S. 1932 Status

One of three things appear to be possible:
(A) the final Act will include Section 8001 of S. 1932 (providing for retrogression relief, and recapture of significant quantities of H numbers and permanent EB numbers) in exchange for a lot of money for the US Treasury, (B) the US Treasury will sock it to L visa users in exchange for nothing at all (except for establishing the appalling precedent that monies for visa processing can be diverted to the general treasury, and not be applied toward benefits processing or some other designated immigration-related purpose),
(C) nothing will happen, the status quo will prevail.

So we dont take off our Gloves.
Make Up New Names

Make Up New Names When Sending Faxes From Different States, Be Creative. Also Email Address Be Different For Every State And Every Fax, That Will Make It Look It Is Comming From Mulitple People.....

|| Hari Om || May God Be With Us ...
Black Day


Whatever be the outcome of this bill, this fight has brought the immigrant community(H1B/GC/waiting for GC) together. This is a community without any representation. Immigrant attorneys just care for their profession and fee. The only attorney who helped us giving some info here is Mathews. Rajeev did not even post a single message except providing a platofrm for the forum. AILA also could not influence lawmakers. Immigrant community cannot even read the postings on AILA until you buy some membership. Employers gave least preference to this bills, except that some desi employers watched for the 30K H1B visas. ISNAmerica did a good job by providing web fax facility. Indian politicians who boost off NRI investments even does not come to our rescue. What happened to the Social security portability rule they are talking for years? US Consulates in India are not even able to provide appointments for visas and reject parents' visitor visas for no reasons. No one cares about all this shit.

My suggestion would be to keep the people in these threads(yahoo group, this forum and isnamerica) intact. Start a website,Register with some original addresses and H1-B LIN numbers they are working on. All of us should have a deadline to register, collect some funds, plan some paper ads, sign a common petition. Choose a day/week and plan for a "BLACK DAY/WEEK" all over the country. Employers should feel the pain, when they dont get revenue for a week and see how it affects the economy. The clients whom we work for should speak for us when their work gets affected. The immigrant attorneys who make money on people like us should start speaking in our favour.It should be well planned by people in this forum like Sunjoshi, pdkwala and other guys. Dont bargain for compromises as suggested by some. Get a GC to live a peaceful life or be prepared to pack up to your country. We can live a better life in India or whatever your country is.
it appears to me like 1857 indian independence strugle.
anyway I have sent faxes to my local congressmen and senators.
Agree with you, Hopeful

Hopeful_123 said:
Sorry to say this and not meaning to be critical. But I feel the most powerful thing is to have an opportunity to meet the senator or house rep in person to talk to them.

And it may seem like an impossible task but let's say there are 500 of us (I'm sure there are ) & each of us promises to take on one senator or congressman in our area. And each of promises to find osme way to get an interview with them And we talk to them.

Then we are no longer nameless, faceless entities but people with lives that contribute to the economy. And they will think about us when issues like this come up.

Some of the provisions we are asking for ARE harmless.

1) Recapture of Visa (this is a 1 time thing)
2) Allowing filing of I-485 without current priority date. (this will not take away jobs from Americans but make our lives easier)

I think we need to focus on these two getting passed (because both of them are win-win) - and especially the 2nd one (allowing I 485 is probably one of those provisions that can just slip through without raising a big hue & cry in some bill).

WE need to rally together for the next stage of this. I hope it will not be required because I'm an optimist. But I'm also a realist.

I agree totally that filing I485 without visa number availability has a better chance of slipping through a general bill, than a measure that removes dependents from the EB quota. As my lawyer said, a typical EB immigrant has 2 dependents and removing this clause will triple legal EB immigration by a "stealth" measure. When someone like Lamar Smith complains about attempts to push in a measure like this on a hot button issue without proper hearings, he has a point. We need to meet these people and show them our human faces so they can empathize.

I have to agree with you on the faxes as well. A bunch of faxes from a single Internet address, all with the same message, could well be generated by a single person. Phone calls are much better, and face-to-face meetings even better.
You Can Send Many Faxes

amit_p27 -- iam already doing it and i assume lot others too.

Hopeful_123 --- i agree.

i think we should divide this into 2.

1) what we can do tomorrow.
2) what we will from Monday (if we fail tomorrow.)

1 cont..) I think we should meet few representatives tomorrow. Let's make group of 2 and meet 1 authority.
I Live In Washington Dc

I Live In Washington Dc I Can Do My Part After 12 Noon Let Me Know Is You All Are Meeting
ram_ram said:

Whatever be the outcome of this bill, this fight has brought the immigrant community(H1B/GC/waiting for GC) together. This is a community without any representation. Immigrant attorneys just care for their profession and fee. The only attorney who helped us giving some info here is Mathews. Rajeev did not even post a single message except providing a platofrm for the forum. AILA also could not influence lawmakers. Immigrant community cannot even read the postings on AILA until you buy some membership. Employers gave least preference to this bills, except that some desi employers watched for the 30K H1B visas. ISNAmerica did a good job by providing web fax facility. Indian politicians who boost off NRI investments even does not come to our rescue. What happened to the Social security portability rule they are talking for years? US Consulates in India are not even able to provide appointments for visas and reject parents' visitor visas for no reasons. No one cares about all this shit.

