S. 1932 Status


I apologize, should have looked at spreadsheet posted by pdakwala closely.

Here is the content of the email I received from the House Speaker's office. As per this there are three congressman who would vote for on this in Conference Committee for provision VIII in S1932. Also, House Speaker's office did confirmed that one meeting of the conference committee did happen last night. They are still working on the final outcome of it and will post it on the website by tonight :-

The Speaker appointed conferees - from the Committee on Ways and Means for consideration of secs. 6039, 6071, and subtitle B of title VI of the Senate bill and title VIII of the House amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Thomas, Herger, and Rangel.

The Speaker appointed conferees - from the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure for consideration of title V and Division A of the Senate bill and title VII of the House amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Young (AK), LoBiondo, and Oberstar.

The Speaker appointed conferees - from the Committee on Resources for consideration of title IV of the Senate bill and title VI of the House amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Pombo, Gibbons, and Rahall.

The Speaker appointed conferees - from the Committee on the Judiciary for consideration of title VIII of the Senate bill and title V of the House amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Sensenbrenner, Smith (TX), and Conyers.

The Speaker appointed conferees Provided that Mr. Ney is appointed in lieu of Mr. Bachus for consideration of subtitles C and D of title II of the Senate bill and subtitle B of title IV of the House amendment.

The Speaker appointed conferees - from the Committee on Energy and Commerce for consideration of title III and title VI of the Senate bill and title III of the House amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Barton (TX), Deal (GA), and Dingell.

The Speaker appointed conferees - from the Committee on Financial Services for consideration of title II of the Senate bill and title IV of the House amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Oxley, Bachus, and Frank (MA).

The Speaker appointed conferees - from the Committee on Education and the Workforce for consideration of title VII of the Senate bill and title II and subtitle C of title III of the House amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Boehner, McKeon, and Miller, George.

The Speaker appointed conferees - from the Committee on Agriculture for consideration of title I of the Senate bill and title I of the House amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Goodlatte, Lucas, and Peterson (MN).

The Speaker appointed conferees for consideration of the Senate bill, and the House amendment thereto, and modifications committed to conference: Nussle, Ryun (KS), Crenshaw, Putnam, Wicker, Hulshof, Ryan (WI), Blunt, DeLay, Spratt, Moore (KS), Neal (MA), DeLauro, Edwards, and Ford.
I talked to Andrew Crenshaw office

THe guy was polite but continued to insist that I talk to my Congressman only .Try to get the zip code before calling him . I told him I am FL just like him . But he says he does not represent me .Anyway he said he will pass the info to them .
pdakwala said:
Here is the list of key players who will play major role in deciding on the immigration provision on the final conference report for deficit reduction bill.

Senator Patrick J. Leahy (D- VT) 202-224-4242 12022243479 senator_leahy@leahy.senate.gov
Senator Arlen Specter (R- PA) 202-224-4254 12022281229 http://specter.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactInfo.Home
Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D- MA) 202-224-4543 12022242417 http://kennedy.senate.gov/contact.html
Senator Charles E. Grassley (R- IA) 202-224-3744 12022246020 http://grassley.senate.gov/webform.htm

