S. 1932 Status

nozdam said:
Indio, do u have a comprehensive source that this section indeed HAS been defeated? I have spoken to a LOT of congressman offices today at around 6.00 PM and NONE of them told me that anything was rsolved. Infact the ONLY common link between everyone was that NONE of them knew what the status was in the conference committee. Infact a couple of ppl told me that it will go into hearing ONLY TOMORROW or even Day after.

But if you have some other source that told u differently after 6.00 PM today, pls let me know the comprehensive details.

As of now, i believe, it is NOT over till i hear Sen Specter sing.

Nozdam: See Waldenponds post earlier. He has talked to someone official and conveyed this to us. I was hopeful all along untill I saw his post.
Nozdam..Ram_RAM etc...


Stay focussed and see the draft letter rush is posting it here and follow up with faxes to MEDIA>... Unless u see the s1932 media result in print do not believe folks and other website do u r homework first.... pls fax the letter someone is positing here and fax to all MEDIA...
very important..in the letter do not show it as a personal case, show it as a national cause of concern ...also raise above petty little issues at this time..if you find someone annoying anyone, pls ignore them
sundar99 said:

Stay focussed and see the draft letter rush is posting it here and follow up with faxes to MEDIA>... Unless u see the s1932 media result in print do not believe folks and other website do u r homework first.... pls fax the letter someone is positing here and fax to all MEDIA...
very important..in the letter do not show it as a personal case, show it as a national cause of concern ...also raise above petty little issues at this time..if you find someone annoying anyone, pls ignore them

OK. We will work on the letter to be faxed.
Here are my 2 cents. All of us have put a hard work in last couple of months. Why not try this also i.e sending fax / calling up media through some contacts before we hang our gloves on S.1932 and move on for further action.
indio0617 said:

Hello indio0617,

I respectfull disagree. Nobody have lost. Wining and Lossing is just a judgement. This is the beginning when even though today's outcome has not been in our favor, we still have made Congressman and Senators think about retrogression. For this ship to change direction it will take sometime. But something good will come out of this. Just a thought.
Focus on all Wash DC NEWS PAPERS Plus National Papers


THe result is not declared yet !! ... Do not be pessimistic...and you have nothing to loose execpt the cost of fax and your time.. You all have waited so long patiently -- tonight make the difference by working hard with 1000s of faxes to all media agencies..this can swing the OPINION IN RETRO FAVOUR... USE EMOTIONAL PITCH to show how the govt is causing the cancer patient to suffer and also the thousands of immigrants who work for lousy employers and exploitation, how spouses cannot work... and last but not the least how the govt is loosing US $ by not cashing on EB Visa Fees, L1 Visa, h1, R1. P, A, B, C,D all visa categ.... make it sound generic on this. Ask for Retro capt and make it sound it with a price tag to it...
I totally agree with this one, also I have questions:
the Demo said that Repulicians controlled everything, but Bush make the LC waiting to shorten by useing PERM( I think he promised the 90 days thing).
also repulicians "controlled" the senators, why such a provision is so objected in HOUSE? who are those congressman "blackmailed", what's their historic votes in immigrations? Let's get media etc involoved, but I don't know if they will be with us or with like NUMERSUSA...
we may need a better website, I went through NUMERSUSA, they are more quick and more infor than us, we are just at a start, I suggest we have pages to educate people and put our point, for each of their pages, we have an opposite one, and we need more powerful resources with us to know the info and direct us to go...
we need to look for all kinds of resources, like lobbyst, lawmakers,competeUSA, government officers, Mr president, AILA,media,relegions who has ever shown their support in the past and keep searching for new support ...even if this time it not success, we need to keep fighting...there are people support us, we need to hold their hand in the dark...

sundar99 said:


The battle is not lost.. Please draft a nice letter or (SUNJOSHI / PDAKWALA )
send out to CBC .. NBC... CNN...REUTERS ...AP.. and all DC MEDIA...make it like a hot news... flood them fast...believe me they will report it tommo morning..
before voting...

Show how the GOVT is ignorning and not being realistic to the sufferings of our friend in this forum and the rest of us.

THis will surely work...we need 1000s of emails or FAXES to them.... (TO ALL MEDIA AGENCIES) DO IT TONIGHT DO NOT WAIT
Do we have the sample yet?