My suggestion would be to keep the people in these threads(yahoo group, this forum and isnamerica) intact. Start a website,Register with some original addresses and H1-B LIN numbers they are working on. All of us should have a deadline to register, collect some funds, plan some paper ads, sign a common petition. Choose a day/week and plan for a "BLACK DAY/WEEK" all over the country. Employers should feel the pain, when they dont get revenue for a week and see how it affects the economy. The clients whom we work for should speak for us when their work gets affected. The immigrant attorneys who make money on people like us should start speaking in our favour.It should be well planned by people in this forum like Sunjoshi, pdkwala and other guys. Dont bargain for compromises as suggested by some. Get a GC to live a peaceful life or be prepared to pack up to your country. We can live a better life in India or whatever your country is.

Well said Ram. This forum has really united us for a common cause. All of us have shown remarkable spirit and courage to fight. This energy will not go waste. Even if we do not win with the current bill we should carry the fight forward.
Immigration packet should not be in budget bill. Say we agree for a while their argument is logical.

Why the hell is not a single line specified about 'LEGAL IMMIGRATION' in the immigration bill pased by the house yesterday?

stucklabor said:
I agree totally that filing I485 without visa number availability has a better chance of slipping through a general bill, than a measure that removes dependents from the EB quota. As my lawyer said, a typical EB immigrant has 2 dependents and removing this clause will triple legal EB immigration by a "stealth" measure. When someone like Lamar Smith complains about attempts to push in a measure like this on a hot button issue without proper hearings, he has a point. We need to meet these people and show them our human faces so they can empathize.

I have to agree with you on the faxes as well. A bunch of faxes from a single Internet address, all with the same message, could well be generated by a single person. Phone calls are much better, and face-to-face meetings even better.
You ask them!

ram_ram said:
Immigration packet should not be in budget bill. Say we agree for a while their argument is logical.

Why the hell is not a single line specified about 'LEGAL IMMIGRATION' in the immigration bill pased by the house yesterday?

Why ask this forum? It is your job to go out and convince them to give you a green card instead of complaining on this forum. Immigration is a privilege, not a right.
fax might be helpful

I think we should continue faxing in addition to the important point you mentioned about meeting senator in person. We have to come up with a plan of meeting senators in person. I can volunteer for that.

The other important thing as you mentioned is asking for allowing filing of I-485 without current priority date, as doing that will not affect the bottom line for the anti-immigration folks and help a lot of people who are in constant fear there labor certification will go to waste if they are laid off. But unfortunately in this very forum I have seen irresponsible and selfish posts saying allowing I-485 should not be allowed. By some convoluted logic people on this very forum are speaking against allowing filing for I-485 saying that will create backlogs in USCIS. That is completely baseless ALLOWING FOR I-485 FILING WILL NOT CREATE ANY BACKLOGS IN USCIS. We have to first fight the people amongst us who make irresponsible statements about I-485 filing before we ask senators or congressmen about this provision.

But in the meanwhile let’s keep up our efforts to keep sending the faxes and calls. If nothing else we would have made our voices felt across the offices of senators and congressmen.

Hopeful_123 said:
Sorry to say this and not meaning to be critical. But I feel the most powerful thing is to have an opportunity to meet the senator or house rep in person to talk to them.

And it may seem like an impossible task but let's say there are 500 of us (I'm sure there are ) & each of us promises to take on one senator or congressman in our area. And each of promises to find osme way to get an interview with them And we talk to them.

Then we are no longer nameless, faceless entities but people with lives that contribute to the economy. And they will think about us when issues like this come up.

Some of the provisions we are asking for ARE harmless.

1) Recapture of Visa (this is a 1 time thing)
2) Allowing filing of I-485 without current priority date. (this will not take away jobs from Americans but make our lives easier)

I think we need to focus on these two getting passed (because both of them are win-win) - and especially the 2nd one (allowing I 485 is probably one of those provisions that can just slip through without raising a big hue & cry in some bill).

WE need to rally together for the next stage of this. I hope it will not be required because I'm an optimist. But I'm also a realist.
I fully agree - this group should not disperse - no matter what happens

Do you all know something? I was sitting passive & helpless - feeling that I have no control over my destiny in this country. But now I feel that I can do SOMETHING. I can work with people like you to educate our senators & congressmen.

This is a very bright, talented, and motivated group of individuals. We HAVE to stick together - we should not disperse.

Right now - I've sent all the faxes & made phone calls & sent emails & left voice messages. I will do more if I can, but I'm tired & stressed with all of this. I'm going to wait and see.