F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R - 05) 202-225-5101 12022253190 sensenbrenner@mail.house.gov
Lamar S. Smith (R - 21) 202-225-4236 12022258628 http://lamarsmith.house.gov/contact.asp
John Conyers, Jr. (D - 14) 202-225-5126 12022250072 http://www.house.gov/conyers/letstalk.htm
Jim Nussle, IA, Chairman 202-225-2911 15639275087 http://nussle.house.gov/email.htm
Jim Ryun, KS 202-225-6601 12022257986 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Ander Crenshaw, FL 202-225-2501 12022252504 http://crenshaw.house.gov/crenshaw-web/servlet/proc?pa=customForm&sa=showEmailForm
Adam H. Putnam, FL 202-225-1252 12022260585 http://www.house.gov/putnam/pages/contact.html
Roger F. Wicker, MS 202-225-4306 12022253549 http://www.house.gov/wicker/Message.htm
Kenny C. Hulshof, MO 202-225-2956 12022255712 http://hulshof.house.gov/Contact.aspx
Paul Ryan, WI 202-225-3031 12022253393 http://www.house.gov/ryan/email.htm
Roy Blunt (R - MO) 202-225-6536 12022255604 http://www.blunt.house.gov/Contact.aspx
Tom DeLay (R - 22) 202-225-5951 12022255241 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
John M. Spratt, Jr. (D - 05) 202-225-5501 12022250464 http://www.house.gov/spratt/email_john.shtml
Dennis Moore (D - 03) 202-225-2865 12022252807 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Richard E. Neal (D - 02) 202-225-5601 12022258112 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Rosa L. DeLauro (D - 03) 202-225-3661 12022254890 http://www.house.gov/delauro/IMA/issue.htm
Edward R. Royce (R - 40) 202-225-4111 12022260335 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Harold E. Ford, Jr. (D - 09) 202-225-3265 12022255663 rep.harold.ford.jr@mail.house.gov
Just now called Jim Ryun's office - he said that they can help only after it gets out of the conference committee and comes onto the floor. Still he took down my message.
Called Sensenbrener (no answer), left VM for Lamar Smith, Spoke to Paul Ryan's Sec and gave my address/Tel, and spoke to Conyer's Sec.
My House progress report

Sensenbrenner: no VM, no staffer :confused:
Smith: left VM
Conyers: talked to staffer she will pass message on

Nussle: Staffer will pass message on, has received tons of calls Re: 8001
Ryun: staffer listened carefully, will pass on
Crenshaw: Staffer guessed that I was calling re: 8001, will pass on
Putnam: only serves FL, told me to talk to my Rep
Wicker: listened carefully, will pass on
Hulshof: told me to call my Rep
Ryan: very polite, will pass on
Blunt: Staffer very familiar with this issue, will pass on
DeLay: Staffer listened, will pass on
Spratt: Staffer said to call Republicans since they hold the whip hand
Royce: listened carefully, will pass on

Have to talk to the 3/4 Democrats left, and I will be done.

Here's to hoping everything ends well.
Are they going off the house version or the senate version?

The news below seems to indicate that they are going off the House version (which is a bit of a disappointment)

I've been following this thread for a long time & also trying to call, email, and fax people. If this goes through - I thank all of you for organizing this effort. If it doesn't, I will join even more strongly for the next round of fighting.

Before closing the meeting, the House floor passed the following Spratt motions for instructions to the House conferees which they had just appointed before the end of the meeting: To the maximum extent possible within the scope of the conference, the managers on the part of the House at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the House amendment to the bill S. 1932 be instructed to recede to the Senate by eliminating House provisions reducing eligibility for food stamps (sections 1601 and 1603 of the House amendment), and reducing funding for child support enforcement (sections 8319 and 8320 of the House amendment), and repealing the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset (the ``Byrd Amendment'' (section 8701 of the House amendment)) and modifying the Mining Law of 1872 (sections 6201 through 6207 of the House amendment); such managers be instructed to recede to the Senate by eliminating the sections of the House amendment that reduce Medicaid benefits and allow increases in beneficiary costs (sections 3111, 3112, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3121, 3122, 3123, 3124, 3125, 3134, and 3147 of the House amendment) and by reducing to the maximum extent possible increases in interest rates and fees paid by student and parent borrowers on student loans contained in sections 2115, 2116, and 2117 of the House amendment, and by adopting the Senate provisions concerning Pell grants (sections 7101 and 7102 of S. 1932); and such managers be instructed to recede to the Senate by adopting the Senate provision eliminating the stabilization fund that makes payments to Medicare Advantage Regional Plans (section 6112 of S. 1932), adopting the Senate provision on Medicare Advantage risk adjustment (section 6111 of S. 1932), and adopting the Senate provision on Medicare physician payments (section 6105 of S. 1932).
The meeting adjourned close to the mid-night. There is no information available about current activities of the Conference Committee this morning. Please stay tuned.
As was true with the Senate conferee instructions, the House instructions mean that the conferees need to follow the instructions in the negotiation with the Senate conferees
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visa numbers for dependents

please pardon me if I am out of sync. with the happenings.

