San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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I believe it is a good sign - DOL is reconsidering the remanded cases! Let's just wait and see and pray.

DOL RIR is moving backwards according to their processing time. Now they are processing Aug 2002. Is this good or bad we will know pretty soon.

Hi , I also heard about DOL, they start re-visiting all remanded case, my case is also similar.Please let me know, if they body got approve in the same time.Please let me know, is your attorney request to DOL, to re-consider your case again ?

DOT code 999.151.031
EDD date Sep-18-2001
DOL date Oct-18-2002
Remanded June-30
999.151-032 --> Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software
999.151-051 --> Computer Systems Analyst

id                 DOT                 RD                 Status
jajabhor           999.151-031         12/30/2002         Received
rk4gc              999.151-032         12/03/2002         Received
GreenCardsRUS      999.051-051         11/22/2002         Received
dev72              999.151-031         10/18/2002         Remanded on 06/30/03
charlie2003        999.151-032         10/xx/2002         Remanded on 06/26/03
RAJ!234            999.151-031         09/xx/2002         Remanded on 07/10/03
Is your attorney requested to DOL, to re-consider your case again


I don't know is this important to have an attorney requesting DOL to reconsider, but it will not hurt ...
My attorney is very egoistic

Hi,my attorny is very egoistic, if I force him to do it , he said, to choose another attorny.thanks for prompt reply, one of my friend attorney told for re-visiting case, our attorney has to request to DOL . I have seen couple of remanded cases approved in last week. Please update me if any body case approve, I am trying to get approve case detail.

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Does this new info (Dol RIR Aug,2002) mean that they have received guidance from DC on processing the cases

My immigration lawer is also kinda slow or better to say not pushy. However, after few pings and calls they decided to bill my company and do this request. So good luck in your immigration journey and lets hope for the best!

Hi Titan

How do we know or ensure that auto remanded case has been returned from State back to DOL? Are all case are returned to DOL automatically or your lawyer will have to ask DOL to reconsider that?

I am assuming that it is not done automatically( Please correct me if I am wrong). I spoke with my lawyer and she is advising me to wait till End of December and telling me that guidelines of DOL regarding RIR will be finalized by that time and if the guidelines are not finalized by December end then she will sent it back to DOL to reconsider the case.

But I strongly feel that I should act immediately and work with my lawyer to send my case back to DOL ASAP ( Since it will be waste of time to wait till December end to send the case back to DOL to reconsideration). I can wait once the remanded case is sent back to DOL.

Please suggest... as I need your advise.

Thanks & Regard

You Wrote

Just Wait.

There are atleast 12,000 cases in the auto remand category that DOL needs to visit (If it is returned from State back to DOL), it will take some time. Chill out and check the AVM every now and then.
Rd:Oct 2002, Remanded to State, DOT:999-151-051


Originally posted by csrini1
I think it is an error(aug 2002 date for rir).

This is just one of multiple possible reasons, the only way to figure out is wait.
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Getting labor certification from CA DOL looks like 'dream come true'.Some people in the forum had been lucky to get approvals and some are waiting over 2 years(praying and being patient etc..).

Most of us can not afford to wait for LC over years because of down sizing, funding problems etc..

We know that we would have got green card itself if we had filed 2 years ago in faster processing states.

I wonder how people are able to move 2 or 3 labor certifications.Being an employee of a company which has only one office in CA, I am not able to do that.Though people keep saying that GC is for future employment, are there any companies who just do GC or atleast labor certification without having joined them.

Any inputs on doing parallel LC?
Re: Error

My thinking is, if it is not an error, the recorded status (updated
every Monday) on 415-975-4601 (option 1,1) should reflect
this change. Let us wait till coming Monday to see that.

Originally posted by vitale
This is just one of multiple possible reasons, the only way to figure out is wait.
DOL Processing dates

It's official, the DOL website for processing dates shows AUGUST 2002 for RIR in San Fransisco .... This could mean that the DOL is re-processing cases that were auto-remanded and hopefully will move on to process those cases that have been waiting forever. Let's hope the DOL moves faster this time.

If DOL receives regulation then obviously the cases should be returned to DOL from SESA. But no body has heard a concrete news on that.
The AVM will say different from the Remanded to State if the case is returned from SESA to DOL.

Some attorney's are pro-active some are not (See Vitale's posts). I have seen attorneys requesting to move back to DOL, and hopefully getting approved. You might wanna bug your lawyer to do some thing (like requesting to send it back to DOL). If your company is stuck with this lawyer then you are stuck too till Decemeber(Hoping some thing will happen in December).
Baseline is: Sending back to DOL is possible as people have done that before, but it all depends on your lawyer.

First I think we need to wait and see whether the dates in the Site is realistic (Aug) or just a mistake, that would really answer a lot of questions.

Key things are pro-active lawyer and patience and of course some luck with the DOL.
Info from my Lawyer about DOL Dates

Hi Guys,

This is what my lawyer says regarding DOL dates going back to August 2002:

"The oldest unassigned case (All DOT codes) is in August and DOL is now reflecting this information on their website."

I am not sure if this is correct, but sharing what my lawyer says.
I love lawers responses!

"The oldest unassigned case (All DOT codes) is in August and DOL is now reflecting this information on their website."

Lawers' answers in most cases seem absolutely correct, but completely useless. I think your lawer gave a perfect definition of "DOL processing time" term. The interesting question everybody want to have an answer for is where this case(s) came from. But anyway thanks for sharing!

"The oldest unassigned case (All DOT codes) is in August and DOL is now reflecting this information on their website."

what about the 12000 remanded cases in june and july month or any other before months???

I think when they are talking about "The oldest unassigned case (All DOT codes) is in August...", they mean August 2002.


"The oldest unassigned case (All DOT codes) is in August and DOL is now reflecting this information on their website."

what about the 12000 remanded cases in june and july month or any other before months???

Hi Charlie,

Now i understood.Then some cases during june/july/aug 2002 cases must be approved??

I hope so. And this is why we want everyone input this list to give us a whole picture of what is going on in DOL.

999.151-032 --> Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software
999.151-051 --> Computer Systems Analyst

id                 DOT                 RD                 Status
jajabhor           999.151-031         12/30/2002         Received
rk4gc              999.151-032         12/03/2002         Received
GreenCardsRUS      999.051-051         11/22/2002         Received
dev72              999.151-031         10/18/2002         Remanded on 06/30/03
charlie2003        999.151-032         10/xx/2002         Remanded on 06/26/03
RAJ!234            999.151-031         09/xx/2002         Remanded on 07/10/03

Now i understood.Then some cases during june/july/aug 2002 cases must be approved??
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