Do we have the sample yet? :rolleyes:

sundar99 said:

THe result is not declared yet !! ... Do not be pessimistic...and you have nothing to loose execpt the cost of fax and your time.. You all have waited so long patiently -- tonight make the difference by working hard with 1000s of faxes to all media agencies..this can swing the OPINION IN RETRO FAVOUR... USE EMOTIONAL PITCH to show how the govt is causing the cancer patient to suffer and also the thousands of immigrants who work for lousy employers and exploitation, how spouses cannot work... and last but not the least how the govt is loosing US $ by not cashing on EB Visa Fees, L1 Visa, h1, R1. P, A, B, C,D all visa categ.... make it sound generic on this. Ask for Retro capt and make it sound it with a price tag to it...
indio0617 said:
Nozdam: See Waldenponds post earlier. He has talked to someone official and conveyed this to us. I was hopeful all along untill I saw his post.

Indio pls do not be disheartened coz somone in congress told Waldenpond, that it is dead. Waldenpond, no offence to you pls, really no offence meant at all. But i agree with Sundar99, unless we read something on a reputed (preferably News) website, let us not get disheartened just yet. Even the immigration-law website wsa singing 2 tunes abt this bill upto yesterday.

Like i said, everyone i called mentioned that there was no word on either the EB reforms OR the other issues and inface one person told me that the House committee was formed only today, and that is all for the day regarding this particular committee. Once again WaldenPond no offence meant to you (or to anyone over here). Pls keep the fight going. Call them tomorrow, fax them. I suggest EVERYONE and their spouses PLS CALL instead of just faxing from ISNamerica. Keep this fight going till the very end. If at each stage we get disheartened, this flame is soon gonna go out.
Lab_cld said:
Hi Guys,
I am silent watcher of this forum. But I did my part by sending faxes and making calls.
Do any one of the guys have any personal contact with any reporters?


Associated Press


Thank You my friend. This is a very well compiled concise list. Will start working off of this list.

Thanks again.
Headlines... this is not complete yet ... as i said, some others have to come up with a draft too.... :)

iam still writing and correct me if iam wrong ............

Painful story of legal immigration and big investment loss to the government.

This is frustrating at best, because professionals of the highest quality, tax payers who have contributed to the US and households who brought family values to this country are going through pain and agony.

The govt is blind not taking any actions and letting other nations such as Asia to take advantage. This is the story of thousands of hard working to-be legal immigrants. "xyz" is working for his life, moreover his wife is not allowed to work and share the burden of their household. "xyz" is a cancer patient and he has to work in order to fight against his illness.
nozdam said:
Indio, do u have a comprehensive source that this section indeed HAS been defeated? I have spoken to a LOT of congressman offices today at around 6.00 PM and NONE of them told me that anything was rsolved. Infact the ONLY common link between everyone was that NONE of them knew what the status was in the conference committee. Infact a couple of ppl told me that it will go into hearing ONLY TOMORROW or even Day after.

But if you have some other source that told u differently after 6.00 PM today, pls let me know the comprehensive details.

As of now, i believe, it is NOT over till i hear Sen Specter sing.
I don't think any congressman offiers will release any information to you before offcially announced even if they knew whatever.
nozdam said:
Indio pls do not be disheartened coz somone in congress told Waldenpond, that it is dead. Waldenpond, no offence to you pls, really no offence meant at all. But i agree with Sundar99, unless we read something on a reputed (preferably News) website, let us not get disheartened just yet. Even the immigration-law website wsa singing 2 tunes abt this bill upto yesterday.

Like i said, everyone i called mentioned that there was no word on either the EB reforms OR the other issues and inface one person told me that the House committee was formed only today, and that is all for the day regarding this particular committee. Once again WaldenPond no offence meant to you (or to anyone over here). Pls keep the fight going. Call them tomorrow, fax them. I suggest EVERYONE and their spouses PLS CALL instead of just faxing from ISNamerica. Keep this fight going till the very end. If at each stage we get disheartened, this flame is soon gonna go out.

Completely agree with you nozdam. I am continuing to send faxes and leave messages. Do not sit back, continue to think what more we can do ....

BTW I send youself, pdakwala, spgtopper & indio0617 private messages. Did try yo send it to sunjoshi as well but sunjoshi's id did not accept it. Could you please resond. We got to start make this effort in much more cordinated manner.

What do you say.

And I do not in anyway wanted to discourage anybody continuing with the effort. That is not the intent. Please do not feel discouraged. It isn't over till this provision is passed .... please come on you can do it .....
Pls Put The Draft And Start Faxing Media Now


Start FAXING TO ALL MEDIA AGENCIES in WASHINGTON DC and Call Radio Stations...many Senators do listen to Radio news in the morning.

