San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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I am sorry matrix1 but I have no idea what my lawyer did. In fact, there was almost no communication between my lawyer and myself. All I used to receive from them were updates regarding processing dates at the DOL.

As to my DOL priority date, I am more surprised than you are guys. I wasn't expecting my LC to be certified at this time since my DOL priority date is March 2003 and the DOL processing date is Sept 2002. I am starting to believe in miracles ...
Trying again to clarify

Hello Ladies and Gentleman,

My case: LC was filed on Dec 2002; It cleared SESA and was sent to DOL SF on Nov 19th 2003. It is an RIR case.

Q1. I see postings of folks who say their remanded cases that were sent back to DOL after June 2003 are getting approved. Does that mean DOL is giving a better priority for Returned-to-DOL-from-Remand cases? In other words, do Remanded cases get top priority as they were already looked at by DOL earlier?

I ask this because, the regular RIR processing time still says November 2002.

How soon can I expect to see my case to be looked at. I know I am in a daze of wishful thinking, but the aforementioned question leaves me puzzled.

Q2. How soon does the case get on the VM?

Thank you folks.

Seems DOL is working parallel with regular RIR and returned auto remanded cases. Take en example of blkhawk case:

LC Approved
Hi Everyone!

I have some good news to share with you. My LC was finally approved according to an email from my attorney this morning. I know you want to know more details so here is some info:

Large company (8000 employees worldwide) in Nevada
SESA date June 2002
DOL date March 2003
LC approved Jan 2004 (don't know exact date)

his DOL receipt date was March 2003 and his case wasn't auto remanded. My case is also filed in Nov 2002 and transferred to SF DOL. Considering the DOL processing pace they may take another 8 months to process our cases.

Regarding your Q2: DOL is taking approximately 4 months to update their AVM's for cases transferred from DOL.
Thanks, Blkhawk.

Then my guess is your lawyer just submitted a brief summary saying that there were no qualified American workers.

QUOTE]Originally posted by blkhawk
I am sorry matrix1 but I have no idea what my lawyer did. In fact, there was almost no communication between my lawyer and myself. All I used to receive from them were updates regarding processing dates at the DOL.

As to my DOL priority date, I am more surprised than you are guys. I wasn't expecting my LC to be certified at this time since my DOL priority date is March 2003 and the DOL processing date is Sept 2002. I am starting to believe in miracles ...
Hi Remanded guys,

How long will it take action for returned to DOL cases after remand??Waiting like idiots for more than 2 and half years!!!

RajReturned to DOL after remand on JAN 6 2004
I also feel the same way !!! So stop worrying too much, if
it comes well and good, else also fine.
I have just given up on DOL after they issued an NOF on my
case after being returned by state (after the remand).

Be happy and enjoy whatever we have got.

Originally posted by RAJ!234
Hi Remanded guys,

How long will it take action for returned to DOL cases after remand??Waiting like idiots for more than 2 and half years!!!

RajReturned to DOL after remand on JAN 6 2004
My case was returned to DOL Jan 2 and certified Jan 24.

Originally posted by RAJ!234
Hi Remanded guys,

How long will it take action for returned to DOL cases after remand??Waiting like idiots for more than 2 and half years!!!

RajReturned to DOL after remand on JAN 6 2004

Almost didn't believe this day would come. Best of luck to you all! Of course, things don't change much because the I-140 and I-485 queues are also backlogged! But, it's closer to the end...

Here's the 411 on my RIR case, MS + 2 years:

OES code: 15-1037, Computer Software Engineers, Systems.
Date of SESA Receipt: 09/02/01
Transferred from SESA to DOL: 9/9/02.
Date of DOL Receipt: 10/21/02
Date Auto-Remanded to State: 6/26/03
Date Returned to DOL: Unknown. Possible that it was never physically transferred to SESA.
Date Certified by DOL: 01/20/04
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My freind got LC certified, here are details -

DOL receipt: Sept 19th 2002
DOT : ....032
Job Req : MS + 2yrs
Auto remanded : Jun 30th 2003
Returned to state after remand: Dec 30th 2003
Certified: Jan 22nd 2004
Lawyer got the papers: Jan 28th


My Case details are

SESA:Oct 19 2001
DOL receipt: Sept 21 st 2002
DOT : ....031
Job Req : Dont Know
Auto remanded : July 10th 2003
Returned to state after remand: Jan 6 2004
Certified: Dont know when??
Lawyer got the papers: ____________


Post it clearly, whether your case is certified or not !!!

