San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Hi Raj,

Can you share your case info? For example, DOL receive date, remand date, job requirement, NOF date

my case is:
received: may 2002
NOF: may 2003
replied to NOF : june 2003
still don't know if it is at SWA or DOL. Lawyer refused to do anything for me.
job requirement: BS+0.

Originally posted by RAJ!234
Hi Guys,

Today i checked the AVm.It is wirking.My case is in the same returned to DOL state.I dont know when DOL will take action.


guess you should be okay. It might take some more time for your case to get to DOL, possibly till Apr 04.

BTW, we were always trying to classify remanded cases as either auto-remanded or employer-remanded, well.... it turns out that there is no classification with DOL for employer-remanded cases. Unless there is a specific memo addressing such cases as employer-remanded case, we (the employer-remanded cases) should be prepared to wait for a long, long, long ........ time.
AVM is working


Just now tried and is working.


Originally posted by Nkelkar
Anybody knows if the AVM is working?
I have been trying to check for all last week .
The phone just keeps ringng
Hi all you GC seekers,

I posted a question on this forum but did not get a reply. Can anyone please answer this for me:

Q> My RIR case was auto remanded in July 2003. Is it necessary to send a request SWA (state) to transfer your case to DOL(federal) or all auto remanded cases are sent back to DOL automatically

My case details:

Dot code: 999.151-051
Priority date at DOL : October 2002
Auto Remanded to SWA: July 19, 2003
Company: A large software company
My Location: LA (Offices all over the world)
Layoffs: A few non technical layoffs in my division
Experience: BS +1 year (I have a MS and had 2+ years of experience during filing but my lawyer filed with BS +1 year in 2001 hoping to process it faster with no hassle)

No, there os no need to send any request. Your auto-remanded
case will automatically go back to regional DOL office.


Originally posted by Not2Happy
Hi all you GC seekers,

I posted a question on this forum but did not get a reply. Can anyone please answer this for me:

Q> My RIR case was auto remanded in July 2003. Is it necessary to send a request SWA (state) to transfer your case to DOL(federal) or all auto remanded cases are sent back to DOL automatically

My case details:

Dot code: 999.151-051
Priority date at DOL : October 2002
Auto Remanded to SWA: July 19, 2003
Company: A large software company
My Location: LA (Offices all over the world)
Layoffs: A few non technical layoffs in my division
Experience: BS +1 year (I have a MS and had 2+ years of experience during filing but my lawyer filed with BS +1 year in 2001 hoping to process it faster with no hassle)

LC Approved

Hi Everyone!

I have some good news to share with you. My LC was finally approved according to an email from my attorney this morning. I know you want to know more details so here is some info:

Large company (8000 employees worldwide) in Nevada
SESA date June 2002
DOL date March 2003
LC approved Jan 2004 (don't know exact date)
EB3-RIR - I carry a MS in Computer Engineering - my work is more into Software Engineering.

I almost lost hope since my Labor was filed with a requirement of a BS+0 years ....

Good luck to all of you and never lose hope ..
Congrats blhawk !!!

Congrats blhawk !!!
Can you also let us know if your case was ever remanded
back from Fderal DOl to SESA last year ? If yes, then was
it auto-remand or employer chosen remand ?

LC Certified!!!!!

Hi All:

I checked my status and phone system says "certified".

EDD Recv: Sep 2001
DOL Recv: Sep' 19, 2002
Auto Remanded: June 2003
Returned to DOL: Dec 19, 2003
Certified: Jan 23, 2004
DOT Code:
Case Id: 09531xxx RIR
very small company in Bay area with layoffs.

Hang in there. You will make it

What was your job requirement in your job ads when your case was filed? For example, MS+2 yrs experience?
DOL processing march2003?

was your case processed at SFO dol?
how come they are processing March 2003 when they have not yet completed oct/nov/dec/jan/feb??????
Re: DOL processing march2003?

Key word here is NEVADA.

Originally posted by rk74
was your case processed at SFO dol?
how come they are processing March 2003 when they have not yet completed oct/nov/dec/jan/feb??????

Large company in Bayarea ( with layoffs in the past)
SESA date September 2001
DOL date September 9 2002
Auto Remanded to state June 26 2003
back to Dol Dec 29 2003
LC approved Jan 20 2004
EB3-RIR - BS + 4 years ( 999-151-032)

Godd luck everyone

I have never posted in this forum before. I was a silent watcher. Today, I heard from my attorney that my LC has been approved.

Received by DOL - Sep 16th 2002
Remanded to state from DOL - 30th of June
Returned back to DOL (not sure when - sometime by the end of Dec 2003)
Approved now.

title - Software Engineer
Company - In bay area, about 3500 people, few lay offs in the past
Requirements - MS + 1 year exp.

For one of my colleague for whom the labor was filed at the same time as mine, but with BS + 1 year exp, DOL has asked to re-test the market.

Good luck to you all. This is a very useful forum.
Some more info:

My case was auto remanded.

My attorney didn't do anything. It was sent back to DOL automatically and got approved.
To blkhawk and all others

Good to hear so many approvals. Congratulations to all certified.

blkhawk, would you mind telling us if your lawyer recorded the details about the recruitment and sent other applicants' resumes to DOL? For cases that do not meet the requirements of BS+3 yrs or MS+6mos, is it crucial how to report the recruitment?
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