S. 1932 Status

Letter to the media

I agree with Sunjoshi that we should not publicize the story of our friend without his consent.But I do have a draft letter to the media to discuss our plight WITHOUT involving our friend (and I pray for him & his family)


There are debates on legalizing illegal immigrants but no attention is being paid to the plight of LEGAL immigrants who have been waiting several years while their application for permanent residency languishes due to an issue called “Retrogression”.

Retrogression happens when due to lack of visa numbers an individual cannot become a permanent resident EVEN if they have gone through the lengthy and tedious labor certification process. India & China currently suffer from Retrogression.

The impact of retrogression is devastating. In spite of investing several years in the country, one is unable to settle down and become a permanent resident.
- There is no flexibility to change jobs or even titles.
- Spouses are not allowed to work.
- The visa status has to keep being extended
- The person has to leave the country with NO grace period of he or she loses their job.
- In this state of flux, it is impossible to make decisions like purchasing a house, having children, etc

And keep in mind that these are LEGAL immigrants who have invested several years in the country. Moreover they are researchers, scientists, doctors, & engineers – people that contribute powerfully to the USA.

Section 8001 of the S.R. 1932 will help solve the problem by by allowing applicants to file for adjustment of status even if the visa number is retrogressed.

The section has other provisions like H1B increase & recapture of visa .

But the provision to file for adjustment of status even if the visa number is retrogressed will have a huge impact to the lives of thousands and IS a no brainer and a win win solution.

- By allowing this provision , the applicant has some much needed flexibility & security during the long years that they have to wait for the green card
- It DOES not increase immigration or number of people entering the USA.
- All it does is makes the life of people whose application is pending a little easier

The immigrant community urges the senate & the house to preserve the provision in section 8001 of bill S.R 1932 that allows the applicant to file for I 485 even without a visa number.
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I agree,


I agree on the medical situation of the person concerned. Since he made it public knowledge thought we can atleast help him first and foremost on it., this was the sole intention. Regarding pumping media attention we need to do it tonight before tomm morning..so that I am sure it catches the attention and when Senators see it in Print they pay more attention. For now I am pretty sure they cannot distinguish bet 8001 or EB categories..since this topic is always of least interest for them !

Can u also check the draft some folks are posting and review and suggest corrections before they mail to media ??

sunjoshi said:

My personal gratitude for everyone on here for working tirelessly on this issue, the past couple days.

1. I've been on the phone literally the entire day, but was not fortunate enough to get a reliable source about the status. But been productive nonetheless. Made several contacts also in the process.

2. Whatever happens 'morrow, I think we all agree there are some positives to take home, and ofcourse we'll do the "lessons learnt" bit to improve on next time (if needed :))

3. Anti-immigration websites and organizations seem to be a little more organized and experienced. But that just comes with dealing with such bills a couple times. Hopefully we won't have to do that more than twice, if at all.
We should discuss their strengths in the "lessons learnt" bit and counter that

4. About the ad in media about our friend that is ill, I humbly request everyone NOT to keep publicizing this w/o the person's involvement. A person's health is a very personal matter that should not be discussed in a forum such as this w/o consent. In any case, we shouldn't be using his plight to further our cause. Even though I feel we can do a parallel effor to help him by writing an article/contacting a lawmaker on his behest. This should be his personal decision and we can help with whatever he may need in the near future.

5. There was a thread to create media awareness about retrogression and some ppl (including myself) had pledged some $$. Well, it is time to make rhetoric into action. Lets do it. I am not sure how much it will cost, but keep it simple, not too expensive and hit whatever media outlet we can afford (such as rollcall etc)

6. After S1932 is passed in whatever form, we should draft a letter to the conferees on how their decision is going to affect us and make sure the media also gets it. 2006 being an election year, no congressman/senator wants any negative publicity. Nothing wrong in being anti-immigration, but there's no pride in being hypocritical. If someone is anti-immigration, they say so. If not, then do the right thing. We should let people hear our story.

Hopefully we'll hear some good news 'morrow. Otherwise I am not one bit dissappointed. The fighting spirit shown in this forum is a big victory by itself.

Thank You.

Section 8001 of the S.R. 1972 will help solve the problem by by allowing applicants to file for adjustment of status even if the visa number is retrogressed.

it SR 1932
Sunhoshi, Your guidance and contribution in starting this forum and so actively bringing so much positve energy into this effort is simply unmatched.

Anti-immigration websites and organizations are more organized as they personally interact with each other off of public access. And more importantly have funds to organize their effort. We must to do something about this. But for now just want to say that ..... You are the Man.

sunjoshi said:

My personal gratitude for everyone on here for working tirelessly on this issue, the past couple days.