Does excluding dependents for visa numbers is still considered or dropped?

Hopeful_123 said:
The news below seems to indicate that they are going off the House version (which is a bit of a disappointment)

That is still fine. Until otherwise the house says 8001 sud not be included we are fine as the sections not mentioned will be discussed by the Conference committee.
any way to obtain the instructions (although I know they are non-binding) given to the house conferees on this bill?
oh's website says the following; but if there is a way to confirm from another source and whether any specific instructions were given regarding the relevent sections of importance to us.
Hopeful_123 said:
Before closing the meeting, the House floor passed the following Spratt motions for instructions to the House conferees which they had just appointed before the end of the meeting: To the maximum extent possible within the scope of the conference, the managers on the part of the House at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the House amendment to the bill S. 1932 be instructed to recede to the Senate by eliminating House provisions reducing eligibility for food stamps (sections 1601 and 1603 of the House amendment), and reducing funding for child support enforcement (sections 8319 and 8320 of the House amendment), and repealing the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset (the ``Byrd Amendment'' (section 8701 of the House amendment)) and modifying the Mining Law of 1872 (sections 6201 through 6207 of the House amendment); such managers be instructed to recede to the Senate by eliminating the sections of the House amendment that reduce Medicaid benefits and allow increases in beneficiary costs (sections 3111, 3112, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3121, 3122, 3123, 3124, 3125, 3134, and 3147 of the House amendment) and by reducing to the maximum extent possible increases in interest rates and fees paid by student and parent borrowers on student loans contained in sections 2115, 2116, and 2117 of the House amendment, and by adopting the Senate provisions concerning Pell grants (sections 7101 and 7102 of S. 1932); and such managers be instructed to recede to the Senate by adopting the Senate provision eliminating the stabilization fund that makes payments to Medicare Advantage Regional Plans (section 6112 of S. 1932), adopting the Senate provision on Medicare Advantage risk adjustment (section 6111 of S. 1932), and adopting the Senate provision on Medicare physician payments (section 6105 of S. 1932).
The meeting adjourned close to the mid-night. There is no information available about current activities of the Conference Committee this morning. Please stay tuned.
As was true with the Senate conferee instructions, the House instructions mean that the conferees need to follow the instructions in the negotiation with the Senate conferees
As far as I know, there were no instructions on 8001. The instructions only covered major controversies such as Medicare, Medicaid, Student Loans, Child Support and Food Stamps.

tusharvk said:
any way to obtain the instructions (although I know they are non-binding) given to the house conferees on this bill?
oh's website says the following; but if there is a way to confirm from another source and whether any specific instructions were given regarding the relevent sections of importance to us.
who is project lead?

may i know who is (are) project lead for this 8001 section.,
so i can stress on him/her/them ??
this is best movement among h1 people with united.
keep it up...
Awesome pdakwala, stucklabor, waldenpond...

your enthusiasm and energy is great...keep it coming...flash your inputs over to techworkers1 too...it has 27k members...I know Sandeeps doing a good job, I will do the same too...
Tell your friends

For those of us who have been calling and faxing all day long, I suggest we shift our focus to inviting our friends and family to this effort. The more people we have the better it would be for the cause.

Lets sustain the momentum..

Bad news?

12/18/2005: Both Houses May Pass S. 1932 Without Immigration Packet Today

Unconfirmed sources indicate that in order to pass the negotiated S. 1932 in the House that has adamantly opposed the immigration bill as part of the budget reconciliation bill, the House leadership has reportedly negotiated and agreed to take out the immigration packet from the S. 1932, and both the House and the Senate may pass the finally negotiated S. 1932 bill today. Please stay tuned