S. 1932 Status

Matthew Oh - is giving hope and getting us the latest information

Above message is from his website, don't give up hope. Can guys living in DC really plan and meet the coference members. That will be the ultimate we can try .......
You are going to get jumped on!

Hopeful_123 said:
Since everyone is in Washington DC - people from DC are the only people who can meet the senators or reps by tomorrow.

Is there anyone from DC reading this forum right now?

If you can somehow find a way to meet anyone from the conference committee & you can ASK for something (even if it is jsut the I-485 filing) it will be very valuable.

I said the same thing yesterday, that we should get at least the I485 filing, and the all-or-nothing people jumped on me. You may get off because you are a woman.
People In And Near Dc - We Need You Now!!

Is there anyone in DC who can make an attempt to meet the senators or congressmen tomorrow?

Anyway for our initiative to succeed we DO NEED CONTACTS WHO ARE IN DC. (even for the long term).

Does anyone KNOW anyone in DC who is also in the same boat? (maybe a friend or relative?)
Please dont panic, it was worth trying the way we did

I dont see no reason to panic. Things will go on, tomorrow will be another day, and if one door closes there will several waiting our entry.
Do whatever it is you do with dignity, and show strenght. Thats all I can offer at this time, maybe you guys should go out tonight and have a few beers, loosen up some.
Just a friendly advise !!
Tasks for tomorrow

-Send Personalized Faxes telling YOUR OWN story. It is not so difficult to send one from your computer or go to a place outside to do so
-Call again tomorrow. Instead of leaving a VM, try to TALK to someone
-People in the DC area, if anyone can volunteer, go the lawmaker's offices tomorrow. You will be doing a GREAT FAVOR to everyone.
Hello Guys,

This is just the beginning. Just hang in there. Sorry that I have to deliver this message....

Just spoke with Judiciary committee office of the Congress and they have indicated that section VIII of the Senate version of the bill has been dropped. At this time, it means the provision 8001/8002 is not part of the final version of the S1932 that will be voted tomorrow. It is very disheartening.

If members on this and other like-minded forum are ready we should all join hands and resources and to create the synergy to make this happen. This is just the beginning of this effort. I will continue to send faxes and make calls till the last minute that the new S 1932 is voted on. Would urge everybody to do the same regardless of what we now know. And will continue to do the same even after this bill has been voted upon. I think it's time we take our efforts to next level. From the energy created in last two days, I see some positive effect on the Congressman and Senators. The ground reality is that we are part of the community here and must voice our opinion in civilized and just manner. I live in FL. In weeks following Christmas break I intend to meet Congressman and Senators in Washington and educate them about the plight of this community due to retrogression and how this community serves the society. People's representatives in Washington are good men. We just haven't done our part well enough to convince them about the ground reality. If there is any better plan to coordinate this effort, everybody on this forum is welcome to share his or her thoughts. Would request volunteers from this group. And if no one could come, I intend to do this myself. It's my firm belief that once we actually start more people will join in. And together we will make the difference.


I do want to sincerely Thank sunjoshi for this thread where all members came together to participate. Your sincere effort is commendable. This forum was the best thing to happen for the future efforts.
I totally agree. This is not the end, but just the begining. Do u think making a yahoo group is better? Which would be the best place to meet and interact so that this can evolve into a constructive forum?

Which number did you call? Can you post the link for the Judiciary committee office of the Congress?

WaldenPond said:
Hello Guys,

This is just the beginning. Just hang in there. Sorry that I have to deliver this message....

Just spoke with Judiciary committee office of the Congress and they have indicated that section VIII of the Senate version of the bill has been dropped. At this time, it means the provision 8001/8002 is not part of the final version of the S1932 that will be voted tomorrow. It is very disheartening.

If members on this and other like-minded forum are ready we should all join hands and resources and to create the synergy to make this happen. This is just the beginning of this effort. I will continue to send faxes and make calls till the last minute that the new S 1932 is voted on. Would urge everybody to do the same regardless of what we now know. And will continue to do the same even after this bill has been voted upon. I think it's time we take our efforts to next level. From the energy created in last two days, I see some positive effect on the Congressman and Senators. The ground reality is that we are part of the community here and must voice our opinion in civilized and just manner. I live in FL. In weeks following Christmas break I intend to meet Congressman and Senators in Washington and educate them about the plight of this community due to retrogression and how this community serves the society. People's representatives in Washington are good men. We just haven't done our part well enough to convince them about the ground reality. If there is any better plan to coordinate this effort, everybody on this forum is welcome to share his or her thoughts. Would request volunteers from this group. And if no one could come, I intend to do this myself. It's my firm belief that once we actually start more people will join in. And together we will make the difference.


I do want to sincerely Thank sunjoshi for this thread where all members came together to participate. Your sincere effort is commendable. This forum was the best thing to happen for the future efforts.
Sandeep_N said:
Latest from immigration-law

12/17/2005: S. 1932 Information is Still Unofficial and Immigrant Community May Continue their Efforts

The sources of this information is fairly reliable but not official. We did not post the information to discourage the immigrant community from continuing their efforts. We will find out the official decision of the Congress very soon and until it becomes official, people should continue their efforts. As this reporter stated, Rep. Sensenbrenner and Rep. Lamar Smith are fairly well known anti-immigrationists. Even before the House passed S. 1931, Rep. Lamar Smith was advocating his view that S. 1932 immigration bills should be handled as part of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation next year. However, Rep. Smith is a legislator who is unpredictable as illustrated by his sponsorship of H-1B Visa Reform Act of 2005 providing 20,000 additional H-1B numbers for the U.S. Master or higher degree earners. He stands strongly against legalization of the illegal immigrants but supports reluctantly legal immigration bills. This reporter urges the community to send "en masse" thank-you fax to him for his previous legislation of H-1B Visa Reform Act of 2005 and ask him to show a similar support in the S. 1932.

