members of our association represent large and small businesses, academic institutions, research facilities and governmental entities that employ foreign nationals as well as U.S. workers. AILA is thus uniquely qualified to comment on DOL's proposed rule.

The Backlog Reduction Concept

AILA commends the Department for its commitment to implement a workable plan to reduce the national backlog of approximately 300,000 applications for alien labor certification. By expressly providing for the use of centralized processing centers to perform the functions of both the SWAs and the regional offices, USDOL hopes "to achieve efficiencies and economies of scale" and, at the same time, achieve a greater consistency in the processing of these applications and in the legal standards applied to these applications.

AILA wishes to emphasize its willingness to work with USDOL on the program's implementation, particularly in connection with identifying priorities and rolling out the program in accordance with stated goals.

Approaching Backlog Reduction

AILA has a number of questions about the new centralized processing centers and how applications will be processed at the centers - - particularly the manner in which the centers will process the numerous applications that will be received from the state offices (SWAs) and the regional offices of USDOL. Our concerns are in the areas of customer service, staff training, application processing, center operations, and selection of applications for processing. Central among these concerns is the fundamental fairness of the methodology used to select those applications to be processed at the centers.

A great part of customer service involves managing the expectations of users of the system and making users aware of the process. In this way, the user may rely on that knowledge to approach the process with confidence and authority. In the first instance, this means that employers and their representatives must know whether their application was selected for centralized processing and when the application was transferred to a centralized processing center. For this reason, employers - - and, where they are represented by counsel, their attorneys - - must immediately be given notice of an application's transfer from a SWA or regional office to a centralized processing center. Such notice should be provided by the transferring office at the time of the transfer or by the centralized processing center immediately on receipt of the application for processing.

Additionally, DOL should make its best efforts to make information available to users that explains the anticipated operations and staffing levels of the centralized processing centers. For example:

What kind of staffing will the facility have? We know there will be some combination of a USDOL regional office presence with the contractor's staff. How many individuals will be staffing the facility? What will their functions be? Will they work in teams, product lines, etc? Will certain groups handle only RIR applications? Will others handle only advertising?
How will staff members be assigned cases?
Will they have specific case production goals per day, week, month?
Will there be telephonic access by customers to staff members who are working on particular cases?
Will there be access to supervisory personnel by customers when issues arise?

Of critical importance will be staff training. The most pressing unanswered questions include how staff training will be accomplished, who will be doing the training, who will be developing training materials, and how long a training program is contemplated to last. The Labor Certification process has always had it complexities, and the practice has become even more complicated in recent years as we must now understand the legal framework connecting not only the DOL regulations and the Technical Assistance Guide, but also various General Administration Letters and Training and Employment Guidance Letters, decisions of the Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals, national office guidance, as well as varying interpretations of the once ten, and now six, certifying officers.

Ordering Backlog Reduction

Having experienced the significant hardships created for employers and employees by the ever-increasing delays in the processing of labor certification applications, we are all faced with the extremely difficult issue of determining the methodology for the identification of applications to be forwarded to the centralized processing centers. Because the regulation leaves unanswered the question as to which applications will be selected for centralized processing, a fair and just way must be found to offer relief to those who have been most adversely affected by the extreme delays.

With respect to variations of processing times, no methodology will completely eliminate the unfairness that marks current labor certification processing. But whatever methodology is used, the oldest cases should be processed first - - regardless of location in a SWA or regional office - - without compromising the viability or timeliness of the RIR and Special Handling programs as they currently function. The Department should strive for a "first in, first out" approach to backlog reduction within the outline of the priorities regarding types of cases already established through guidance and practice. Assuming the SWAs and the regions will continue processing applications, it is inevitable that disparities in processing times will result from the varying speeds with which all of the concerned offices are able to process those applications in their remaining caseloads. Additionally, continued funding of the SWAs and regional offices (or lack of funding for these offices) will undoubtedly impact the ability of these offices to continue to process those applications that remain. By following the date order to the closest extent possible, the affected community can maintain a reasonable expectation that the most egregious backlogs will be addressed first.

A further issue is the need for equitable application of some standard criteria to these applications, which may have been filed at any one of the more than fifty SWAs at any time during a five-year period. The standards applied to labor certification applications are deceptively simple: the regulations call for certification once an employer has proven that there are no US workers able, willing, and qualified for the position. However, the steps an employer must take to make that showing have changed significantly over the years that are now marked by thousands of pending applications. The centralized processing centers may be considering applications filed under any number of interpretive memos and guidance letters-the "Norris memo", the "Ziegler memos", the "Carlson memo," RIR guidelines, non-RIR standards, GALs, and TEGLs. It is almost impossible to apply the standard that was in place at the time of filing to many of the applications that will be considered by the centralized processing center. And yet some equitable standard that will involve examining the extent and good faith of the employer's effort to recruit US workers must be applied. Employers should not be penalized by adverse action on their applications at the centralized processing centers in situations where the employers have followed the policies of their regional certifying officer. While future goals for the processing of permanent applications may offer opportunities for improved consistency throughout the United States, it is important that DOL recognizes employers' reliance on regional practice.
AILA's Comment on DOL's Backlog Reduction Regulation- Part2

Impact on Immigration

AILA also notes that the backlog reduction effort may have a tremendous adverse impact on the annual availability of employment-based visa numbers. USDOL correctly notes that much of its backlog is attributable to filings of applications for labor certification generated by the imposition of a sunset date on Section 245(i) of the INA, which caused a significant increase in filings on or near April 30, 2001. The "bubble" of the estimated 236,000 applications filed on or near April 30, 2001, as they are processed to certification, will create a substantial number of workers, in particular skilled and unskilled workers, who will be moving through the next stages of permanent residence processing. As these workers become eligible to file adjustment of status applications concurrently with their immigrant visa petitions, their introduction to the CIS rosters will seriously strain visa number availability in the employment-based categories and, at the same time, add an enormous workload to CIS's already overburdened system.