Can someone post the letter for MEDIA ?
Can Someonesetup FAX for all MEDIA Agencies with correct FAX #
Can all call the MEDIA AGENCIES AND Mention abt RETRO ISSUES ???

Do it FAST you have exactly 6 HOURS TO GAIN ! !!!!!

PLS DO NOT BE PESSIMISTIC... Outcome of this will be a lot off debate on legal immigration and also the $ fee raise in the end.. for EB Visa Capture..now is the time to talk about $ raise..because Govt is cribbing there is no tax $ to look at. We should not be seen as Public Charge !
FAX numbers


Associated Press
Phone: (212) 621-1610, 621-1500
Fax: (212) 621-7520

Chicago Tribune
Fax: (312) 222-2598

Los Angeles Times
Phone: (213) 237-5000
Fax: (213) 237-4712

Miami Herald
Phone: (305) 350-2111

New York Times
Phone: (212) 556-1234, (888) 698-6397
Fax: (212) 556-3690, 556-3622

Phone: (212) 445-4000, (212) 445-4585
Fax: (212) 445-5068

Phone: (212) 833-9250
Fax: (212) 859-1717

Time Magazine
Phone: (212) 522-3817
Fax: (212) 522-9153

USA Today
Phone: (703) 276-3400
Fax: (703) 247-3108

U.S. News and World Report
Phone: (202) 955-2000
Fax: (202) 955-2049

Wall Street Journal
Phone: (212) 416-2327
Fax: (212) 416-2653

Washington Post
Phone: (202) 334-6000, (202) 334-7512
Fax: (202) 334-7502


ABC News
Phone: (212) 456-7477, 456-3796
Fax: (212) 456-4866, 456-2795

CBS News
Phone: (212) 975-4321, 975-3691
Fax: (212) 975-1893

Managing Editor: Chris Hume
Phone: (212) 975-3019
Fax: 212) 245-7560

Phone: (404) 827-1500, (404) 827-1519
Fax: (404) 827-1593, (404) 827-1784

Fox News
Phone: (212) 301-3000, (212) 301-5226, (212) 301-3164
Fax: (212) 301-4224

Phone: (201) 583-5000
Fax: (201) 583-5453

NBC News
Phone: (212) 664-5900
Fax: (212) 664-2914

NPR - National Public Radio
Phone: (202) 414-2000
Fax: (202) 414-3324

PBS - Public Broadcasting
Phone: (800) 356-2626
Do not wait for Free FAX


if MEDIA do not see lot off FAXES they will assume that not all are interested so pls step up... do send faxes tonight..do not wait for free faxes... send it from ur home fax or from pc if you can it costs little bit..but it is worth considering the gain !!!

My personal gratitude for everyone on here for working tirelessly on this issue, the past couple days.

1. I've been on the phone literally the entire day, but was not fortunate enough to get a reliable source about the status. But been productive nonetheless. Made several contacts also in the process.

2. Whatever happens 'morrow, I think we all agree there are some positives to take home, and ofcourse we'll do the "lessons learnt" bit to improve on next time (if needed :))

3. Anti-immigration websites and organizations seem to be a little more organized and experienced. But that just comes with dealing with such bills a couple times. Hopefully we won't have to do that more than twice, if at all.
We should discuss their strengths in the "lessons learnt" bit and counter that

4. About the ad in media about our friend that is ill, I humbly request everyone NOT to keep publicizing this w/o the person's involvement. A person's health is a very personal matter that should not be discussed in a forum such as this w/o consent. In any case, we shouldn't be using his plight to further our cause. Even though I feel we can do a parallel effor to help him by writing an article/contacting a lawmaker on his behest. This should be his personal decision and we can help with whatever he may need in the near future.

5. There was a thread to create media awareness about retrogression and some ppl (including myself) had pledged some $$. Well, it is time to make rhetoric into action. Lets do it. I am not sure how much it will cost, but keep it simple, not too expensive and hit whatever media outlet we can afford (such as rollcall etc)

6. After S1932 is passed in whatever form, we should draft a letter to the conferees on how their decision is going to affect us and make sure the media also gets it. 2006 being an election year, no congressman/senator wants any negative publicity. Nothing wrong in being anti-immigration, but there's no pride in being hypocritical. If someone is anti-immigration, they say so. If not, then do the right thing. We should let people hear our story.

Hopefully we'll hear some good news 'morrow. Otherwise I am not one bit dissappointed. The fighting spirit shown in this forum is a big victory by itself.

Thank You.