S. 1932 Status

VERY URGENT - Think !!


We need to be a step ahead...if it comes IN MEDIA about how Govt's action is causing a CANCER Patient to suffer for no fault of his is something..which GOVT will not ignore...say how Immigrants are suffering at the hands of wrong decisions and policies and how the govt can act and fix it now..

Show how Govt is loosing the opportunity to raise $
Show how the govt can benefit from investment, emploument, innovation with immigrant commiunity who already here legally ...and working in US, how they can add more to the society by way of spouse working and investment in houises, business

What do we have to loose by sending FAX TO MEDIA TELL ME ????
sundar99, Honestly .. i may be very bad in writing a story but i can try. Also, if a more experience can do it,,,be better
Now Is The Time Pls Pump Your Last Efforts


DO NOT FIGHT for petty little considerations... I am doing all this not because I want to benefit from Retro..since I am planning to take a faculty position at Iisc (and an offer from IIT) not decided..but wish to help all of you. TO hell with this system, but if possible I want to help all of you on reto and here for various reasons indirectly, PLS STEP UP MEDIA CAMPAIGN !!! AND DO IT NOW.. DO NOT DEBATE... DO NOT FIGHT AMONGURSELFS...DO TAKE IT AS A COMMON CAUSE
once the draft is ready and fax set up I can stay whole nite and keep sending the fax to media on my friends names at least 100.
Composing our message -

I will try to draft a message to be sent out (I'm sure there are better writers than me, but I will try).

I am not sure that I know the name of the gentleman who has the illness & I want to ensure that he is comfortable with us sending out this information & that he is willing to share his name & his story. He may not be so we need to check with him.

If you are reading the board - can you post to let us know more & whether you are okay with the story being shared?
sundar99 said:

We need to be a step ahead...if it comes IN MEDIA about how Govt's action is causing a CANCER Patient to suffer for no fault of his is something..which GOVT will not ignore...say how Immigrants are suffering at the hands of wrong decisions and policies and how the govt can act and fix it now..

Show how Govt is loosing the opportunity to raise $
Show how the govt can benefit from investment, emploument, innovation with immigrant commiunity who already here legally ...and working in US, how they can add more to the society by way of spouse working and investment in houises, business

What do we have to loose by sending FAX TO MEDIA TELL ME ????

Suggest you to talk with this person(who is suffering) first and take his consent about it.
Can Someone Prepare the DRAFT LETTER ?


Can someone prepare the draft letter ? I have to leave overseas for conference on monday, busy with it. Sorry cannot help on this. I would like ot see someone post the draft quickly !! so that folks can faxt it to media and send emails... Do it fast and quick..MEDIA SHOULD HAVE TIME TO PRINT IT TOMM REMEMBER... THEY PRINT at 2 AM !!! CALL RADIO STATIONS... FOLKS on all NEWS PAPERS in Washington DC - Can someone post all contacts..do not wait for someone to do it..do your bit now .... ( I am reminded when someone said " Ask not what the country can do for you, askyoursef what you can do for the country " on same lines u do your bit and time is now !
WaldenPond said:
Hello spgtopper,

For once I wish that someone played prak and I will be a happy. Just the thought of it makes me smile. The number I called is (202) 225-3951.

I had the opportunity to talk to bunch of people at the House in Speaker's office, Clerk's office, Public relations etc. But the Judiciary committee guys told me this. And the worst part is he knew what he was talking about. It appeared that this was already decided in the yesterday night meeting even before they got any of our the faxes or messages. I do have the feeling that there is positive some shift in some of the main congressmen stand on this issue and if meeting were to be held tonight, it may have been a different story .... just my gut feeling .... But I am still continuing to make phone calls and still sending faxes. Got in touch with an indirect contact with DC and coordinating that someone could go and meet Congressman and Senators.

I feel terrible . Utterly devastated.

All this hardwork over the last few months and we are back to square one. I personally thought we could sneak in our relief clauses into this bill as it was part of the budget bill. . I think it will get increasingly harder from now on.