1. I've been on the phone literally the entire day, but was not fortunate enough to get a reliable source about the status. But been productive nonetheless. Made several contacts also in the process.

2. Whatever happens 'morrow, I think we all agree there are some positives to take home, and ofcourse we'll do the "lessons learnt" bit to improve on next time (if needed :))

3. Anti-immigration websites and organizations seem to be a little more organized and experienced. But that just comes with dealing with such bills a couple times. Hopefully we won't have to do that more than twice, if at all.
We should discuss their strengths in the "lessons learnt" bit and counter that

4. About the ad in media about our friend that is ill, I humbly request everyone NOT to keep publicizing this w/o the person's involvement. A person's health is a very personal matter that should not be discussed in a forum such as this w/o consent. In any case, we shouldn't be using his plight to further our cause. Even though I feel we can do a parallel effor to help him by writing an article/contacting a lawmaker on his behest. This should be his personal decision and we can help with whatever he may need in the near future.

5. There was a thread to create media awareness about retrogression and some ppl (including myself) had pledged some $$. Well, it is time to make rhetoric into action. Lets do it. I am not sure how much it will cost, but keep it simple, not too expensive and hit whatever media outlet we can afford (such as rollcall etc)

6. After S1932 is passed in whatever form, we should draft a letter to the conferees on how their decision is going to affect us and make sure the media also gets it. 2006 being an election year, no congressman/senator wants any negative publicity. Nothing wrong in being anti-immigration, but there's no pride in being hypocritical. If someone is anti-immigration, they say so. If not, then do the right thing. We should let people hear our story.

Hopefully we'll hear some good news 'morrow. Otherwise I am not one bit dissappointed. The fighting spirit shown in this forum is a big victory by itself.

Thank You.

Painful story of legal immigration and big investment loss to the government.

This is frustrating at best, because professionals of the highest quality, tax payers who have contributed to the US and households who brought family values to this country are going through pain and agony.

The govt is blind not taking any actions and letting other nations such as Asia to take advantage. This is the story of thousands of hard working to-be legal immigrants. "xyz" is working for his life, moreover his wife is not allowed to work and share the burden of their household. "xyz" is a cancer patient and he has to work in order to fight against his illness. There dependant's can not apply for the Social Security number.

This is one such painful story as there are nearly 400,000 people affected by the retrogression and are facing serious trauma due to retrogression. Many people are feeling doom and gloom over the delays in the I-485 processing for most employment-based categories. The Senate and the House are discussing this to resolve it via - Section 8001 of the S.R. 1932 allowing applicants to file for adjustment of status even if the visa number is retrogressed. This will not help resolve the issue but will also generate huge amount of revenues amd taxes by raising the fees on the Visa. Failing to pass this bill will
not only make potential loss billons of dollars in investment and growth opportunites for americans but also frustrate hundered and thousands of brains to look for alterantes. This will be a big innovation loss of US and will eventually brain drain to Asia.
WaldenPond said:
Sunhoshi, Your guidance and contribution in starting this forum and so actively bringing so much positve energy into this effort is simply unmatched.

Anti-immigration websites and organizations are more organized as they personally interact with each other off of public access. And more importantly have funds to organize their effort. We must to do something about this. But for now just want to say that ..... You are the Man.

I have replied to your PM.
few changes ....

MEDIA SAMPLE/DRAFT LETTER ........... please review them and merge them with others, if required... let us rush ..........

Painful story of legal immigration and big investment loss to the government.

This is frustrating at best, because professionals of the highest quality, tax payers who have contributed to the US and households who brought family values to this country are going through pain and agony.

The govt is blind not taking any actions and letting other nations such as Asia to take advantage. This is the story of thousands of hard working to-be legal immigrants. "xyz" is working for his life, moreover his wife is not allowed to work and share the burden of their household. "xyz" is a cancer patient and he has to work in order to fight against his illness. There dependant's can not apply for the Social Security number.

This is one such painful story as there are nearly 400,000 people affected by the retrogression and are facing serious trauma due to retrogression. Many people are feeling doom and gloom over the delays in the I-485 processing for most employment-based categories. The Senate and the House are discussing this to resolve it via section 8001 of the S.R. 1932 allowing applicants to file for adjustment of status even if the visa number is retrogressed. This will not only help resolve this issue but will also encourage generating huge amount of US revenues and taxes by raising the fees on these Visas. Failing to pass this bill will not only make potential loss of billons of dollars in investment and growth opportunites for americans but also frustrate hundered and thousands of brains to look for alterantes. In lack of an immediate action, will be a big innovation loss for US and will eventually brain drain to Asia.
I agree with Sunjoshi too, lets PLS not use the person's health to further our cause. Sunjoshi, i agree with the sentiment here that you have been instrumental in this effort against retrogression. If we are contacting the media, pls post that info here, i would love to help out.
can someone with fax machines fax this to the media

Can someone fax it to the media, we have 2 more hours before it is 2AM in EST and it has to reach the media office before that to come out in Sunday's paper.
sundar99 and ALL,

Please review these 2 drafts, make corrections ... and let us know the results...