AILA, having worked closely with both agencies on their processing issues, commends the two agencies for working together on this issue to ensure that these cases do not have the combined effect of crippling both the backlog reduction effort and the employment-based immigrant product line at CIS. It is our hope that the two agencies will continue to work together and apply available resources to this effort.

In conclusion, we ask the USDOL to continue to work closely with those most affected by the backlogs as the agency defines and refines its approaches and processes for backlog reduction. The use of centralized processing centers may prove to be an important tool in the backlog reduction effort and we hope it can be used efficiently and effectively.


hi gp111..again i just wanna ask your thoughts/answer(s) about the following questions:
1.)Applied for labor certification thru employment under 245(i) as a "cook" on a non-rir(regular) processing.What is your thoughts that it will get certified provided its on regular processing rather than rir? Is there any advantage to get it approved?
2.)I frequently call the AVM and check the status of my case.If ever it get approved i wish it will.
Do i have to contact my lawyer and tell them its approved?Does DOL send an approval letter to lawyer offices or to my employer?
3.) How long is it gonna take me after my labor certification is certified to get my work authorization and eventually a green card ?A year or more the most?Is it guaranteed after labor certification is granted?

Sorry for the basic questions im just worried and nervous about my status on labor cert.
Hope you will understand..
Thank you and pls. continue to help others thru this forum of yours.!!God Bless.
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Hi jpa01

1.)Applied for labor certification thru employment under 245(i) as a "cook" on a non-rir(regular) processing.What is your thoughts that it will get certified provided its on regular processing rather than rir? Is there any advantage to get it approved?

** Rate of approval / Chance of approval is not dependent of RIR/Non RIR, only difference is time ! When is your RD ? I have seen many approvals with category "Cook" in both RIR & Non RIR.

2.)I frequently call the AVM and check the status of my case.If ever it get approved i wish it will. Do i have to contact my lawyer and tell them its approved?Does DOL send an approval letter to lawyer offices or to my employer?

*** DOL will send an approval letter to your lawyer with copy to your Employer.

3.) How long is it gonna take me after my labor certification is certified to get my work authorization and eventually a green card ?A year or more the most?

*** If you apply I-140/485 concurrently you will get your EAD in about 6 to 8 weeks, when you will get your GC, million dollar question. Its taking 1 to 3 years !

4) continue to help others thru this forum of yours.!!

*** This is "OUR" forum not mine & hosted by Mr. Rajiv Khanna, so thank him not me !

Hope this helps
No you are not allowed to change MS+0 to MS+1 They fall under different classifications. They differ by 1 level.

Originally Posted by maggie_LC
Thank you very much gp111.
My lawyer filed BS+0 although I had MS +1 while filing the application. One reason was my salary was not enough for the experienced position. However since the labor certificate is taking so long, my salary got rised couple times, and now it will be enough.

so I am thinking if I got the 3-option letter, can I modify the AD to MS+1? Would that be still be considered "does not change the occupational classification of the job opportunity at the original time of filing"? The title won't change, just the experience.

Thanks a advance!

Hi Maggie,
I am taking the leverage in replying on behalf of gp111.
I think you could do that.The occupational change means you were a developer at the time of initial filing(999-151-031) and while readvertising you change the job requiremnts in such a manner that your DOT code changes to some other code like network admin or something else.
That is not permitted, you acn however change the experience required and the candidate should have that experience at the time of "initial filing" not acquired on the job.I hope that clarifies your doubt.
gp111 please correct me if I am wrong.

dol recd date 02/18/2003
AVM status :"received"
ultimate result : 3 options letter
gp111 said:
The Three Options are

1) ReTest The Market
2) Remand to State for processing as Non RIR
3) Withdraw The LC application

As you can see the best is "Retest the Market"...

Looks like DOL is strictly following Carlson's memo & sending out three option letters to cases with experience required less then BS + 2 Years or MS + 6 months.

HI GP111

How does carlson memo apply for BS+5 or equal to MS+0 since i had BS+10yrs

my lawyer sucks or it is just me?

Hi, I am a new one in this forum. Glad to see so many people are exchanging experiences and thoughts.

I just found out my lawyer filled in the LC application form, item 14, as follows:

Minimun requirement: Master + 0 yrs, 0 mths.

However, in the ads, they stated "Master + 2 yrs experience. "

I had master + 1.5yrs when I joined the company and 1 yr later, they filed the LCA for me.

As you can see, it is really strange in my case----the application form and the ads are not consistant in terms of experience.

I read the posts about Carlson MEMO. ---"BS+2yrs, or MS+6months"--- does this regulate the application form, item 14, or the ads.

Any opinions on my case? Is it doomed?

Thanks in advance
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