San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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labor needed

Hello all I am new to this forum.
I am working as a consultant. My employer agreed to apply for my GC in KY. I have given my papers to lawyer. He said he will apply for my labor in few days. I know this employer very well. But my project may end in 1 or 2 months.

I heard I can buy labor certificate if some one has it. I want to go for it. Since my project is uncertain.
Is it required to get one more H1 to apply for I140 & 485 if I get labor clearace form someone?

If you know some one who has labor clearance I am ready to pay.

Please help me in this.

Need Help

Hello All,
I have a question to ask. If for example my Company 'A' gives me a 7th year visa, and if my original 6th year visa is supposed to expire on lets say June 30 and I get my 7th year visa in april, can I switch my job and goto another company then, and will I still have 365 days to get annual extension. I wiull really appreciat enay help from all the gurus here on this forum.

Re: labor needed

Did you try eBay?? If it were legal to purchase LC, why will anybody wait 2-3 years waiting for LCs to be approved? And why will anybody tell you rather than buy it themselves? Even if someone were to sell you their LC, when USCIS comes to know of it, you will be kicked out of the country for immigration fraud.

Originally posted by kumarsr
Hello all I am new to this forum.
I am working as a consultant. My employer agreed to apply for my GC in KY. I have given my papers to lawyer. He said he will apply for my labor in few days. I know this employer very well. But my project may end in 1 or 2 months.

I heard I can buy labor certificate if some one has it. I want to go for it. Since my project is uncertain.
Is it required to get one more H1 to apply for I140 & 485 if I get labor clearace form someone?

If you know some one who has labor clearance I am ready to pay.

Please help me in this.

Can you believe that this guy has posted the same message all over the place.

Kumarsr, please come to some sense. Buying labor is illegal. Dont ever post a message like this anymore. This forum is just to share info not to shop around.
Re: Denied to Certified

RE:Denied to Certified

Hi 4beegie and gurus,

Congrats and good luck.

Good to hear your news as I am in almost the same boat as yours.

For my case we got a retest of labor market and my lawyer is yet to send the reply. I have a few questions for you.

So once your case was denied you apply for an appeal?

I have heard nowadays appeal is taking 6 months to a year. So its really good news to know that yours got certified quickly. Do you know if all the cases that are for appeal get certified? Or do we get another chance after that as well?

Why I ask this is becasue I am already in the Sixth year of my H1 so am a little tensed.

In your case you got 2 NOF how come?

What is the approach your lawyer took to get the case certified?

Any help from you will be greatly appreciated.

thanks and congrats again

Originally posted by 4beegie
Hey Guys,

Finally the patience payed off. Its certified. yuppeeee..
I guess mine was one of the oldest cases that was pending with DOL. Its such a big relief.. :)

My case details.
PD - 3 July 2001
RD - 11 March 2002
1st NOF - Jan 2003
2nd NOF - March 2003
Case denied - 25 July 2003
Reconsideration app.- Sep 2003
Case reopened - 24 Feb 2004
Certified - 28 Feb 2004

Big bay area comp
MS+ 0 years
DOt- 999-151-032

So it just took 4 days for them to certify it.. If they have to do it you hear yrom them within a week otherwise its stuck for years..

Any how.. I believe that now they have stared to certify more applications (as per my lawyer).

Hopefully all you guys would hear some positive news soon. Just hang in there.

Auto Remanded Cases


Would like to know about the auto remanded cases.Does any one have any updates ?

My case was remanded in April 03. AVM still says remanded to State. My lawers too have no info.

new to board

Hi folks,

I just tried to call 415-975-4601 to check the status. The AVM couldn't recognize the case number.

In the letter from EDD, the case no is 6 figure, 15xxxxx. However from some buddy's post, it seems like 095xxxxxx. I am confused if I am doing it right? thanks!

MS+ 0 years
DOt- 999-151-031
PD 06/27/2002
Re: new to board

The case number is EDD number. When your application is forwarded to DOL, they assign it a different number. It always starts with 095.

Originally posted by fogman1
Hi folks,

I just tried to call 415-975-4601 to check the status. The AVM couldn't recognize the case number.

In the letter from EDD, the case no is 6 figure, 15xxxxx. However from some buddy's post, it seems like 095xxxxxx. I am confused if I am doing it right? thanks!

MS+ 0 years
DOt- 999-151-031
PD 06/27/2002
Re: Re: Denied to Certified

Originally posted by Wishes&Luck
RE:Denied to Certified

Hi 4beegie and gurus,

Congrats and good luck.

Good to hear your news as I am in almost the same boat as yours.