For the next stage I feel we should focus on a single thing: THE RIGHT TO FILE FOR I-485 WITHOUT A PRIORITY DATE.

This is HUGE because

1) It gives the benefits of the EAD and Advance Parole. (not just to the primary applicant but also to the spouse).

2) It is a win-win. (American jobs will not be taken away - what will happen though is that some of us will not have to be stuck for years with the same employer and will have some flexibility to move around & grow. (and spouses can work). BTW - I am a woman (just wanted to clarify) :0)

3) It can be made to sound innocuous enough (e.g. slip it into some revision of the memorandum, etc) without causing a lot of contreversy.

Once that happens - we can agitate for other things. But this will give us the majority of the benefit. And I feel that we CAN get it. Even someone like LAMAR SMITH will not vehemently oppose something like this since it is not that major for them (it will CHANGE all of our lives)
As far as my understanding the house people are the one where we need to focus on, from now onwards , senator's are usually good people who have good insight of the subject , it appears that house of representatives are dead against immigration , they say one thing over the phone and who knows what they do inside those close door's conferences , we must mobalise all of our energy to contain these guys, it will be immposible to completely their views on immigration , but we should contain them.

I'am very pleased with the momentum showed by our group .
Let's keep it up and we will be able to break this NUT.

S. 1932 Information is Still Unofficial

Latest from immigration-law

12/17/2005: S. 1932 Information is Still Unofficial and Immigrant Community May Continue their Efforts

The sources of this information is fairly reliable but not official. We did not post the information to discourage the immigrant community from continuing their efforts. We will find out the official decision of the Congress very soon and until it becomes official, people should continue their efforts. As this reporter stated, Rep. Sensenbrenner and Rep. Lamar Smith are fairly well known anti-immigrationists. Even before the House passed S. 1931, Rep. Lamar Smith was advocating his view that S. 1932 immigration bills should be handled as part of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation next year. However, Rep. Smith is a legislator who is unpredictable as illustrated by his sponsorship of H-1B Visa Reform Act of 2005 providing 20,000 additional H-1B numbers for the U.S. Master or higher degree earners. He stands strongly against legalization of the illegal immigrants but supports reluctantly legal immigration bills. This reporter urges the community to send "en masse" thank-you fax to him for his previous legislation of H-1B Visa Reform Act of 2005 and ask him to show a similar support in the S. 1932.
can we focus on tomorrow ?

iam just giving ideas ..........

1) can we meet all of the representatives tomorrow and who can do this ?
2) can we put this issue in media tomorrow ? how and who will do this ?
3) anything else ?
12/17/2005: S. 1932 Information is Still Unofficial and Immigrant Community May Continue their Efforts

The sources of this information is fairly reliable but not official. We did not post the information to discourage the immigrant community from continuing their efforts. We will find out the official decision of the Congress very soon and until it becomes official, people should continue their efforts.
As this reporter stated, Rep. Sensenbrenner and Rep. Lamar Smith are fairly well known anti-immigrationists. Even before the House passed S. 1931, Rep. Lamar Smith was advocating his view that S. 1932 immigration bills should be handled as part of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation next year. However, Rep. Smith is a legislator who is unpredictable as illustrated by his sponsorship of H-1B Visa Reform Act of 2005 providing 20,000 additional H-1B numbers for the U.S. Master or higher degree earners. He stands strongly against legalization of the illegal immigrants but supports reluctantly legal immigration bills. This reporter urges the community to send "en masse" thank-you fax to him for his previous legislation of H-1B Visa Reform Act of 2005 and ask him to show a similar support in the S. 1932.
Calling people from DC!!!!

Since everyone is in Washington DC - people from DC are the only people who can meet the senators or reps by tomorrow.

Is there anyone from DC reading this forum right now?

If you can somehow find a way to meet anyone from the conference committee & you can ASK for something (even if it is jsut the I-485 filing) it will be very valuable.
sukhish said:
As far as my understanding the house people are the one where we need to focus on, from now onwards , senator's are usually good people who have good insight of the subject , it appears that house of representatives are dead against immigration , they say one thing over the phone and who knows what they do inside those close door's conferences , we must mobalise all of our energy to contain these guys, it will be immposible to completely their views on immigration , but we should contain them.

I'am very pleased with the momentum showed by our group .
Let's keep it up and we will be able to break this NUT.


If you have been following the whole issue it will be amply clear to you that the anti immigration Caucus led by Tom Tancredo R-CO is the group most likelye threatening the Republican party that they will not let the bill pass when it comes to the house back from the conference committee if it has immigration releif provisions in it. I dont think we can change the mindset of these people, however we could work with the Democrats and undecideds, to get enough votes to topple Tancredos group. I think this is the best bet, may not work now, but from now on.

And I am very positive about forming a group and organizing and generating money and lobbying efforts to further our cause.

People who were in this forum should meet at a group or another thread and stay active and informed and not lose te unity and energy generated here. I think we should make the new group or link in a couple of days and go register there.