Originally posted by RAJ!234

My Case details are

SESA:Oct 19 2001
DOL receipt: Sept 21 st 2002
DOT : ....031
Job Req : Dont Know
Auto remanded : July 10th 2003
Returned to state after remand: Jan 6 2004
Certified: Dont know when??
Lawyer got the papers: ____________

Approvals for Remand cases after July 20th


MY case was Remanded (Auto) to the state on July 22nd, 2003. Just was curious to check if any of the fourm members whose labor certs remanded after July 20th were approved?

Till now, you are the only one, I know of, on list whos case
is similar to mine bcos of LC being employer-remanded
and not auto-remanded.
So what does your HR or lawyer people say about
such cases ? My HR and lawyers dont repspond or just
say that current rulling doesnt apply to me.
Should we be calling someone at DOL and ask them
to clarify their position regarding cases like ours ?
Does anyone know which number to call ?
I want to give it a shot if I can get the number.


Originally posted by babaloo

guess you should be okay. It might take some more time for your case to get to DOL, possibly till Apr 04.

BTW, we were always trying to classify remanded cases as either auto-remanded or employer-remanded, well.... it turns out that there is no classification with DOL for employer-remanded cases. Unless there is a specific memo addressing such cases as employer-remanded case, we (the employer-remanded cases) should be prepared to wait for a long, long, long ........ time.
bhadrinath, I am also in the same boat as yourself. No clue what can be done. Even my HR is saying the same thing.
No idea about the number though. I dont even have my case number.
my case also employer remanded

Hi bhadrinath/babaloo,

I am also victim of employer remanded situation. I spoke to my lawyer first time in more than 2.5 years (PD june 2001) and told me that they asked for remanding the case to EDD in may 2003, so the current regulation does not apply to my case. They just asked me to wait till we reach the non-rir processing date, which i believe is april 2001 now. As per them, it'll take lots of time to reach june 2001.

Hope something happens....
I"m in the same boat as you are , here in Dallas they are really behind on LC , what's going to happen is DOL will get to your case when they get to that month , what they have done is removed your case from RIR for reasons you probably know about , but that doesn't mean they will not get to it .

Call the DOL and find out where they are and that will give you an estimate as to when they will get to your APP.

Here in Dallas they are pretty back logged because they are now in Apr 2000 and I'm in OCt 2002 so you can see I have to wait for say 1-1 1/2 yrs more , I believe don't wait submit app for new H1 before it expired .

Ashton K
same boat, 3 options letter

Hi Bhadrinath, Jinx and all ,

I am also in the same boat as you guys. Just hoping and praying that automagically something at DOl will make them look at our cases.(3 option letter, remanded to state)
Well, I cannot say that it is nice to see so many employer remanded cases, but nevertheless, we can say that there are some people who share the same pain. It just does not make sense for DOL to exclude the employer-remanded cases from the recent guidance.

I propose we write a letter to :

William L. Carlson, Ph.D.,
Chief, Division of Foreign Labor Certifications,
U.S. Department of Labor,
200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Room C-4318,
Washington, DC 20210.

asking that an addendeum be added to his historical memo, to also include employer-remanded cases and accord it the same status as auto-remanded cases.

We could take a joint initiative or go separately i.e write individual letters. The idea behind Carlson memo, was to reduce the backlog of DOL, and to make way for the eventual implementation of PERM. If such is the intention, then I am sure that the reason that employer-remanded cases were not addressed, was in fact, an oversight. If we bring this oversight to the attention of Carlson, then I feel, he will act upon it. Of course, more the number of letters/beneficiaries the better.

I think the LC has kept us in a limbo for a long time and now its high time we took some action on improving our situation. If anybody else has any other suggestions, its high time for you to come out with those alternatives.
Employee Remanded cases

What are these people at DOL and SWE are doing? Let's outsource this work to offshore. Things will be cheaper and faster.
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