For my case we got a retest of labor market and my lawyer is yet to send the reply. I have a few questions for you.

So once your case was denied you apply for an appeal?

I have heard nowadays appeal is taking 6 months to a year. So its really good news to know that yours got certified quickly. Do you know if all the cases that are for appeal get certified? Or do we get another chance after that as well?

Why I ask this is becasue I am already in the Sixth year of my H1 so am a little tensed.

In your case you got 2 NOF how come?

What is the approach your lawyer took to get the case certified?

Any help from you will be greatly appreciated.

thanks and congrats again


yes I had 2 NOFs
1- hiring process details
2- retest market..
and then it got denied. I guess they didnt like the results after the retest..
My lawyer then prepared a letter to prove that the skills i have are needed and the resumes received after the retest dont have those skills (some thing on those lines..) this was done in sep '03 and it got certified on 28th Feb..

Hopefully things workout for you my friend... I think you and your lawyer should target the reason why your app got rejected. try and prove what they want..

lemme know if you have any more questions..
Problem with Labor Cert.

My Labor Cert (RIR) was mass remanded in July 03. Recently it was reviewed and have landed in deep problem. DOL has comeback and said the advertisement supported for my case required for BS+1 year with RDBMS, C++… skills. However the Form 750A (I don't know what it is) did not mention of the BS+1 Year and the software skills required and just kept is plain (Like say BS+0 years no experince).

DOL says my case is eligible for RIR however since the 750A and the Adv. Don't match they are requesting that our company talk to the EDD provide an adv. to them to match the 750A and place it for 30days in a local newspaper do the recruitment efforts and then submit results or the case will be denied.

HR talked to the attorney and said that the attorney has contacted AILA and requesting an 750A amendment. Do any one of you have come across this situation and if so was an 'amendment' allowed? Please reply.
3 options letter, resending since I did not get response for my last message


I got a 3 option letter last week after 3 years. My HR says it is too risky to advertise. Is it so risky ? Which day of the week and newspapaer do you need to put in the ad ? My requirements are
MS+ 0 years. Can you please let me know.



Originally posted by KrishnaMK
After almost 3 years, finally AVM says LC certified.

My case details.
PD - 09/11/2001
DOL RD - 09/09/2002
Ramanded to state: june/26/2003
returned back to DOL from state: 12/10/2003
3 options letter - 01/07/2004
market retest results submited on: 02/07/2004
Certified - today(03/05/2004)

small bay area comp ( 25 employees)
MS+ 0 years OR BS+5 years
DOt- 999-151-032

Thanks to all for the help, good luck
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DOL processing Nov 02 RIR cases

THE AVM message now says that DOL is processing RIRs for California received in Nov. 02. Some progress at last.
Re: how to check DOT code

Are you sure of your dot code? 999-35* are from the Food related industries.

Here is a direct link
again you will not see 999 prepended.

Originally posted by fogman1

How to translate DOT code to detail job description. For example, my dot code is 999-351-011, should be software-related.

I checked, however there is no code start 999. Any idea? thanks!
Backlog reduction centers

03/08/2004: DOL Labor Certification Backlog Reduction Centers Launched Operation?

* The DOL has been pressing ahead its long-term strategic plan to operate the wagon, named "backlog reduction," in two wheels: One is the launch of the reengineered labor certification program named "PERM," and the other wheel is the reduction of backlog cases which remain in the pipeline at the time they launch the new PERM labor certification procedure. As we reported, the final rule of PERM is under review by OMB and it is almost certain that the PERM program will go into operation later part of this calendar year. Along with the PERM program, the DOL has also been working on operating two special backlog reduction centers which will process the current backlog cases in the large states and regional certifying offices. Supposedly these backlog reduction centers should start its operation ahead of the PERM launch.
* Now, unconfirmed sources indicate that these reduction centers have just started their operation and the backlog cases are being transferred to the centers for processing. It is expected that sooner or later, the DOL will announce the launch of these centers. Please stay tuned to this website for development of this unconfirmed news.
Re: Backlog reduction centers

Hi Waiting for LC
That is really good news.Would you like to share as to what is your source of information?

Originally posted by waiting forLC
03/08/2004: DOL Labor Certification Backlog Reduction Centers Launched Operation?
Re: Backlog reduction centers

Unfortunately, DOL has the *wagon* but no horses to move the wagon ;)

Originally posted by waiting forLC
03/08/2004: DOL Labor Certification Backlog Reduction Centers Launched Operation?

* The DOL has been pressing ahead its long-term strategic plan to operate the wagon, named "backlog reduction," in two wheels:
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