I am emotionally exhausted now. I am sure it is going to be one sleepless night and it will take days to recover from this.
stucklabor said:
So basically you are an all or nothing person on this legislation not out of principle, but because the ability to file 485 even with retrogression does nothing for you. If you could have a visa number increase you probably wouldn't care about the rest of us who are yet to get on 485. I thought as much yesterday when you jumped on me for suggesting a compromise.

You have alternatives. You can use AC21 to move jobs. If you get laid off you can move to a similar job.

Spare a thought for the rest of us who don't have that advantage. Don't hide your selfishness under the fig leaf of uncompromising principle.

You got me wrong and exposed your SELF. I could not file my 485 due to retrogression. So I wont get all the alternatives you started preaching me. About jumping on you, refer to the posts back...many people did that. I am only one of them. Many people did not like your principles.
some list

Hi Guys,
I am silent watcher of this forum. But I did my part by sending faxes and making calls.
Do any one of the guys have any personal contact with any reporters?


Associated Press

50 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10020
Phone: (212) 621-1610, 621-1500
Fax: (212) 621-7520

Chicago Tribune

435 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611-4041
Fax: (312) 222-2598

Los Angeles Times

Times Mirror Square
Los Angeles, CA 90053
Phone: (213) 237-5000
Fax: (213) 237-4712

Miami Herald

One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132
Phone: (305) 350-2111

New York Times
Corrections Editor:nytnews@nyt.com
(include: full name, full address, day and evening phone numbers)

229 W. 43rd Street, NY, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 556-1234, (888) 698-6397
Fax: (212) 556-3690, 556-3622

251 W. 57th St.
New York, NY 10019
Phone: (212) 445-4000, (212) 445-4585
Fax: (212) 445-5068

747 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 833-9250
Fax: (212) 859-1717

Time Magazine
1271 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Phone: (212) 522-3817
Fax: (212) 522-9153

USA Today

1000 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22229
Phone: (703) 276-3400
Fax: (703) 247-3108

U.S. News and World Report

1050 Thomas Jefferson St., NW
Washington, DC 20007-3837
Phone: (202) 955-2000
Fax: (202) 955-2049

Wall Street Journal

200 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10281
Phone: (212) 416-2327
Fax: (212) 416-2653

Washington Post

1150 15th St., NW
Washington, DC 20071
Phone: (202) 334-6000, (202) 334-7512
Fax: (202) 334-7502


ABC News

47 W. 66th St
New York, NY 10023
Phone: (212) 456-7477, 456-3796
Fax: (212) 456-4866, 456-2795

World News Tonight with Peter Jennings
Phone: (212) 456-4040

Foreign Desk Editor: Chuck Lustig
Phone: (212) 256-2800
Fax: (212) 456-2771

BBC - British Broadcasting
info@bbc.co.uk http://www.bbc.co.uk/info/pcu01b/index.shtml

CBS News
542 W. 57th St.
New York, NY 10019

News Desk:
Phone: (212) 975-4321, 975-3691
Fax: (212) 975-1893

Managing Editor: Chris Hume
Phone: (212) 975-3019
Fax: 212) 245-7560



1 CNN Center
POB 105366
Atlanta, GA 30348
Phone: (404) 827-1500, (404) 827-1519
Fax: (404) 827-1593, (404) 827-1784

Fox News
specialreport@foxnews.com(Brit Hume)

1211 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 301-3000, (212) 301-5226, (212) 301-3164
Fax: (212) 301-4224


One MSNBC Plaza
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Phone: (201) 583-5000
Fax: (201) 583-5453

NBC News

30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Phone: (212) 664-5900
Fax: (212) 664-2914

NPR - National Public Radio
Ombudsman: Jeffrey Dvorkin ombudsman@npr.org

635 Mass Ave
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 414-2000
Fax: (202) 414-3324

PBS - Public Broadcasting

PO BOX 50880
Washington, DC 20091
Phone: (800) 356-2626



Kofi Annan - UN Secretary General
ecu@un.org, coi@un.org

President George W. Bush

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500
Phone: (202) 456-1414
Fax: (202) 456-2883