Painful story of legal immigration and big investment loss to the government.

This is frustrating at best, because professionals of the highest quality, tax payers who have contributed to the US and households who brought family values to this country are going through pain and agony.

The govt is blind not taking any actions and letting other nations such as Asia to take advantage. This is the story of thousands of hard working to-be legal immigrants. "xyz" is working for his life, moreover his wife is not allowed to work and share the burden of their household. "xyz" is a cancer patient and he has to work in order to fight against his illness. There dependant's can not apply for the Social Security number.

This is one such painful story as there are nearly 400,000 people affected by the retrogression and are facing serious trauma due to retrogression. Many people are feeling doom and gloom over the delays in the I-485 processing for most employment-based categories. The Senate and the House are discussing this to resolve it via section 8001 of the S.R. 1932 allowing applicants to file for adjustment of status even if the visa number is retrogressed. This will not only help resolve this issue but will also encourage generating huge amount of US revenues and taxes by raising the fees on these Visas. Failing to pass this bill will
not only make potential loss of billons of dollars in investment and growth opportunites for americans but also frustrate hundered and thousands of brains to look for alterantes. In lack of an immediate action, will be a big innovation loss for US and will eventually brain drain to Asia.



There are debates on legalizing illegal immigrants but no attention is being paid to the plight of LEGAL immigrants who have been waiting several years while their application for permanent residency languishes due to an issue called “Retrogression”.

Retrogression happens when due to lack of visa numbers an individual cannot become a permanent resident EVEN if they have gone through the lengthy and tedious labor certification process. India & China currently suffer from Retrogression.

The impact of retrogression is devastating. In spite of investing several years in the country, one is unable to settle down and become a permanent resident.
- There is no flexibility to change jobs or even titles.
- Spouses are not allowed to work.
- The visa status has to keep being extended
- The person has to leave the country with NO grace period of he or she loses their job.
- In this state of flux, it is impossible to make decisions like purchasing a house, having children, etc

And keep in mind that these are LEGAL immigrants who have invested several years in the country. Moreover they are researchers, scientists, doctors, & engineers – people that contribute powerfully to the USA.

Section 8001 of the S.R. 1932 will help solve the problem by by allowing applicants to file for adjustment of status even if the visa number is retrogressed.

The section has other provisions like H1B increase & recapture of visa .

But the provision to file for adjustment of status even if the visa number is retrogressed will have a huge impact to the lives of thousands and IS a no brainer and a win win solution.

- By allowing this provision , the applicant has some much needed flexibility & security during the long years that they have to wait for the green card
- It DOES not increase immigration or number of people entering the USA.
- All it does is makes the life of people whose application is pending a little easier

The immigrant community urges the senate & the house to preserve the provision in section 8001 of bill S.R 1932 that allows the applicant to file for I 485 even without a visa number.
How about combining the two into 1 and removing the line which says Increase In H1 as we all know that most of the ppl are against it.

This way we are only asking about legal immigrants who are here and also conveying our friends story so that atleast some help can be done to him if USCIS plans to make an exception in his case(as mentioned by someone).

What do other think
Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great Job !!! we will keep high spirits!! I live in Washington DC area, People from Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland & PA Please come forward to meet Senators and House rep's .We will form a team.
iam trying to combine the 2 drafts .......

COMBINED DRAFT ...... please review (+/-)

Painful story of legal immigration and big investment loss to the government.
There are debates on legalizing illegal immigrants but no attention is being paid to the plight of LEGAL immigrants who have been waiting several years while their application for permanent residency languishes due to an issue called "Retrogression".

This is frustrating at best, because professionals of the highest quality, tax payers who have contributed to the US and households who brought family values to this country are going through pain and agony.

And keep in mind that these are LEGAL immigrants who have invested several years in the country. Moreover they are researchers, scientists, doctors, & engineers people that contribute powerfully to the USA.

This is the story of thousands of hard working to-be legal immigrants. "xyz" is working for his life, moreover his wife is not allowed to work and share the burden of their household. "xyz" is a cancer patient and he has to work in order to fight against his illness. There dependant's can not apply for the Social Security number either. The govt is blind not taking any actions and letting other nations such as Asia to take advantage.