Some how I believe, this is a ploy by corps. Do not ask for H1B Visa increase at this point. I do not hink it will help. Anyway it is my opinion.
We need to disassociate from H1B

Mixing up H1B & EB retrogression is really confusing the senators & congressmen.

(And believe me I AM VERY KEEN ON BOTH - I want the H1B cap increased because my sister will be coming to the US & I want EB retrogression lifted so that my husband & I can get an EAD)

I CARE ABOUT BOTH ISSUES. But I want to separate them because there may be senators & congressmen who support one & not the other & by lumping them together, we unite the opposition. Both, if presented independently may pass but if bundled may cause issues.

I called the offices of the Senate & House Judiciary committees. No response on either.

Do you think that you probably got a wrong number & someone played a prank on you?

Just hopeful,


WaldenPond said:
Hello Guys,

This is just the beginning. Just hang in there. Sorry that I have to deliver this message....

Just spoke with Judiciary committee office of the Congress and they have indicated that section VIII of the Senate version of the bill has been dropped. At this time, it means the provision 8001/8002 is not part of the final version of the S1932 that will be voted tomorrow. It is very disheartening.

If members on this and other like-minded forum are ready we should all join hands and resources and to create the synergy to make this happen. This is just the beginning of this effort. I will continue to send faxes and make calls till the last minute that the new S 1932 is voted on. Would urge everybody to do the same regardless of what we now know. And will continue to do the same even after this bill has been voted upon. I think it's time we take our efforts to next level. From the energy created in last two days, I see some positive effect on the Congressman and Senators. The ground reality is that we are part of the community here and must voice our opinion in civilized and just manner. I live in FL. In weeks following Christmas break I intend to meet Congressman and Senators in Washington and educate them about the plight of this community due to retrogression and how this community serves the society. People's representatives in Washington are good men. We just haven't done our part well enough to convince them about the ground reality. If there is any better plan to coordinate this effort, everybody on this forum is welcome to share his or her thoughts. Would request volunteers from this group. And if no one could come, I intend to do this myself. It's my firm belief that once we actually start more people will join in. And together we will make the difference.


I do want to sincerely Thank sunjoshi for this thread where all members came together to participate. Your sincere effort is commendable. This forum was the best thing to happen for the future efforts.
drforgc said:
I totally agree. This is not the end, but just the begining. Do u think making a yahoo group is better? Which would be the best place to meet and interact so that this can evolve into a constructive forum?

let me know if you guys want to setup a website. I can do it. I will buy anew domain name as well.

We should stick together and keep the energy going.
We should use isnamerica

gimme_GC_ASAP said:
let me know if you guys want to setup a website. I can do it. I will buy anew domain name as well.

We should stick together and keep the energy going.

I think we should use ISMamerica, because they already have a forum, an organisational backbone, and a structure, a website. I think we all should move to that site and use the forums there and follow and edit their plan of working. If we are dispersed in our efforts with multiple sites and organisations, it will be fruitless. Please voice your opinions about this suggestion.
can we stay focus for tomorrow and see how we can turn the game on our side OR we have decided to pursue this as "game lost at the moment".
We should stay connected for future efforts.

I think we should first try to find out why the provision was removed. Understanding the problem will help to create a good solution that will work.

Also, don't give up just yet! Lets have the official news!
Why move to ISN America?

drforgc said:
I think we should use ISMamerica, because they already have a forum, an organisational backbone, and a structure, a website. I think we all should move to that site and use the forums there and follow and edit their plan of working. If we are dispersed in our efforts with multiple sites and organisations, it will be fruitless. Please voice your opinions about this suggestion.

Why move to ISN America? Why not stay just here if all we want is a website?

I think what is good about this forum is that people here understand that it is important to meet lawmakers to give us a human face. Sunjoshi, Superman, WaldenPond, are all ready and willing to do the right thing.

Although - I had proposed this nearly 2 months back, many felt it was not right to mention $.

I feel asking congress to generate revenue close to half a billion by way of EB Visa Fees - say 2000 $, for all visa cate...will be a smart move. Esp - the govt is strapped of cash. Do not show one category, split up the amount generation,EB would be more..$wise

Ask Americans (ur neighbours or desi americans ) to raise this as their proposal.

Unless money is involved....it would not work... believe me. Why should American Govt give GC free...why would Indian Govt support this ...why would average american care... if no direct benefit for them immdly u all tell me.. telling them abt innovatio,investments are useless...if we tell them there is $ to make via direct fees,...will be music for their ears. Put it as if Americans are asking for it... and this will work. if we say this, it would imply we are purchasing visas....
Truly speaking, this bill if passed will get some people GC's and most others only EAD's and again they should fight for GC.

Even in such a bill, You cannot propose compromises and discounts.

Whatever may be the result, I support ALL-OR-NOTHING

stucklabor said:
I said the same thing yesterday, that we should get at least the I485 filing, and the all-or-nothing people jumped on me. You may get off because you are a woman.