Vice President Dick Cheney

Office of the Vice President
Old Executive Office Building
Washington, DC 20501
Phone: (202) 456-2326
Fax: (202) 456-7044

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520
Phone: (202) 647-5291, (202) 736-4461

U.S. Secretary of Defense
The Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301
Phone: (703) 695-5261

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
799 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 415-4050
Fax: (212) 415-4443

Last edited by a moderator:
Hopeful_123, Iam also writing it ...so we can merge our content when completed.

i will post it here .... other, also do the same, so that 3-4 drafts can be merged together ...

stay tuned !
Called each and every Congressman today got abt 6-7 voice mails and the rest of them, spoke to their staff asking them to pass on the message. At the end of it all i felt like a recorded message myself :). Almost perfected the speech. Guess what even spoke to the Congressman Bob Ney himself. He said he had heard similar complaints from a couple pf physicians themselves, he said he wud try and raise the issue if it was brought up. For a US congressman, he was surprising easy to talk to and very very patient, i have seen staff that is less patient. However i did get a few, very intriguiging responses

1) Almost EVERYONE said that they has NO clue abt the happenings in the committee.
2) A couple of staff members mentioned that only the House members have been selected for today and the conference committee wud not actually be discussing this tonight, but instead wud discuss it tomm thru Monday.
3) Now One of the staff members mentioned that most probably this bill wudnt get passed At All, since neither house was in full agreement in itself, never mind the conference committee, but that guy sounded like he was an anti-immigrant, as he said "Fortunately this bill wont get passed so i wudnt worry abt the immigration reforms." However i dismissed this, as he sounded quite hassled, he was a Democrat and was complaining, that the republicans dont even invite them to discuss stuff, just take decisions on their own and Then just call the democrats over. I politely thanked him and hung up. (then cursed him a lil ;) :p ).

Anyway all in all, it was a tiring experience, but a fruitful one as i spoke to quite a few members of the staff, and i feel i did my job. Had already called the senators yesterday and today morning my Wife called each of the senators too, and left messages on their voicemails.

Keep the fight going guys!


I guess you are right..but with the time frame of 8 hours, do you expect me to call each of you and find your persoanl issues and consent to post ?? do you think it is realisitic, since EST is midnight now..and if you want results..u have to go to MEDIA Now..and we can always put it in perspective and say this person has this illness...if the GOVT comes forward to help and wants proof..we can point to this guy....all of us are trying to help each other..if we work like Indian govt office..files will not move and u will probably have to plan buying ur return to ticket to your country..soon...

ravs4us said:
Suggest you to talk with this person(who is suffering) first and take his consent about it.
I really appreciate the work people here doing and it is hard work.
but please let me say something, we are in dark now, we don't know what's in the game, shall we keep going with the work, but be more clear of the opposite site?
1) numersUSA stop talking about S1932 at least from yesterday, they switch to Hr4437, a tougher bill for us. nothing on their website at all about S1932, so they do know the news early while we are waiting , anticipating ,guessing in dark...they have lawyers or more possible insiders/people can access to these news.
2) 3 immi site tells us that it is dropped before it is official, please notice one site talking about even the business lobbsyt quit the game as lost and some go to vocation, please notice what make them quit so early? what they know make them quit?senator decides to compromise?house blackmail? it is so strong that the lobbyst know no hope?
3) we need to fight, but not only call and fax, please keep doing it.but we need someone can support us, let's assume, there are some lawmakers behind NUMSERSUSA and news leaked to thema nd they can act in the first time and right time.
SO WE Need more powerful resources, a while ago we have contacted the competeUSA.org, and we need someone really with us who is on our side, who can access these news , who can aside us in the fight.

so from this act, we are more known of which senator/congressman are pro or not to this.
so if this fails, we want a new bill or what according to the history in immigration, according to whatever resources/lobbysts, to save our life?
If the block is in the house, how to make it favor us - the legal immis?
from the HR4437 , the house is strict on illegals.but they may not for legal ones.
we may want the 4 provision split too. Most important for us , if we got 2 that's already lots of help.(485 and spouse-no count). It is maybe more acceptable because of from humanity than the last two could be said as "selling the VISAs".

