San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Re: Remaded Cases

Originally posted by Titan01
I was checking the AVM and was trying some random case # and arrived at the following

DOL has re-processed the Remanded cases which has RD at DOL as Sep 16/2002.
Another finding is DOL has completed action (or issued NOF) for cases returned to DOL from SESA by Dec 31/2004.

You mean 12/31/2003, or 2004?
to Cal_Guy

Hi Cal_guy,

I am sorry for it took me a while to reply. I really don't know how to answer your question. I know lots of the good guys in this forum are wondering why my case was certified even though it reached DOL on March 2003. The truth is that I don't know why. I was surprised just like you guys are right now. The only logical explanation for this would be that the DOL processes cases in different queues according to the state in which the case was filed. It seems that Nevada's is one of the "fast" queues, well if you want to call it fast. It took my case about a year to clear the Nevada SESA and then 10 months to clear the DOL. so that would be a total of 22 months and God knows how long my I-140 and I-485 will take. But I feel much better that my LC was certified, and I hope for the best to all of you. I will not hesitate to answer questions that I know the answer of.
Employer remanded cases

I am trying to draft a letter to Carlson. I intend to cover the following points :

- Reduce backlog at EDD
- Make way for easier PERM
- Establish fairness in the system
- alleviate the hardship to families involved
- Improve our productivity on the job

and thereby appeal him to instruct regional DOLs to recall our petitions and work on them.

Is there any other areas that can be covered to make this letter more forceful ? Ideally, we should be emphasizing the same reasons that resulted in the Carlson memo. Have I missed out any of the reasons ?

I will post the draft here after having collected all the points and after having prepared a concise letter. It appears that this letter might take longer than I originally thought. We might get only one chance at this and we need to highlight our concerns correctly.
Re: letter to Carlson


If required, following points may be emphasized:

Employer taking advantage of situation while
deciding for promotions, pay-revisions, etc.
(this is in general for application delays for
all stages, but can be emphasized in letter).

Just a thought..

Hi Titan and Raj,
So what you are saying is, you had your cases
remanded to SESA office in 2002 and expect them
to be recalled by federal DOL now ?


Originally posted by RAJ!234
Hi Titan,

Good news!!1.My RD is sep 21 2002.How long will it take to reach ??

Lab Certified

Hi all

Just got the letter from company HR, that my LC got certified.
What a relief...
My detail:

EDD RD: Oct. 2nd 2001
DOL RD: Sep. 9th 2002
DOL remended : Jun 26th 2003
DOL recvd after a remended: Dec. 29th 2003
DOL certfd: Jan 23rd 2004

Thanks all for the info. and hope all the best luck w/ you guys and see you in the I140 and I485 phase.

Re: Employer Remanded Cases

Hi babaloo,

Thanks for taking the much needed initative. I think that the number of employer remanded cases is quite large and this needs to be addressed as a part of the overall guidance. Its just unfortunate that the people in this boat did not have their cases "auto-remanded" and actually had their employers look at it.

On your letter, I would just say that whatever you formulate, just make sure that its not too wordy and the key points (all of which I agree with) are bulleted. We need to ensure that each of us in the same boat sends out the exact same letter with our signature to the mentioned address - the number of letters would indicate the severity of the situation.

Will you be posting the letter in a PDF/Word file today?

Thanks for all your help!

Our case was auto-remanded and has been recalled by DOL already. But waiting for Action by DOL.

I really think it is a typo in the web page. It really cannot be May 2002, even on the remanded cases they are working on RD of Sep 2002.:confused:
Re: bhadrinath

Thanx Titan. Can you tell me when was ur case auto-remanded ?
I am not sure , what does 'RD' stand for , when you say
RD Spet 2002. I thought RD = remand date.


Originally posted by Titan01
Our case was auto-remanded and has been recalled by DOL already. But waiting for Action by DOL.
Hi Guys,

Good News.Today only i checked the AVM.My labor is certified on Jan 30th 2004.

Here is my case details,

SESA Date : Oct 19 2001
DOL Rd Date: SEP 21 2002
Remanded to SESA : July 10 2003
Retuned to DOL : JAN 6th 2004
Certifed on : JAN 30th 2004
Dot Code : 031

After long years of struggle at last here comes the time.

Thanks & Regards
Labor Certified!

Today I checked from the AVM and got the good news! I then double checked my case# from the lawyer and it matches to the number on their file.

EDD : Oct 12, 2001
DOL : Sep 23, 2002
Auto Remanded : Jul 7, 2003
Returned from State after a remand: Dec 24, 2003
CERTIFIED: Jan 30, 2004
Bay Area Medium Sized Company

DOT 999.172-072 : Electronics Engineers, Except Computer
Reqt: MS

Good luck to all and hope this very valuable knowledge sharing continues on the I140/I485 forums!
Congrats Raj,zz03

Congrats guys. Good luck for the next step.

Raj: One question for you though: Can you describe the years of exp required for your LC meaning like BS + 2 yrs or MS + 6 months?.
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