This is one such painful story as there are nearly 400,000 people affected by the retrogression and are facing serious trauma due to retrogression. Many people are feeling doom and gloom over the delays in the I-485 processing for most employment-based categories. The Senate and the House are discussing this to resolve it via section 8001 of the S.R. 1932 allowing applicants to file for adjustment of status even if the visa number is retrogressed. This will not only help resolve this issue but will also encourage generating huge amount of US revenues and taxes by raising the fees on these Visas. Failing to pass this bill will not only make potential loss of billons of dollars in investment and growth opportunites for americans but also frustrate hundered and thousands of brains to look for alterantes. In lack of an immediate action, will be a big innovation loss for US and an eventual brain drain to Asia.
COMBINED DRAFT ...... please review (+/-)

Painful story of legal immigration and big investment loss to the government.
There are debates on legalizing illegal immigrants but no attention is being paid to the plight of LEGAL immigrants who have been waiting several years while their application for permanent residency languishes due to an issue called "Retrogression".

This is frustrating at best, because professionals of the highest quality, tax payers who have contributed to the US and households who brought family values to this country are going through pain and agony.

And keep in mind that these are LEGAL immigrants who have invested several years in the country. Moreover they are researchers, scientists, doctors, & engineers people that contribute powerfully to the USA.

This is the story of thousands of hard working to-be legal immigrants. "xyz" is working for his life, moreover his wife is not allowed to work and share the burden of their household. "xyz" is a cancer patient and he has to work in order to fight against his illness. There dependant's can not apply for the Social Security Number either.

This is one such painful story as there are nearly 400,000 people affected by the retrogression and are facing serious trauma due to retrogression. Many people are feeling doom and gloom over the delays in the I-485 processing for most employment-based categories. The Senate and the House are discussing this to resolve it via section 8001 of the S.R. 1932 allowing applicants to file for adjustment of status even if the visa number is retrogressed. This will not only help resolve this issue but will also encourage generating huge amount of US revenues and taxes by raising the fees on these Visas. Failing to pass this bill will not only make potential loss of billons of dollars in investment and growth opportunites for americans but also frustrate hundered and thousands of brains to look for alterantes. The govt is blind not taking any immediate actions and letting other nations such as Asia to take advantage. In lack of an immediate action, will be a big innovation loss for US and an eventual brain drain to Asia.

how about adding this one too to the draft.
The impact of retrogression is devastating. In spite of investing several years in the country, one is unable to settle down and become a permanent resident.
- There is no flexibility to change jobs or even titles.
- Spouses are not allowed to work.
- The visa status has to keep being extended
- The person has to leave the country with NO grace period of he or she loses their job.
- In this state of flux, it is impossible to make decisions like purchasing a house, having children, etc

Guys anyone who is still awake today from East coast and guys from Central or West Coast can you take a look at this and comment.

rucshaca said:
COMBINED DRAFT ...... please review (+/-)

Painful story of legal immigration and big investment loss to the government.
There are debates on legalizing illegal immigrants but no attention is being paid to the plight of LEGAL immigrants who have been waiting several years while their application for permanent residency languishes due to an issue called "Retrogression".

This is frustrating at best, because professionals of the highest quality, tax payers who have contributed to the US and households who brought family values to this country are going through pain and agony.

And keep in mind that these are LEGAL immigrants who have invested several years in the country. Moreover they are researchers, scientists, doctors, & engineers people that contribute powerfully to the USA.

This is the story of thousands of hard working to-be legal immigrants. "xyz" is working for his life, moreover his wife is not allowed to work and share the burden of their household. "xyz" is a cancer patient and he has to work in order to fight against his illness. There dependant's can not apply for the Social Security number either. The govt is blind not taking any actions and letting other nations such as Asia to take advantage.

This is one such painful story as there are nearly 400,000 people affected by the retrogression and are facing serious trauma due to retrogression. Many people are feeling doom and gloom over the delays in the I-485 processing for most employment-based categories. The Senate and the House are discussing this to resolve it via section 8001 of the S.R. 1932 allowing applicants to file for adjustment of status even if the visa number is retrogressed. This will not only help resolve this issue but will also encourage generating huge amount of US revenues and taxes by raising the fees on these Visas. Failing to pass this bill will not only make potential loss of billons of dollars in investment and growth opportunites for americans but also frustrate hundered and thousands of brains to look for alterantes. In lack of an immediate action, will be a big innovation loss for US and an eventual brain drain to Asia.
friends- the website of shusterman.com also mentions that the immigration releif packet is gone from S1932
check shusterman.com. look for the ticker