San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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I tried AVM several times since last week but its ringing only. No idea how come others get status information.

I'm quite sure that holiday season is going to delay the cases ever more. May be someone who observed these processing dates movement last year would give more information.

Patience is the key. H1/L1 visa is not bad if you have job.

Would you like to track Labor until Dec 2002 for now? I guess Any thing after Dec 2002 is not toched yet. We can see if there is any progress at DOL by updating this tracker regularely.

you can update this tracker by using quote and deleting "quote" and "B" tags. Try to add your entry at the appropriate postion so that the list is sorted with RD.

999.151-032 --> Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software

id                 DOT                 RD                 Status

rk4gc              999.151-032         12/03/2002         Received

999.151-032 --> Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software

id DOT RD Status

rk4gc 999.151-032 12/03/2002 Received
charlie2003 999.151-032 10/xx/2002 Remanded on June 02

999.151-032 --> Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software 

id                 DOT                 RD                 Status 

rk4gc              999.151-032         12/03/2002         Received
charlie2003        999.151-032         10/xx/2002         Remanded on June 02
Sorry, it was remanded on June 03.
999.151-032 --> Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software

id                 DOT                 RD                 Status

rk4gc              999.151-032         12/03/2002         Received
charlie2003        999.151-032         10/xx/2002         Remanded on June 03
Hi Charlie,

I am also in the same boat.SESA-Oct 2001.SESA-Dol-sep 2002.Remanded from DOL-July 10th 2003.The AVM keep on ringing for me also.Dot code is 999.151-031.

Auto Remand to SWA

Hi Guys
This is the first time I am visiting the form. I work in the IT deparment of Biotech company in Bay area and My labor was applied 2 years back(Nov 2001) in RIR category and it was forwarded to SFO DOL in Oct 2002. Yesterday I got an email from lawyer that it has been auto remanded to the SWA and it will be processed as regular Non RIR case. There are no lay off in my company. I visited the web site and found that there was a meeting between the DOL chief and AILA in July, 2003 and after that Auto remanding has been stopped.
I spoke with my lawyer and she is advising me to wait for 1-2 months till the guidelines of DOL are published and if we do not hear within 1-2 months then we can track the case in SWA and send it back to DOL for reconsideration.

I spoke with some of my friends in other companies and they told me that in last month some labor cases are approved.

Please advise what should I do now????


Just Wait.

There are atleast 12,000 cases in the auto remand category that DOL needs to visit (If it is returned from State back to DOL), it will take some time. Chill out and check the AVM every now and then.
Rd:Oct 2002, Remanded to State, DOT:999-151-051
Keep it growing, guys.

999.151-032 --> Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software

id                 DOT                 RD                 Status

rk4gc              999.151-032         12/03/2002         Received
charlie2003        999.151-032         10/xx/2002         Remanded on 06/26/03
RAJ!234            999.151-031         09/xx/2002         Remanded on 07/10/03
Keep it growing, guys.

999.151-032 --> Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software

id                 DOT                 RD                 Status
jajabhor          999.-151-031     12/30/2002          Received
rk4gc              999.151-032         12/03/2002         Received
charlie2003        999.151-032         10/xx/2002         Remanded on 06/26/03
RAJ!234            999.151-031         09/xx/2002         Remanded on 07/10/03
Last edited by a moderator:
999.151-032 --> Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software

id                 DOT                 RD                 Status
jajabhor           999.151-031         12/30/2002         Received
rk4gc              999.151-032         12/03/2002         Received
charlie2003        999.151-032         10/xx/2002         Remanded on 06/26/03
RAJ!234            999.151-031         09/xx/2002         Remanded on 07/10/03
999.151-051 --> Computer Systems Analyst

id DOT RD Status
GreenCardsRUS 999.051-051 11/22/2003 Received

GCRUS, I assume yours is 2002.
999.151-032 --> Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software
999.151-051 --> Computer Systems Analyst

id                 DOT                 RD                 Status
jajabhor           999.151-031         12/30/2002         Received
rk4gc              999.151-032         12/03/2002         Received
GreenCardsRUS      999.051-051         11/22/2002         Received
charlie2003        999.151-032         10/xx/2002         Remanded on 06/26/03
RAJ!234            999.151-031         09/xx/2002         Remanded on 07/10/03
California LC Case tracking

Hi Gurus,

My LC was filed with CA Labour Dept in May-03.I wanted to check the status of the case.DO we have some phone no to call ?
What information do they ask for knowing the status of case ?

Let me know

Note - ( Iam very new to this part of the forum )

Buckle up

DOL RIR is moving backwards according to their processing time. Now they are processing Aug 2002. Is this good or bad we will know pretty soon.
Re: Buckle up

The recorded mesaage on 415-975-4601 still says Nov., 2002.
So, can you tell all of us in the forum where did you get this information.

Originally posted by vitale
DOL RIR is moving backwards according to their processing time. Now they are processing Aug 2002. Is this good or bad we will know pretty soon.
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