Looks to me, the US is more strict on immigration now, they cancel GC lottery even, they are not so welcome to immigrants now.
Maybe it is start to lose the competence as a big empire, it is going to
lose its power as Europe,England etc did, maybe the new hope is really in Asia.

At right now, what we can do is call/FAX and meet them , at the last mnute, I suggest we keep contact Specter/senators, why they compromise ?senators compromise on this to gain success on other portions?
nozdam said:
Called each and every Congressman today got abt 6-7 voice mails and the rest of them, spoke to their staff asking them to pass on the message. At the end of it all i felt like a recorded message myself :). Almost perfected the speech. Guess what even spoke to the Congressman Bob Ney himself. He said he had heard similar complaints from a couple pf physicians themselves, he said he wud try and raise the issue if it was brought up. For a US congressman, he was surprising easy to talk to and very very patient, i have seen staff that is less patient. However i did get a few, very intriguiging responses

1) Almost EVERYONE said that they has NO clue abt the happenings in the committee.
2) A couple of staff members mentioned that only the House members have been selected for today and the conference committee wud not actually be discussing this tonight, but instead wud discuss it tomm thru Monday.
3) Now One of the staff members mentioned that most probably this bill wudnt get passed At All, since neither house was in full agreement in itself, never mind the conference committee, but that guy sounded like he was an anti-immigrant, as he said "Fortunately this bill wont get passed so i wudnt worry abt the immigration reforms." However i dismissed this, as he sounded quite hassled, he was a Democrat and was complaining, that the republicans dont even invite them to discuss stuff, just take decisions on their own and Then just call the democrats over. I politely thanked him and hung up. (then cursed him a lil ;) :p ).

Anyway all in all, it was a tiring experience, but a fruitful one as i spoke to quite a few members of the staff, and i feel i did my job. Had already called the senators yesterday and today morning my Wife called each of the senators too, and left messages on their voicemails.

Keep the fight going guys!

sundar99 said:

Can someone prepare the draft letter ? I have to leave overseas for conference on monday, busy with it. Sorry cannot help on this. I would like ot see someone post the draft quickly !! so that folks can faxt it to media and send emails... Do it fast and quick..MEDIA SHOULD HAVE TIME TO PRINT IT TOMM REMEMBER... THEY PRINT at 2 AM !!! CALL RADIO STATIONS... FOLKS on all NEWS PAPERS in Washington DC - Can someone post all contacts..do not wait for someone to do it..do your bit now .... ( I am reminded when someone said " Ask not what the country can do for you, askyoursef what you can do for the country " on same lines u do your bit and time is now !

Hello sundar99,

Please check your private messages of this forum.
A factor

I suspect many Senators cannot relate 8001 and EB Visas and probably do not understand the impacts . I think going to media with a full explanation is the only way...

Do not cut and paste sunjoshi presnt...make it sound like a US $ business case for govt...send it as if americans are proposing it (ask ur american friends to send it if u can)...show how govt can generate funds from EB Capt.., l1, h1, all ivisa cate with 2000 K $ per cat for example...Send FAXES TO MEDIA TONIGHT
indio0617 said:

Indio, do u have a comprehensive source that this section indeed HAS been defeated? I have spoken to a LOT of congressman offices today at around 6.00 PM and NONE of them told me that anything was rsolved. Infact the ONLY common link between everyone was that NONE of them knew what the status was in the conference committee. Infact a couple of ppl told me that it will go into hearing ONLY TOMORROW or even Day after.

But if you have some other source that told u differently after 6.00 PM today, pls let me know the comprehensive details.

As of now, i believe, it is NOT over till i hear Sen Specter sing.
Web Fax


Please keep sending faxes. You don't need to write any content. Its already there. All you need to do is register-select-click.

Thank you.